TRX Traveller fitness freedom athletes

Attention: If you struggle to build noticeable amounts of muscle….

How To Eat To Gain 2, 3, Even 4Lbs Of Lean Muscle Mass Every 8-Weeks WITHOUT Gaining Fat!

This Little-Known Muscle-Building NUTRITION METHOD Helps You Stimulate Large Muscle Growth Spurts On Repeat... And Eat More Without Gaining Fat.

Muscle Maximisation Method

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Adam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom AthletesAdam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom Athletes

From the desk of:
Coach Adam
Founder, Fitness Freedom Athletes

Adam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom AthletesAdam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom Athletes

RE: How To Eat To Create Continous Muscle Growth Spurts...

Dear friend,

If you're struggling to build muscle consistently, I want you to listen to me very closely...

Becuase I'm about to reveal to you the fastest, most efficient way, to create growth spurts of muscle.

So you can add muscular definition to your whole body (even your weak areas)...

Increase your strength ...

and enjoy the body confidence that comes with having a muscular frame that turns heads.

But first, a quick confession:

I Know How Frustrated You Are Right Now...

It's true.

Even though I'm a professional fitness coach, with thousands of clients worldwide, and a private 1-1 body transformation coaching Program that costs ££££'s...

I struggled to build muscle.

For years I followed the conventional 'bulking method' that all the 'gurus' teach you.

"You must eat tuns of food to grow muscle and train as much as possible"

...was the mantra I listened to.


Here's What It Lead To...

I ‘bulked’ to the point that my face was round with fat...

I ate so much that every day I felt lethargic and lacked energy...

I destroyed my mental focus with constant brain fog...

I'd be 100% motivated one minute.

Then fed up and burned out the next when my only results were a 'bulky look' due to fat gain.

And round and round I'd go.

All these 'fitness influencers' made muscle building seem easy whilst also staying lean...

"Lean bulking bro!!"


All those years spent...

Thinking if I just keep going and try again I'll eventually grow muscle and look lean...

Suffering lethargy and a sluggish brain...

And a panic every time I needed to take my top off because I had such low body confidence...


I needed to seek out mentorship beyond what the average PT gets taught. Or what the so-called ‘fitness gurus’ say online.

So, I invested in coaching with one of the world’s top international body-builders.

I was nervous because it cost ££££’s and I had no intention of becoming a bodybuilder or being in that 'meat head world'…

But That’s When Something Happened That Would Change Everything!

My mentor asked me:

"Adam, what do you think is the biggest factor that causes muscle growth?"

Puffing my chest out, I replied:

"Working out for hours, multiple times a week"

(Trying to sound like a fitness warrior)

He replied - No.

"It's insulin"

Mic drop. My mind was blown.


You'll know I talk about optimising your insulin sensitivity a lot. To maximise results.

Well, this little story was my first ever introduction to it. Which revolutionised my results and coaching

Insulin Is The Most Powerful Growth Hormone There Is

But, here's your problem...

The Problem Is, That Having Insulin Is One Thing...

But how effectively your body uses it, is another.

Carbs cause insulin to be released.

When you eat a lot (bulk) to build muscle, you eat a lot of carbs...

So, you get a lot of insulin released into the body...

Sounds great right! Lots of muscle building.


The more insulin released into your body, the more your body becomes resistance to it.

Your cells become insulin resistant. And when insulin sensitivity drops, fat gain is inevitable.

This is because your body dumps the food you're eating into fat cells.

Not muscle cells.

Fat cells don't suffer from insulin resistance.

If your muscle cells can't get the nutrition from the food you're eating, guess what happens?

Your muscles don't repair and grow.

Instead you gain more fat.

Gaining more fat then produces 2 more problems...


Leptin is a hormone that suppresses appetite.

Leptin is produced when your fat cells have been exposed to fats or insulin for a long period of time.

It kills your appetite making it harder to consume excess calories.

This can lead toyou eating junk food just to get calories in.

This creates a massively acidic body, which slows recovery and promotes injury.

BONUS PROBLEM #2 - Estrogen

Increased fat gain from constant overeating leads to increased aromatisation of testosterone to estrogen.

It means testosterone is converted into estrogen. Estrogen is a fat storing hormone.

Fat cells produce the enzymes that do this.

It’s a vicious cycle...

More fat, means more enzymes released that turn testosterone into estrogen.

For men, a lack of testosterone makes it a lot harder to build muscle, if not almost impossible.

For females, more estrogen being produced by more fat cells, will inevitably lead to gaining fat easier and quicker.

You can see that with just these 3 problems - insulin resistance, leptin, estrogen...

Large And Long Term Bulking Is Not Effective

It disrupts key hormones in the body and shuts your body down.

This is why you're struggling to gain muscle and instead, gain lots of fat

Which means you then need to diet down.

And ultimately you end up being back to the same place you were many months later...

With very little muscle, if any, to show for it.

And you body confidence remains low because you still haven't got that head turning physique.

Introducing... Carb-Cycling!

Carb cycling is the answer.

Carb cycling allows you to create growth spurts of muscle.

But reset your body before it's effected by insulin resistance, leptin, and estrogen.

Think about it...

We cycle our workouts and vary them using intensity, exercises, volume, duration. Because it creates better results.

It stops the body becoming used to the same thing.

Cycling nutrition is the same.

In Order To Get Great Results...

You must cycle your carb in-take to trigger growth spurts of muscle when your insulin sensitivity is at it's best.

And then reset and prime your body for the next round as your insulin sensitivity reduces.

Carb cycling will allow you to gain quality muscle mass.

But stop and reset your body before it begins to use the extra calories badly due to insulin resistance.

Which causes fat gain, lethargy, and brain fog.

I Built More Muscle Using Carb-Cycling With TRX & Resistance Band Workouts In 2 Years... Than I Did In 10 Years Using Weights In A Gym!

With carb cycling you will create a constant cycle of muscle growth spurts.

Muscle Maximisation Method

And build muscle mass on repeat without gaining fat or destroying your body.

And get that head turning muscular body you want

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How Use Insulin Spikes To Build Muscle And Lose Fat With Your TRX Suspension Trainer Workouts

Why Most Muscle-Building Plans You’ve Tried Failed You In The Past…

The Sad Reality Of The Fitness World These Days

Is that people aren’t in it for the passion. Or to truly help people get the results they dream of, they are in it to make a quick buck.

That’s why they focus on surface level ‘solutions’:

  • “99 Muscle Building Recipes guaranteed to build mass”
  • “Ultimate muscle building workouts”
  • “15 eggs a day to build muscle blueprint”
  • “Take creatine daily – ultimate supps guide to mass”
  • “Bulk up nutrition guide”

Becuase they’re quick and easy to replicate.

If you keep trying all those ‘fads and clickbait solutions’, you’re going to waste so much time and energy.

Becuase they aren’t addressing the foundational solution.

It’s Kinda Like Building Your Dream House But Laying Weak Foundations.

It may look good on the surface for a little while, but eventually, it will crumble.

That’s why you end up on this endless rollercoaster of up and down success for years.

With nothing ever lasting long term.

I want you to avoid all that and get on a Program designed to focus on laying good foundations.

So You Can Build Muscle That Lasts

Carb-cycling to keep your insulin sensitivity primed, is that foundation.

It is the solution to building muscle long term, without fat gain…

And That’s Why I Created…

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Muscle Maximisation Method

Muscle Maximisation Method

“I’ll Teach You How To Optimise Your Nutrition To Create Growth Spurts Of Muscle & Gain 2, 3, Even 4Lbs of Lean Mass Every 8-Weeks On Repeat”

(Even works alongside any workout Program you’re currently following)

The muscle maximisation method tells you exactly when to switch from RESET to GROWTH Phase and back again - So you never have to wonder if you are growing muscle as fast — or faster — than your genetic limit.

Prime your body to create the perfect environment for muscle growth - quickly and repeatedly add POUNDS of muscle to your frame WITHOUT putting on the fat or suffering the dreaded anabolic slowdown of traditional bulking.

With the “done-for-you” formula - Your extreme insulin sensitivity will literally push the critical carbohydrates and amino acids into your muscle cells for growth. Which means you’ll enjoy increased nutrient uptake by lean muscle tissue, and minimal calories stored as fat.

Nutrient timing and training - so you can re-stimulate your growth hormones again, priming you for growth in your each muscle building growth phase.

No plodding along in the middle neither losing fat or gaining muscle - With the Muscle Maximisation method, You are either charging forward to build muscle, or resetting your body to shed fat and prime for the next muscle building phase. And I tell you exactly when to switch back and forth... You can literally decide how much muscle you want to gain without the fat.

You never have to wonder if you’re building muscle again - all you have to do is follow the the two done-for-you phases (growth and reset) and you are guaranteed to build muscle beyond what you thought was your genetic limit.

Muscle Maximisation Method

Plus when you get the Program today you’ll get access to these SPECIAL BONUSES at no extra cost...

To make your transformation even FASTER, EASIER, and WAY BEYOND what you were expecting…


The Suspension Trainer Arms Sculptor Program -Build Strong & Sculpted Arms In Just 8-Weeks With A Suspension Trainer! There's a reason I'm known online as the TRX Traveller. This is my best Program to sculpt your arms, so they look lean and defined. Even at rest.

Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint - Once achieve incredible muscle gain results. You might want to stop nutrition cycling and just maintain your muscular body.  I've got you covered. This Program will teach you how to easily live in 'maintenance mode' and remain lean for life.

Do you see...

With me as your coach...

Finally building building muscle to achieve the head-turning body you want is totally achievable...

What People Are Saying About Fitness Freedom Athletes…


“feel stronger and get compliments on my physique”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller


“Thanks for the awesome Programs!”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller
Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller


“Everything feels more resilient and reliable… defined and toned”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller
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Start Maximising Your Muscle Building Potential Today!

If You Want To:

Build muscle mass fast…

Minimise any fat gain from eating more…

Increase your strength and body definition...

Understand the most effective food choices for maximum muscle gain..

Build as much muscle as your genetic potential will allow…

Then the Muscle Maximisation Method  is your answer!

It's already empowered many people just like you to transform their body.

All from the comfort of their own home.

And the best part?

You don't need any prior experience.

Join The Proven Program To Maximise Your Muscle Building Potential…

Muscle Maximisation Method

Muscle Maximisation Method

Here’s A Breakdown Of Everything You’re Getting Today With This Program…


Fitness Freedom Athletes Lifetime Membership for TRX Workout Programs

Fully Digital Platform: Access EVERYTHING On Your Laptop, Mobile, Or Tablet!

You’ll become a member of the Fitness Freedom Athletes digital platform for life. Where you’ll access all your workouts, training, and resources on any device.

PLUS, any time the Program is upgraded and more member resources added, you’ll get that free too.


TRX Total Body Transformation Program

Exploding Muscle Growth Masterclass

“6 Step-By-Step Videos Will Teach You How To Optimise Your Nutrition To Create Growth Spurts Of Muscle On Repeat”

You will learn:

The bullet proof formula for carb-cycling and how to incorporate it into your lifestyle.

Why insulin is your ultimate growth hormone and how to manipulate it.

KNOW how to create large spurts of muscle growth.

Effective food choices for maximum fat burning and increased daily energy and to detoxify your body.

UNDERSTAND the 3 major reasons why you’ve been stopping yourself from building muscle and how to correct it.

Know how to optimise your hormones for maximum results.

Know your macronutrient (fat, protein, carbs) amounts for maximum transformational results.

How create reset phases to prime your body and reset your cells for maximum muscle growth.

How to explode into growth phases and pack on large amounts of muscle in the first few weeks.

Know when and how to switch phases for consistent growth month to month.

Know exactly what to eat for every meal for every meal throughout the day to build muscle FAST.

Avoid muscle loss and UNDERSTAND how to create metabolic fat burning spikes.

FAQs – Answering common questions that pop-up within the fitness freedom athletes community.


Muscle Maximisation Program

Growth Phase Daily Meals Bootcamp

KNOW exactly when and what to eat for every singe meal…

UNDERSTAND your nutrition upon waking up, before, during, and after a workout, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks to build muscle mass.

KNOW the right macronutrient amounts to eat to maximise your results. Eliminate guesswork and complexity. Easily adjust and match to your lifestyle preferences.


Muscle Maximisation Method

Reset Phase Daily Meals Bootcamp

KNOW exactly the steps you are taking and what you need to eat each day to reset and prime your body READY to step into the growth phase.

FEEL like a new human and re-optimise your hormones. Eliminate fatigue, boost focus, and dramatically increase your energy levels!


Muscle Maximisation Method

Fat Loss Attack Plan

KNOW exactly to cycle from your growth phase to your reset phase and what do each day to finish with a transformed body.

KNOW how to quickly burn a few Lbs of fat FAST (2 week attack) and reset your mental focus. Re-store your body after a period of falling off the rails so you can get back on track.


Muscle Maximisation Method

Quick Start Notes & Printable PDF Guides

Easily print off all your daily meals plan, supplements, and eating schedule. Along with all your step-by-step growth and shred plans to take notes or stick on your wall for reference.

Quick start notes for all teaching elements so you can action fast, or refer back to any guidance quickly.


Metabolic HIIT Workout

Bodyweight Metabolic HIIT Workouts

A variety of tailored 15 minute bodyweight workouts that you can do anywhere. These HIIT workouts are perfect to IGNITE your metabolism, spike fat burning hormones, and to get fit quick during your reset phase.

They’re also perfect to relieve stress, fast!


Fitness Freedom Athletes With Adam TRX Traveller

8 Weeks Of Email Accountability Check-Ins

Activate your weekly accountability and goal setting emails from me at any point. So you can transform your habits, and your body, for life. Which means you’ll stay on track with me giving you a motivational nudge when it’s needed.



Access To Me On Email Support

I’m here for you for any questions or problems and to help you stay on the right path to achieve your fitness goal. The NO.1 thing people say to me is: “thank you for responding so quick”.

I don’t wait around, because I love helping people. So you can rest assured knowing I’m in your corner. Which means you’ve got all the support you need.

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The Results Don't Stop There...

Over 100+ Reviews And Rated…

At This Point, You Need To Be In A Coma…

..not to feel excited about about melting your belly fat and transforming your body with this Program!

And because I want to make sure that when you get this Program, you have EVERYTHING you need to SUCCEED…

Here Are 3 Special Bonuses…

That will make your transformation even FASTER, EASIER, and way beyond anything you were expecting…


TRX Suspension Training Arms Sculptor Program

The Suspension Trainer Arms Sculptor Program (All Levels)

“Build Strong & Sculpted Arms In Just 8-Weeks With A Suspension Trainer”

With this Program you will you build guns! Specific arm exercise combinations based around the scientifically proven ‘strength curve’ method. So you can targets all areas of your bicep and tricep muscles. Which means you’ll develop a sculpted arms shape, even at rest.

Bonus Value $700


Get lean evergreen nutrition blueprint

Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint

"Your Step-by-Step Guide To Optimise Your Nutrition For Living Your Best, Leanest, & Most Energised Self"

Once you've been using the Muscle Maximum Method for a few months, and achieved incredible results. You might want to stop cycling your nutrition and just maintain your muscle.

I've got you covered.

I'll teach you how to live in 'maintenance mode' so you can build lean muscle and also lose fat, but at a slower pace. Which means you don't need to jump from different diet plans and can simplify your life.

7 step-by-step videos will teach you:

Module 1: Elevating your 3 pillars to health and setting the foundation for a sustainable body transformation. Without rebounding or plateauing.

Module 2: Unlocking power and energy from effective food choices. And optimising your insulin levels throughout the day for health. Plus, best foods list (carbs, protein, fat).

Module 3: When to eat carbs and fats throughout the day (body optimisation) to build lean muscle. Without gaining fat - the ‘Evergreen Nutrition Framework’.

Module 4: Calculating and understanding your fat, protein, and carb intake for you fitness goal and lifestyle. Without complexity or it taking over your life.

Module 5: Your daily meals guide - exactly when and what to eat in each meal to gain an athletic, high-energy-healthier body. Best 'no-nonsense' supplements guide.

Module 6: Continued Success - what to monitor, how long, overcoming a big social weekend, and Fasting 101

Module 7: Adapting for different goals - how to lose lots of fat fast. And how to consistently build muscle without plateauing.

Bonus Value $800


Facebook Group

Access To The FFA VIP Support Group

You’ll get access to a wonderful group of supportive and motivating people, on the same journey as you. So you can learn from others, ask questions, and even buddy-up. Which means you’re part of an inspiring little community and won’t feel alone on your fitness journey.

Bonus Value Priceless

That’s A Total Value Of $1500 In FREE BONUSES!

Just for joining the Fat Loss Annihilation Program TODAY!

(But, these bonuses may be gone tomorrow so act now!)

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The Results Don’t Stop There…


“Looking more muscular and fit and feeling great mentally”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller


“Seeing changes in my arms I’ve never seen!”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller


“Literally your Program has changed my life”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller

Are Your Ready To Gain 2, 3, Even 4Lbs Of Lean Muscle Mass Every 8-Weeks On Repeat WITHOUT Gaining Fat?

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Yes! I Want The

Muscle Maximisation Method

Let’s Add Up Everything You’re Getting Instant Access To Today…

Exploding Muscle Growth Masterclass ($400 VALUE)

  • Nutrition Cycling For Accelerated Muscle Growth Deep Dive
  • Optimising The Most Anabolic Hormone (Insulin) Workshop
  • Creating Growth Spurts Solution
  • Food Pairings & Timing For Maximum Results Hack
  • Body & Mind Reset Transformation
  • Smart Food Choices For Healthy Muscle + MORE…

Growth Phase Daily Meals Bootcamp ($99 VALUE)

  • Nutrition Upon Waking, Before, During, & After Workouts (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner,)
  • Exact Fat, Protein, & Carb Amounts To Eat Solution

Reset Phase Daily Meals Bootcamp ($99 VALUE)

Program Welcome Video & How To Perform Guide ($30 VALUE)

Growth Cycle & 14 Days Shred Attack ($50 VALUE)

Quick Start Notes & Printable PDF Guides ($50 VALUE)

Bodyweight Metabolic HIIT Program ($400 VALUE)

8 Weeks Of Email Accountability Check-Ins ($99 VALUE)
Me On Email Support ($199 VALUE)
Lifetime Digital Access ($99 VALUE)

BONUS #1: Arms Sculptor Program ($700 VALUE)

BONUS #2: Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint ($800 VALUE)

BONUS #3: Fitness Freedom Athletes Private Group (Priceless)

Total Value: $3025

Normally: $99

Get Started Today:


- Price in USD. Just One Investment. Lifetime Access -

Muscle Maximisation Method
checkout cards

**Backed by my ‘Love Your Results 100% Money-Back Guarantee’**
Join the Program today and I promise you’ll love your experience and results… or I give you a full refund. No questions asked. I make this guarantee because I want you to know this Program is the real deal. You have zero risk to join and try the Program today.


The price will increase to $99, it’s your last chance. Join all the other Fitness Freedom Athletes before you and get it now before the price increases to $99. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

100+ Reviews And Rated…


“Feel stronger and get compliments on my physique”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller


“Amazing results with a TRX and your muscle-centric technique!”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller


“Your Program has revolutionised my idea of fitness and what it means to workout”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller


“Seeing changes in my arms I’ve never seen!”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller


“Lost 14 Lbs doing the beginner Program & more importantly LEARNED A LOT”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller


“Lost 40+Lbs, getting lean, and showing great definition!”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller


“In the 4th week and seeing changes! I have much more energy throughout the day”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller


“Seen the most change and definition in my upper body over the last 9 weeks than I ever have!”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller


“Your workout guide is absolutely fantastic!”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller
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It's Your Turn Now.

Imagine It's a Few Weeks From Now...

You're Looking At Yourself In Your Bathroom Mirror.

Imagine seeing your new muscular body.

Imagine the feeling of pride and confidence as you give your muscle a little flex. And notice the definition that pops.

Imagine this being in this strong and energised body.

A body that will help you stay active, healthy, and fit to enjoy your family and life for decades to come.

Building Lean Muscle Mass And getting The Muscular Body You Want Is Finally Possible For You

With this Muscle Maximisation Method – no matter how many fad diets or workouts have failed you in the past.

You deserve to enjoy lifelong health in a strong muscular body.

You also deserve a Program that is designed specifically to help you build that body.

A Program that is simple and easy to follow.

I believe your family and friends deserves to have you in tip-top muscular shape too…

IMAGINE In The Next Few Weeks You Will:


See the shocked look on the faces of your family & friends, as they stare in disbelief at your FIT NEW BODY.

Wake up feeling ENERGISED before the alarm ever goes off.

Regain the CONFIDENCE to walk around in your underwear and feel proud of the new lean body you've built.

Be more PRODUCTIVE at work, because your mind is feeling so much sharper and your body has more energy and STAMINA.

Feel PROUD of the good example you’re setting for your family and friends.

HEAL typical “age-related” aches and pains that are slowing all the other guys and girls around you down.

Have more PASSION and vitality in your love life, because your partner can’t keep their hands off you.

INSPIRE everyone around you with your transformation. Your friends & family will see the "new you" and get motivated to follow your lead.

The Muscle Maximisation Method is a Proven Program That Produces Powerful Muscle Building Results.

It’s Also A Lifestyle Approach That Makes Your Results Actually Sustainable.

Muscle Maximisation Method

And Remember... You Have Zero Risks With My 'Love Your Results 30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee'

Fitness Freedom Athletes money back guarantee

Get the Program today. Love your results… or you pay nothing.

After helping thousands of people succeed with the FFA Programs. I’m so confident that this will be the BEST fat loss Program and teaching you’ve ever used. That I’m willing to offer you a 100% money-back guarantee.

So, you’re free to join the whole Program and try it out: Learn from teaching videos, follow the plan, melt your belly fat, get fit fast with the metabolic workouts, join the private Fitness Freedom Athletes Group, and drop me a message anytime.

And if after following the Program, you don’t see any changes in your body…

You get a 100% refund. No questions asked. Just drop me an email and I’ll send you your money back ASAP.

So you’re free to get The Program now and decide later.

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How Use Insulin Spikes To Build Muscle And Lose Fat With Your TRX Suspension Trainer Workouts

Why Should You Listen To Me?

Look, I'm Not Just Another Fitness Enthusiast Or 'Influencer'

I'm a certified trainer and fitness coach with a proven track record.

Over the past few years, I've rapidly built a following thanks to my Fitness Freedom Suspension Trainer & Resistance Band Programs.

That consistently deliver amazing results to people just like you.

Getting the body you want can be confusing and frustrating.

I should know.

I Used to Have an Unhealthy Psychological Reliance On Gyms.

I believed I HAD TO be in a gym all the time to achieve my fitness goals, and ultimately, feel myself.

It was limiting & confining.

I hated the toxic gym culture and BS ‘nutrition marketing’ that surrounded it.

It affected my mental well-being.

Crowded gym

(I grew to hate the gym culture)

And every day as a personal trainer I watched busy professionals...

  • Struggle to make PT sessions…
  • Feel intimidated by the ‘ego-driven' environment…
  • Regard the gym as ‘a chore’ not enjoyment…

Because of this, their results were limited.

But they believed there was no other way.

I wanted a better approach.

For my clients, and myself.

So, In 2016, I Decided to Break Free

I grabbed a backpack and a TRX suspension trainer and left London to travel South America.

I had a powerful determination to improve my body and mindset without the confines of a gym.


(Hiking in Peru and Chile. TRX'ing on beaches, ships, roofs, parks, etc)

However, I quickly realised there was…

NO ONE Teaching People How To Use a Suspension Trainer To Build Muscle!

Sure, there were Apps & YouTube videos…

But they focused on ‘movement-centric technique’.

which is only good for working up a sweat.

Movement centric technique does not work

(Movement-centric TRX suspension trainer technique does not build lean muscle)

People believe building lean muscle can only be achieved in a gym with weights.

So I began an obsessive and passionate journey to prove that belief wrong.

I studied, documented, and tested more than I ever had.

To develop what I now call the ‘Muscle-Centric’ TRX Suspension Trainer Technique.

That’s When EVERYTHING Changed!

In a few months…

I was in the best shape of my life.

It sounds cliche, but it’s true.

Press play! Why I became known as the TRX Traveller – 3 years & 13 countries using just a TRX

I combined it with mind-muscle connection principles.

Turning workouts in my own space into a form of meditation.

I felt more calm, confident, and focused after each one.

I called this transformation… Fitness Freedom!

And applied it to resistance band training too.

I Decided To Leave The Gym World For Good

And dedicated my life to teaching people just like you how to build lean muscle, shed fat, and transform your body with more accessible methods…

Suspension trainer, resistance band, simple nutrition optimisation…. from home.

So you never need to rely on gyms, ‘diet fads’, or anyone else’s schedule ever again.

My transformation journey from leaving the gym world in 2016 and using only a suspension trainer…

TRX suspension training workout programs and exercise with Adam TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom Athletes

I made the shift because I know what the power of a transformation can bring to someone’s life...

When it’s accessible and sustainable.

I’ve Seen People Just Like You Transform Their Bodies…

And the energy they create becomes a catalyst in:

  • Becoming more productive.
  • Being more present with their kids.
  • Being a better spouse.
  • And doubling their confidence.

When you transform your body you transform your life.

In helping people transform their bodies from the comfort of their own home with one simple tool…

I found what I was put on this earth to do:

To coach busy professionals to achieve a healthy, world class body from home and sustain it for life…

To gain Fitness Freedom!

To gain Fitness Freedom!

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How Use Insulin Spikes To Build Muscle And Lose Fat With Your TRX Suspension Trainer Workouts

So, If You’re Still Wondering "Should I?" "Shouldn’t I?"…

There’s Literally No Reason Not To Try This Program

This could be your turning point and it’s completely RISK FREE.

I’m going to help you get on track and transform your body, for life.

This is that point right now where you have a decision to make. An opportunity to break free from where you are stuck now, to where you want to be.

Not only to look and feel good in your body. But also to be a pillar of confidence, strength, and health for your family, friends, and community.

Take action now for yourself!

Time is running out

Time Is Running Out To Get The Body You Want

If you put this off for another month, or year, at best you’ll stay where you are.

But statistics say you’ll put on more weight and find it even harder to transform your body.

And you’ll remain on that rollercoaster you hate of up and down success. With nothing ever lasting long term!

So, sure, you can keep trying to figure this all out yourself.

Just be prepared to sacrifice huge amounts of energy while watching time pass you by.

Time You Could Spend Celebrating In Your New Body

Time you could spend enjoying your new life!

Or you could take advantage of this special offer today, get the Program, and get the life-changing body transformation you deserve.

In essence, this Program is a clear-cut, tried-and-tested, real-world way to build lean muscle and transform your body with just a TRX suspension trainer as the tool.

So click below and grab this special deal before it's pulled down.

Remember, you’re getting $3025 in value for only $38.97… But this offer may be gone tomorrow!

Think about it. A gym membership, PT showing you how to do the exercises, and nutritionist showing you how to eat would cost you $300 a month, that’s $3600 in a year.

If you’re quick, you can get all this for just a one-off investment of $48.97.

And have access for life!

The Risk Is All On Me

So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Click the button below to grab this special deal right now.

Take the first step to not only achieving, but exceeding your fitness goal…

And getting the the body you want using your suspension trainer!

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Here’s A Re-Cap Of Everything You’re Going To Get Today…

Muscle Maximisation Method

Let’s Add Up Everything You’re Getting Instant Access To Today…

Exploding Muscle Growth Masterclass ($400 VALUE)

  • Nutrition Cycling For Accelerated Muscle Growth Deep Dive
  • Optimising The Most Anabolic Hormone (Insulin) Workshop
  • Creating Growth Spurts Solution
  • Food Pairings & Timing For Maximum Results Hack
  • Body & Mind Reset Transformation
  • Smart Food Choices For Healthy Muscle + MORE…

Growth Phase Daily Meals Bootcamp ($99 VALUE)

  • Nutrition Upon Waking, Before, During, & After Workouts (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner,)
  • Exact Fat, Protein, & Carb Amounts To Eat Solution

Reset Phase Daily Meals Bootcamp ($99 VALUE)

Program Welcome Video & How To Perform Guide ($30 VALUE)

Growth Cycle & 14 Days Shred Attack ($50 VALUE)

Quick Start Notes & Printable PDF Guides ($50 VALUE)

Bodyweight Metabolic HIIT Program ($400 VALUE)

8 Weeks Of Email Accountability Check-Ins ($99 VALUE)
Me On Email Support ($199 VALUE)
Lifetime Digital Access ($99 VALUE)

BONUS #1: Arms Sculptor Program ($700 VALUE)

BONUS #2: Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint ($800 VALUE)

BONUS #3: Fitness Freedom Athletes Private Group (Priceless)

Total Value: $3025

Normally: $99

Get Started Today:


- Price in USD. Just One Investment. Lifetime Access -

Muscle Maximisation Method
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**Backed by my ‘Love Your Results 100% Money-Back Guarantee’**
Join the Program today and I promise you’ll love your experience and results… or I give you a full refund. No questions asked. I make this guarantee because I want you to know this Program is the real deal. You have zero risk to join and try the Program today.


The price will increase to $99, it’s your last chance. Join all the other Fitness Freedom Athletes before you and get it now before the price increases to $99. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Black Arrow

Here Are Some Common Concerns Or Beliefs I Hear…

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I've tried following nutrition advice before and failed
That’s not your fault. When it comes to nutrition. Most plans flood you with PDF print outs from online library collections. They sound appealing at first:

‘115 muscle building recsipe guide PDFs’

‘macro calorie calculator PDF for the perfect body’

The truth is, it’s not what you eat, it’s how effectively your body USES the nutrition you eat. Unless your body is working optimally. With regard to your metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and hormone production. You will see minimal results and remain frustrated. Even though you’re following ‘that PDF’ to a T. You can have all the plans at your disposal. But unless you understand how to optimise your body first, and do it, they are useless. It’s kinda like giving someone the tools to build their dream home, without ever teaching them how a home is built.

YET, if you’re looking for a smarter, more specific, and completely sustainable way to lose belly fat..then I’ve got you covered. With this Program, I’ll teach you when and what to eat before, during, and after your workouts to become metabolically flexible. And optimise your insulin sensitivity. So you can improve body’s ability to utilise nutrients from food effectively

Which means you’ll

• Optimise your hormones to build muscle
• Improve your insulin sensitivity so you muscle cells soak ep food to re-build stronger and bigger. Leaving none for you fat cells
• And improve your body’s health markers

Not only will achieve a lean body that looks great naked. But you’ll also sleep better and improve your mental focus for productivity! And you won’t have any more nutrition guesswork, yo-yoing, binging, or restricting.

With this Program, everything becomes clear, simple, and easy! I’ve seen people build 20 Lbs of muscle using this Program.

I'm too old, unfit, inexperienced
There are men and women from the age of 25 up to 75, from beginner to advanced levels kicking ass with this Program. You are NOT too old. FACT! So please get that out of your head right now.

And Some Common FAQs I Get About This Program…

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What is the format of this Program?
  • Teaching videos with me where I will take you through everything you need to know
  • Downloadable guides and resources for each module where applicable
  • Study notes in case you wanted to read through the training after watching the videos so it sinks in better.
What is this Program about?

I’ll Teach You How To Optimise Your Nutrition To Create Growth Spurts Of Muscle & Gain 2, 3, Even 4Lbs of Lean Mass Every 8-Weeks On Repeat

(Even works alongside any workout Program you’re currently following)

The muscle maximisation method tells you exactly when to switch from RESET to GROWTH Phase and back again – So you never have to wonder if you are growing muscle as fast — or faster — than your genetic limit.

Prime your body to create the perfect environment for muscle growth – quickly and repeatedly add POUNDS of muscle to your frame WITHOUT putting on the fat or suffering the dreaded anabolic slowdown of traditional bulking.

With the “done-for-you” formula – Your extreme insulin sensitivity will literally push the critical carbohydrates and amino acids into your muscle cells for growth. Which means you’ll enjoy increased nutrient uptake by lean muscle tissue, and minimal calories stored as fat.

Nutrient timing and training – so you can re-stimulate your growth hormones again, priming you for growth in your each muscle building growth phase.

No plodding along in the middle neither losing fat or gaining muscle – With the Muscle Maximisation method, You are either charging forward to build muscle, or resetting your body to shed fat and prime for the next muscle building phase. And I tell you exactly when to switch back and forth… You can literally decide how much muscle you want to gain without the fat.

You never have to wonder if you’re building muscle again – all you have to do is follow the the two done-for-you phases (growth and reset) and you are guaranteed to build muscle beyond what you thought was your genetic limit.

Who is this Program for?
It is for anyone of any age who wants to learn an effective nutrtion framework to consistently build muscle mass without gaining lots of fat or destroying their hormones. It is specifically for people who are looking to add size and shape to their body.

The framework will show you how to optimise and upgrade your body to live a healthier life and make muscle-building easier.

Where can I perform this Program?

At home, or anywhere.

Black Arrow


“Everything feels more resilient and reliable… defined and toned”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller


“Helped so much with daily anxiety and stress”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller


“Wish I’d discovered you sooner… finally understanding what a workout should be and feel like”

Review for Fitness Freedom Athletes with Adam TRX Traveller

How To Gain 2, 3, Even 4Lbs Of Lean Muscle Mass Every 8-Weeks On Repeat WITHOUT Gaining Fat!

This Little-Known Muscle-Building Method Helps You Stimulate Large Muscle Growth Spurts On Repeat… And Eat More Without Gaining Fat.

Muscle Maximisation Method

Yes! I Want

Muscle Maximisation Method

Let’s Add Up Everything You’re Getting Instant Access To Today…

Exploding Muscle Growth Masterclass ($400 VALUE)

  • Nutrition Cycling For Accelerated Muscle Growth Deep Dive
  • Optimising The Most Anabolic Hormone (Insulin) Workshop
  • Creating Growth Spurts Solution
  • Food Pairings & Timing For Maximum Results Hack
  • Body & Mind Reset Transformation
  • Smart Food Choices For Healthy Muscle + MORE…

Growth Phase Daily Meals Bootcamp ($99 VALUE)

  • Nutrition Upon Waking, Before, During, & After Workouts (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner,)
  • Exact Fat, Protein, & Carb Amounts To Eat Solution

Reset Phase Daily Meals Bootcamp ($99 VALUE)

Program Welcome Video & How To Perform Guide ($30 VALUE)

Growth Cycle & 14 Days Shred Attack ($50 VALUE)

Quick Start Notes & Printable PDF Guides ($50 VALUE)

Bodyweight Metabolic HIIT Program ($400 VALUE)

8 Weeks Of Email Accountability Check-Ins ($99 VALUE)
Me On Email Support ($199 VALUE)
Lifetime Digital Access ($99 VALUE)

BONUS #1: Arms Sculptor Program ($700 VALUE)

BONUS #2: Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint ($800 VALUE)

BONUS #3: Fitness Freedom Athletes Private Group (Priceless)

Total Value: $3025

Normally: $99

Get Started Today:


- Price in USD. Just One Investment. Lifetime Access -

Muscle Maximisation Method
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**Backed by my ‘Love Your Results 100% Money-Back Guarantee’**
Join the Program today and I promise you’ll love your experience and results… or I give you a full refund. No questions asked. I make this guarantee because I want you to know this Program is the real deal. You have zero risk to join and try the Program today.


The price will increase to $99, it’s your last chance. Join all the other Fitness Freedom Athletes before you and get it now before the price increases to $99. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

You’ve finally reached the end!

Click the "YES! I WANT THIS NOW" button above to get INSTANT access.

With this Program, you risk nothing, and you gain your life back. I can’t make it any better.

Join us today, as a Fitness Freedom Athlete. You’ll be among friends.

Oh, and if you have specific questions about the Program, you can email:

I'll be happy to answer them.

All the suspension trainer Programs can be used with any suspension trainer (like a TRX). The resistance band Programs just require one long-length resistance band.

Here's to your fitness Freedom!

Coach Adam
Body Transformation Coach
Creator of Fitness Freedom Athletes
Also Known As: "TRX Traveller"
Bragging Rights: Bragging Rights: Has helped thousands of people from all backgrounds, ages, and experiences build lean muscle, lose fat, and transform their body using just a suspension trainer, resistance band, or bodyweight. Anywhere!

P.S: Being Blunt...

If you pass on this offer, in a month from now will you be well on your way to achieving the body you want?

Probably not!

You’ll still wish and want it, but you won’t have the guidance or accountability to achieve it.

Let’s be honest.

Most of what you need is instruction and a clear path to success laid out.

Get this Program now. Take take the first step to not only achieving but exceeding your fitness goal and the body you want.

Wouldn’t you want all your friends and family to look at you in admiration because you’re looking lean, strong, and fit?

Act now! Buy Now. Your satisfaction guaranteed.

“I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate and benefit from Adam The TRX Traveller. Wherever and whoever is reading this, I’ll say this. There are aesthetic gains to be had for sure, but there is also the chance to maintain a fitness routine in the most unpredictable moments. To feel solid wherever you go, mentally and physically.

I’d say it’s a perfect Program for a good life. Cheers mate.”


“Adam’s program was the first program that I’ve been excited to use AND witnessed results. After each workout I feel as if my muscles were truly exercised, rather than punished at a traditional gym. The results have been so welcomed, I’m already looking for my next Fitness Freedom Athletes program. Well done, sir!”


P.P.S: Hate reading? Here’s a re-cap of this ultra long page

1. Here’s what I got: The Muscle Maximisation Method

2. Here’s what it’ll do for you: How To Gain 2, 3, Even 4Lbs Of Lean Muscle Mass Every 8-Weeks On Repeat WITHOUT Gaining Fat!

3. Here’s what’s included:

  • Exploding Muscle Growth Masterclass
  • Growth Phase Daily Meals Bootcamp
  • Reset Phase Daily Meals Bootcamp ($99 VALUE)
  • Program Welcome Video & How To Perform Guide
  • Growth Cycle & 14 Days Shred Attack
  • Quick Start Notes & Printable PDF Guides
  • Bodyweight Metabolic HIIT Program
  • 8 Weeks Of Email Accountability Check-Ins
  • Me On Email Support
  • Lifetime Digital Access

Plus, if you get the Program today you’ll receive $1500 in Free Bonuses!…

  • The Suspension Trainer Arms Sculptor Program
  • Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint
  • Access to the Private Fitness Freedom Athletes Group

4. Here’s what all this is worth: Total value: $3025

5. Here’s what you can get it for today with this special offer: Get the Program PLUS bonuses today for only $48.97 and start your transformation today.

6. You get a 100% Money-Back Guarantee. Try the program risk-free. If you’re not satisfied, I give you a 100% refund. No questions asked.

Act Now…

Muscle Maximisation Method
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**Backed by my '30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee’**
Join the Program today and I promise you’ll love your experience and results… or I give you a full refund. No questions asked. I make this guarantee because I want you to know this Program is the real deal. You have zero risk to join and try the Program today.


The price will increase to $99, it’s your last chance. Join all the other Fitness Freedom Athletes before you and get it now before the price increases to $99. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

TRX Traveller fitness freedom athletes


The boring but necessary disclaimer: Adam Atkinson Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes is not a doctor or registered dietitian. The contents of this website and it's Programs should not be taken as medical advice. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor are they intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health. Use of the information in this website and Programs is strictly at your own risk. Adam Atkinson will not assume any liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages that may result including, but not limited to, economic loss, injury, illness or death. All documents included or exchanged between Adam Atkinson and the Client are the intellectual property of Adam Atkinson and Fitness Freedom Athletes and are not to be copied, sold, published, posted, or redistributed either in part or in full without Adam Atkinson's written consent. All violations will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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