The story behind TRX Traveller & Fitness Freedom

From Adam, TRX Traveller
RE: Transform your body with a TRX at home

Dear friend

Hey, my name is Adam (The TRX Traveller) and I’m here today because I want to tell you about something I call ‘Gaining Fitness Freedom.’

It ignited my passion to create The Fitness Freedom TRX Suspension Training Systems and Programs to teach you how to transform your body and mind with just a TRX.

But rather than give you a bragging sales pitch, I want to tell you the backstory about how they were created…

They are NOT something that I just made up one day, and hoped they would work…

I’ve spent the last 7+ years using only a TRX & Resistance Band to discover…

..‘The Effective Technique’ that will visibly transform your body.

This is what happened…

Can you gain muscle with a TRX? My painful process to achieve just that

I could feel my anxiety, frustration, and dread rapidly start to rise as I walked from the entrance to the changing room…

I hated the busy, toxic culture and was sick of exhausting myself for very little return.

But what could I do???

I HAD TO use a gym to try and transform my body and ultimately… feel myself.

There was NO other way.

Sound familiar?

I’ve always had an unquenchable thirst for researching, documenting, and applying my knowledge in the world of fitness and nutrition… understand THE technique that works.

But, there was a time when that was a blessing and a curse

You see, I’d dreamed of backpacking the world, experiencing other cultures, and hiking mountains.

Crowded gym

But, I developed an unhealthy psychological reliance on gyms…

I believed I had to be in or near one at all times.

This led to a whole host of confining beliefs, such as:

“I can’t travel anywhere that doesn’t have a gym”


“I can’t be away from a gym for more than a few days”

Quite limiting thoughts, right?

Crowded gym

The thing is, after years and years of using a gym

I absolutely hated it!!!!

TRX Traveller Program Review

I didn’t enjoy the atmosphere and I was always externally focused comparing myself to others.

It had a negative impact on my mental well-being.

On top of that was the TIME it took up in the day.

AND the cost of it all…

I paid $90 a month for a gym in London for 8 years. That’s $8,640!!!

I also began to realise a lot of clients I trained in a gym had the same frustrations…

They felt they HAD TO USE a gym or weights, there was no other way!


I was never happy with my physique, and always tried to lift heavier than I could for ‘gym ego’.

Yep, that’s me. No, I did not lift it from the ground & look at that face!

Injuries were common!!

I’d jump from nutrition plan to nutrition plan.

Binging and restricting.

Trying to gain muscle…

..then ‘MUST lose fat’ restriction mentality.

I’d go from different exercise or workout fads constantly.

Eventually, it would all lead to a burnout and crash.

UNTIL… My willpower returned and then I’d go at it again EVEN HARDER

Thinking I needed to do more round and round I’d go.

I has some success.

But ultimately, workouts and gym life left me frustrated, not elated.

I felt trapped, confined, and limited.

Then something happened that would change everything…

Finally, one day back in London in 2016,

after all the gym frustrations had taken their toll…

I upped and left London to backpack South America with nothing but a…

..TRX suspension trainer…

and a strong resounding will to maintain, if not improve my overall fitness.

TRX Traveller fitness freedom
TRX Traveller adam atkinson

That’s me at Rainbow Mountain, Peru 5,000m high

..and at Villarica Volcano, Chile

At first, I thought the TRX was the answer to all my problems. It seemed like an awesome tool!

I TRX’d on beaches, building sites, boats, rooftops…

But after messing around with it for a while I didn’t really see or feel much results.

No matter how much I searched I quickly realised…

..that no one was teaching people how to use a TRX to…

ACTUALLY build lean muscle and visibly transform your body.

Sure there were lots of Apps & YouTube videos but they just focused on ‘movement-centric exercise’

..which is only good for working up a bit of a sweat.

I wanted to totally change my physique!

Culture has us believing we can ONLY do that with weights in a gym…

So I began obsessively and passionately FAILING, studying, and testing 10X over… pursuit of understanding THE Technique that works…

Crowded gym

..And that was when I started applying the Muscle-Centric Technique to all of my TRX workouts.


Press play!

After a few months… I felt in the best shape of my life, physically and mentally!

It sounds cliche but it’s true!

I spent the next 7 years mastering this muscle-centric technique…

..using only a TRX and occasionally a resistance band.

No weights.

NO gym.

I combined it with relentlessly focusing on the…

..mind-muscle connection!

And transformed my workouts into a form of meditation.

Not only did my physique continue to transform from developing visible lean muscle mass and functional strength…

Crowded gym

..but, I noticed my social anxiety and procrastinations began to reduce from internalising my focus in every workout.

My day-to-day life seemed to level up with friends,


and business.

I felt more confident, grounded, focused, and calm.

When my mind connected with my body in harmony and in my own space…

the results were incredible!

What’s more, they were exponential!

Taking fitness into my own hands and thriving like this felt so free, it felt like…

Fitness Freedom!

It became my mission to understand & perfect…

‘The TRX Suspension Training & Resistance Band Technique’

…that WORKS!

I call it…

TRX Traveller

The Mindful Muscle-Centric TRX Technique.

My mental-well-being and fitness results have positively exploded since constantly seeking to master and apply it.

I take this Technique and my:

Previous Personal Training knowledge from 10+ years in a gym

Endless research of science-based fitness and health & nutrition literature

Teachings & courses with mentors and inspirational peers within the bodybuilding world

Combined with my own successful experience and results with:

Developing effective TRX Workout Plans

Evergreen lean muscle building and fat loss nutrition frameworks

Unlocking the mindset for better mental well-being and fitness results

..and mold it all into the…

“The Fitness Freedom Systems & Programs”

TRX Traveller

I created the Programs because I love helping people gain fitness freedom.

I love teaching people how to get results without a busy ‘bro culture’ gym…

being reliant, confined… and mindlessly ‘just moving’…

..with the feeling of ‘I HAVE’ to workout – just like I was….

That’s Fitness Freedom!

It’s my purpose in life.

I’ve put thousands of hours into creating what I know is effective teaching and programming.

More importantly – it’s enjoyable!

“The Solution To Finally Transform Your Body With Just A Suspenion Trainer At Home!”

If you want to learn how to use a TRX suspension trainer (and resistance band) to:

build lean muscle

lose unwanted fat and weight

transform your physique

enhance your mental well-being

…and ultimately, life!…

So you never need to rely on a gym, weights, PT, or the latest yoyo diet craze ever again!…

Taking fitness into your owns hands and thriving!…

Then my Fitness Freedom Programs are the answer you’ve been looking for.

TRX Traveller

They’ve helped thousands of people all over the world just like you…

..achieve the body and positive mental well-being you want

..using just a TRX or band at home!

(No experience required!)

Gain Fitness Freedom!

Don’t just take my word for it… Take a look at this:


“Your Programs have become way more than vanity… a solid foundation of well-being, confidence and physical strength to be a better version of myself…”


TRX Traveller

“It’s like I’ve stumbled upon this holy grail and tell every person in my life about it now. Adam completely changes the way you think about workouts and as long as you are open to it then you will see amazing results.”


“Better than free weights!”

TRX Traveller


“Understanding Fitness Freedom!”

TRX Traveller


“Unreal body changes!”

TRX Traveller
TRX Traveller

TRX Fitness Freedom Timeline
(so far)

2002 – 2015

In the gym, studying and teaching


TRX’ing and backpacking across Central and South America. Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Patagonia, Argentina, Brazil


TRX’ing and trekking in The Himalayas of North India and Nepal. North Indian Himalayas trekking, Delhi, Jaipur, Pushkar, Katmandu, ABC Annapurna trek, Pokhara, Chitwan.

2018 – 2019

TRX’ing and nomad living in Mexico, Cuba, Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Argentina


TRX’ing and nomad living in Argentina, Thailand, Bali, Australia


Fitness Freedom Athletes Community was born!
Teaching people how to transform their body with suspension training (or resistance band) anywhere. To Gain Fitness Freedom

Here’s to your Fitness Freedom!

Adam, TRX Traveller

Connect with me below for lots of free content on how to transform your body and mind with TRX suspension training:

How To Use Your TRX Suspension Training Workouts To Aid Procrastination & Anxious Thoughts

I’m A One-Man Band Business!

That’s right it’s just me! I love what I do and absolutely love the Fitness Freedom Athletes community…

I get the pleasure of helping to change clients’ lives within the community on a daily basis and I have enormous gratitude and endless energy for it.

So, if you do decide to grab a Program and join the Fitness Freedom Athletes Platform and Community… you won’t be dealing with any call centres, bots, or assistants…

I’ll personally be helping and supporting you in every way I can!

Drop me an email anytime if you’re unsure about your fitness journey, I’d be happy to offer advice –

Here’s to your Fitness Freedom!

Adam, TRX Traveller

The boring but necessary disclaimer: Adam Atkinson Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes is not a doctor or registered dietitian. The contents of this website and it's Programs should not be taken as medical advice. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor are they intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health. Use of the information in this website and Programs is strictly at your own risk. Adam Atkinson will not assume any liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages that may result including, but not limited to, economic loss, injury, illness or death. All documents included or exchanged between Adam Atkinson and the Client are the intellectual property of Adam Atkinson and Fitness Freedom Athletes and are not to be copied, sold, published, posted, or redistributed either in part or in full without Adam Atkinson's written consent. All violations will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.   |    Copyright © 2024 Fitness Freedom Athletes - All Rights Reserved