Learn how to do a TRX Tricep Extension to build strong and defined arms!
In this post, we’ll look at two powerful exercise variations to master the TRX Tricep Extension.
Whether you’re new to suspension training or looking to refine your tricep exercise form…
This will help you maximise your tricep muscle gains and achieve greater arm definition.
What You’ll Learn
- How to do a TRX Tricep Extension with ‘Muscle-Centric technique’ and effective exercise form.
- Two effective variations to target different areas of the triceps.
- Tips to enhance your suspension training arms routine for better results.
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TRX suspension training is a game-changer when it comes to bodyweight exercises, and the TRX Tricep Extension is no exception.
TRX Tricep Extension Technique
The reason there are two types of TRX tricep extension is because the tricep muscle has three heads.
By working different angles using different positions of your wrist…
You can target different parts of the tricep muscles.
The key focus of these exercises is to stretch the triceps at the bottom.
You really want to like a nice big stretch stretch and back up to a nice contraction at the top.
Some people have different ranges of motion, we are all built differently.
So go down to where you can to achieve that stretch.
Then push up to where you can.
Your range of motion might just be a little bit shorter.
And that’s totally cool.
The main principle is to keep tension on the muscle and then work on increasing your range of motion…
As you get better and more confident with the exercise.
- 00:00 Introduction to the TRX technique and execution
- 00:19 TRX strap length
- 00:24 How to do a TRX tricep extension: Variation 1
- 01:51 How to do a TRX tricep extension: Variation 2
- 02:41 TRX tricep extension advanced variation (bigger ROM)
- 03:26 Reps and sets to for TRX Tricep extensions
Add this TRX tricep extension exercise to your workout regimen to build stronger, more defined arms.
Building Stronger Arms,
Coach Adam
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