★★★★★ 4.95/5 OUT OF 600+ REVIEWS
Attention: Beginner - intermediate level resistance band users of all ages...
Get Fit, Toned, & Defined In Just 8-Weeks Using One Resistance Band!
Works even if you’re unfit, overweight, and have tried every resistance band YouTube Vid, Class, or App out there with zero results!
100+ Reviews And Rated...
As Featured In:
Recent Highlights...
2 reviews for Resistance Band Muscle Pump Program (BEG - INT)
From the desk of:
Coach Adam (aka TRX Traveller)
Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes
RE: The Secret To Building Lean Strength & Transforming Your Body With One Resistance Band...
Dear friend,
Here’s the problem you face...
You’ve got a resistance band. But you don't know how to use it with the right technique to build lean muscle.
You’re wrapping it over, under, and around your body... but never seeing changes in the mirror. Week after frustrating week.
YouTube vids... apps... workout plans... diet fads... gyms... weights... you've tried it all.
But, Your Body Still Looks The Same!
And it's crushing your confidence.
Plus, if you don't figure out how to build lean muscle and strength soon, you're putting your health and longevity at risk too.
I understand.
Because I hear this every day from people just like you.
Here’s Your Problem - You’re Using A Resistance Band With "Movement-Centric Technique"
Most band workouts focus on it.
Sure, you work up a sweat.
But because the load is shared across multiple muscles...
You're not creating enough challenge on each individual muscle to trigger real growth and strength.
Take a resistance Band squat for example...
With "Movement-Centric Technique", you're mindlessly just moving up and down.
Your quads may be the target muscle. But other muscles are helping out and sharing the load.
Such as your glutes and hamstrings (back of leg muscles).
So the body goes:
“That’s not too hard, these quad muscles don’t need to get stronger”
Which means zero (or very little) lean muscle development.
Without that crucial muscle growth stimulus...
You'll never get the body transformation you deserve.
Here’s Your Solution - You Need To Use A Resistance Band With "Muscle-Centric Technique."
With "Muscle-Centric Technique," you focus on one muscle at a time.
Using slow, controlled movements and your powerful mind-muscle connection to isolate and squeeze that muscle...
This puts the majority of your bodyweight load onto the target muscle...
And triggers a powerful muscle-building response!
Take that band squat example again...
When you use "Muscle-Centric Technique," the majority of your bodyweight goes onto your quad muscles (in this instance)...
One muscle handling the majority of the load creates a powerful muscle growth stimulus!
What Happens When You Apply This To Your Whole Body?
You start sculpting noticeable muscle definition...
Which boosts your metabolism to shed stubborn fat...
And you finally achieve the lean, strong, and energised body you've always wanted.
Best part?
With "Muscle-Centric Resistance Band Training," you can get these incredible results using just your bodyweight and a resistance band.
No heavy weights, no joint-destroying impact exercises...
and no expensive gym memberships required.
It's your key to building muscle faster, easier, and safer than ever before.
So if you're ready to take control of your physique and unleash your full potential...
"Muscle-Centric Resistance Band Training" is your key to transforming your body faster and easier with one simple tool from home...
And That’s Why I Created The…
Resistance Band Muscle Pump Program (BEG – INT)

Imagine… Finally Being Able To Get Fit, Toned, & Defined In Just 8-Weeks Using One Band!
So You Never Need To Rely On Gyms, ‘Diet Fads’, Or Anyone Else’s Schedule EVER Again!…
About This Program
I created this Resistance Band Program so you gain total body fitness advancement using an easy-level black CrossFit resistance band.
Anything similar to this example here (Black 25-65 lbs, 41 Inches Long X 0.9 Inches Wide)
It has been designed so you increase your functional strength, burn fat, and challenge your muscles to develop a lean and toned physique.
Effective Recovery For Progression
The Program rotates through training 3/4 of your body in each workout. Allowing a continuous 48 hour recovery period for the remaining 1/4.
Which means you’re always giving your body an effective recovery period to re-build stronger, fitter, and more defined.
Here’s what you will gain…
Progressive strength and cardiovascular Program. So you can challenge your muscles and your heart with rotating full-body workouts. And multiple resistance band and bodyweight exercises. Which means you’ll gain an toned body shape and get fitter.
Learn The ‘Muscle-Centric Resistance Band Technique.’ So you can build a solid foundational strength from lean muscle development. Which means you’ll generate maximum body transformational results from each workout.
Incorporates ‘super set’ and ‘giant set’ exercise combinations with high volume. So you can work up a sweat and feel the muscle burn. Which means you get total body development.
100% Digital Program so you can access it across any device. Which means you can login and begin using your Program within seconds.
Created for men and women of all ages at a beginner – intermediate level. With complete explainer teaching, and video guides. Which means it’s so easy to follow with me as your coach.
8 week ‘Muscle Pump Workout Plan’ (customisable). This Plan uses progressive overload, so you get stronger and fitter after each workout. Which means you’ll start seeing changes in the mirror FAST.
8 Week Plan:
– 4 Week Sculpting Phase
– 4 Week Intensity Phase
40 – 50 min per workout. Excluding warm-up & depending on your current fitness level
4 Days Per Week. Customisable to your lifestyle
Full Body Workout Split
‘Muscle-Centric’ Exercise Technique Video Database. So you can learn the proven ‘Muscle-Centric Resistance Band Technique’ for every exercise. Which means you’ll confidently smash through your limitations and get the body transformation you want.
Variety of exercise and workout combinations so can constantly surprise your body and prevent plateaus. Which means you won’t get bored and will remain motivated throughout.
Warm-Up For Performance Routine so you can prepare your body correctly for each workout. Which means you’ll help prevent injury and maximise performance
Cool Down For Focus Routine so you can finish calm and grounded. Which means you’ll be ready to step into your zone of daily brilliance, and recover quicker and better.
Accountability email check-ins and access to me (Adam) for support. So you can get your questions answered ASAP. Which means you won’t ever be lost and will remain on track.
Guaranteed results with the proven advanced level suspension trainer Program to build serious muscle. Programs trusted by thousands! It’s the reason I am so confident in offering a 100% money back guarantee. This Program is easy to follow and it flat out works.
Plus When You Get The Program Today And Become A Fitness Freedom Athlete...
You’ll Get Access To These SPECIAL BONUSES At No Extra Cost...
To make your transformation even FASTER, EASIER, and WAY BEYOND what you were expecting…
Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint - Get 7 powerful nutrition video lessons to rewire your metabolism, optimise fat-burning, and prime your body to build a lean muscle and strength effectively. This isn't just a "diet." It's a sustainable lifestyle framework that puts you in control to gain the strong, lean, healthy body you deserve.
Awakening Muscle & Mindset Brilliance - So you can learn how to unlock your powerful mind-muscle connection. Turning your workouts into moving meditation and accelerating your physical and mental well-being results.
Execution and Performance Mastery - 7 game-changing modules decode the science of athletic fitness performance, turning training theory into your own personal performance mastery.
Do You See...
By having all these resources, guidance, and me as your coach...
Means getting the body you want with just a TRX suspension trainer is totally achievable.
It was for these people…
Now, Let Me Be Honest With You…
This Program & The Fitness Freedom Athletes Community Is Not For You If:
You think ‘simple’ means ‘no hard work’. Transforming your body requires work. SMART WORK - but you have to put in effort. I've just made it as easy and simple as possible for you.
You’re not willing to learn highly-effective resistance band techniques. I’ll teach you how to perform every resistance band exercise to build lean muscle and transform your body. But, you have to be willing to learn.
You’re not open to improving your diet. I cover some very simple & highly-effective dietary changes that I advise you make to see the results you want. You can't be eating pizza each day and wake up to the body of your dreams.
You think, "I'm too old for this." Listen: you are NOT too old. FACT! We have men and women in their late 70s in the Fitness Freedom Athletes community kicking ass with this Program. Age isn't an excuse.
The great news is...
This Program & The Fitness Freedom Athletes Community Is For You If…
You want to feel empowered to take full control of your fitness goal and achieve it. Once you get a lean body with this Program, the a-ha moment will happen. You’ll realise you don’t need to rely on a gym, weights, or diet fads ever again.
You want to build lean muscle at home with a resistance band. This Program isn’t mindless movement video classes. This Program will teach you to build lean muscle, strength, and visibly transform your body.
You want to gain a confident mental well-being. With this Program you’ll learn how to use your mind-muscle connection. Workouts will become like mediation as you internalise your focus.
You don't have much time to workout. I know how busy it is juggling family & work life. You CAN transform your body, get fitter, and healthier without spending hours exercising. This Program focuses on a smarter muscle-centric technique approach that's very time efficient.
You’re super motivated to change your 'fitness journey'... and Life. If you know you need to make a change and you’re motivated to transform your body with a resistance band… then let’s get to it!
Why Should You Listen To Me?
Look, I'm Not Just Another Fitness Enthusiast Or 'Influencer'
I'm a certified trainer and fitness coach with a proven track record.
Over the past few years, I've rapidly built a following thanks to my Fitness Freedom Suspension Trainer & Resistance Band Programs.
That consistently deliver amazing results to people just like you.
Getting the body you want can be confusing and frustrating.
I should know.
I Used to Have an Unhealthy Psychological Reliance On Gyms.
I believed I HAD TO be in a gym all the time to achieve my fitness goals, and ultimately, feel myself.
It was limiting & confining.
I hated the toxic gym culture and BS marketing that surrounded it.
It affected my mental well-being.
(I grew to hate the gym culture)
And every day I saw people just like you...
- Struggle to make sessions…
- Feel intimidated by the ‘ego-driven' environment…
- Regard the gym as ‘a chore’ NOT enjoyment…
Because of this, their results were limited.
But they believed there was no other way.
I wanted a better approach, for my clients, and myself.
So, In 2016, I Decided to Break Free
I grabbed a backpack and a TRX suspension trainer and left to travel South America.
I had a powerful determination to improve my body and mindset without the confines of a gym.
(Hiking in Peru and Chile. TRX'ing on beaches, ships, roofs, parks, etc)
However, I quickly realised there was…
NO ONE Teaching People How To Use a Suspension Trainer To Build Lean Muscle and Strength Effectively!
Sure, there were Apps & YouTube videos…
But they focused on ‘movement-centric technique’.
Which is only good for working up a sweat.
(Movement-centric technique does not build lean muscle and strength)
So I immersed myself in the science of bodyweight lean muscle and strength building...
Testing and refining until I'd developed a powerful "Muscle-Centric" technique.
That’s When EVERYTHING Changed!
In a few months, I was in the best shape of my life.
It sounds cliche, but it’s true.
Press play! Why I became known as the TRX Traveller – 3 years & 13 countries using just a TRX
By combining “muscle-centric suspension training” with mind-muscle connection principles…
I turned workouts into a form of moving meditation.
Enhancing my mental well-being too!
I called this new approach “Fitness Freedom”
And I knew I had to share it with the world.
So, I Decided To Leave The Gym World For Good
And setup Fitness Freedom Athletes…
Since then, I’ve helped thousands of people just like you build lean muscle, transform their bodies, and boost their confidence…
All with one simple tool and a sustainable, lifestyle-friendly approach.
Here’s my transformation journey from leaving the gym world in 2016 and using only a suspension trainer…
I made the shift because I know what the power of an accessible and sustainable transformation can bring to someone’s life.
I’ve Seen People Just Like You Transform Their Bodies…
And the energy they create becomes a catalyst in:
- Becoming more productive.
- Being more present with their kids.
- Being a better spouse.
- And doubling their confidence.
When you transform your body you transform your life!
That's why it's my mission and deep rooted passion to help people gain Fitness Freedom...
Because Here's What's Possible...
“Thanks for the awesome Programs!”
Become a Fitness Freedom Athlete!
If You Want To Learn How To Use A Resistance Band To:
Workout smarter and transform your body quicker…
Engage your muscles correctly to build lean muscle…
Develop full body strength and functional fitness…
Improve your quality of life…
Never need to rely on a gym, weights, personal trainers, or the latest diet fad ever again…
Then the resistance band Muscle Pump Program (Beginner – Intermediate) is your answer!
It’s already empowered thousands of people just like you to transform their body.
All from the comfort of their own home with just a resistance band.
And the best part?
You don’t need any prior experience.
Join The Proven Resistance Band Program To Get Fit, Toned, & Defined…
Resistance Band Muscle Pump Program (BEG – INT)

Here’s A Breakdown Of Everything You’re Getting Today With This Program…
Fully Digital Program: Access EVERYTHING On Your Laptop, Mobile, Or Tablet!
You'll become a member of the Fitness Freedom Athletes digital platform for life. Where you'll access all your workouts, training, and resources on any device.
PLUS, any time the Program is upgraded and more member resources added, you'll get that free too.
Band Muscle Pump 8-Week Workout Plan
Designed for your level and goal. This Workout Plan uses progressive overload so you get stronger and fitter after each workout. Which means you’ll start seeing changes in the mirror FAST.
8 Week Plan:
– 4 Week Sculpting Phase
– 4 Week Intensity Phase
40 – 50 min per workout. Excluding warm-up & depending on your current fitness level
4-days per week. Customisable to your lifestyle
Full body workouts
The 8-week Band Muscle Pump Workout Plan has 2 Phases:
Block 1: 4-Week Sculpting Phase
In this Block you will focus on perfect exercise execution and muscle contraction with each exercise. The Block uses lower reps and higher sets with a small amount of high volume sets. There are two main goals within Block 1:
1. Master the exercise technique to engage the muscle you are targeting correctly for progression.
2. Develop a larger work capacity and higher volume tolerance.
This will set you up nicely for Block 2 where you will unleash the beast and give it your all.
Block 2: 4-Week Intensity Phase
In this Block it’s time to mentally lock in and give it your all. And apply an even higher degree of effort and intensity.
With more advanced resistance band exercises that deliver even greater results. This BLOCK uses very high rep ranges, giant sets, and super sets. You will feel ‘the burn’ and ‘the pump’ in this Block.
Because this plan is so simple and fun to follow. It means you’re going to LOVE working out again. And will remain motivated throughout.
Especially when you see and feel the changes in your body week to week!
BEG – INT Band Pump Muscle-Centric Exercise Technique Video Database
**NEW & UPDATED FOR 2025**
You'll have every resistance band exercise demo you need at your fingertips! I'll walk you through exactly how to perform each movement to laser-focus tension on your target muscles... and trigger powerful lean strength growth!
No more guesswork or wasted reps. You'll know with 100% confidence that every single rep is amplifying your results. Working out smarter, NOT harder with "MUSCLE-CENTRIC" Technique.
So you can smash through plateaus and watch your body transform in the mirror from a huge variety of fun, challenging exercises to keep your muscles guessing and your motivation sky-high.
Program Welcome Video & 'How To Perform This Program' Guide
I’ll take you through how to get the best out of this Program. So you understand how to navigate all its assets. You’ll know how to make lifestyle customisations, when to take rest days, and understand your weekly progression.
Which means you’ll begin your transformational journey within minutes.
Good Form And Execution Fast Track
This Fast Track will give you exactly what you need to ensure you’re progressing. You’ll understand full ranges of motion, controlling the negative, and correct breathing. You’ll understand the importance of good form and how to know if you’re applying it.
Which means you'll have the knowledge to maximise your progression effectively and sustainably.
The 5-Minute Warm-Up For Performance Routine
Perform this dynamic warm-up with me before every workout. So you can help prevent injury, and prepare your body and mind muscle-connection effectively.
Which means you’re going to move like a performance machine. And you'll reap the body transformational gains from every exercise.
The 5-Minute Cool Down For Focus Routine
Perform this focused cool-down with me to calm and ground your body. So you can step into your zone of brilliance each day.
You’ll finish strong with a tailored stretch routine to engage signalling pathways. Which means you’ll recover better & quicker. And your daily work productivity will be laser focused.
8 Weeks Of Email Accountability Check-Ins
Activate your weekly accountability and goal setting emails from me at any point. So you can transform your habits, and your body, for life. Which means you’ll stay on track with me giving you a motivational nudge when it’s needed.
Complete Printable Workout Plan PDF Handbook
No internet access and want to take the Workout Plan with you? Or want to print it out? I've created an entire printable Workout Plan Handbook for you.
So you can store it on your phone, or print it off to scribble notes on. Which means you’ve got no excuses and it’s easier than ever to follow along anywhere.
Access To Me On Email & Weekly Coaching Calls
Every week I answer FFA member questions in depth and go through their fitness goals. Bring me your challenges or struggles and let’s overcome them together! It's my favourite part and I offer it free for anyone who gets a Program with FFA.
Or simply reach out to me via email, being in the FFA community means you get my priority.
So, How Effective Is This Program At Helping You Transform Your Body?
2 reviews for Resistance Band Muscle Pump Program (BEG - INT)
I can’t say how happy I am with both the program and the customer service from Adam. This program has really changed how I workout and just in the last month I’ve gained 1% in lean muscle by focusing on the mind muscle connection. I love it so much I bought the next program.
This opened my eyes to how’s much can be gained from using just the resistance bands. Totally changed how I work out and I am loving it!
At This Point, You Need To Be In A Coma...
..not to feel excited about about transforming your body with this Program!
And because I want to make sure that when you get this Program, you have EVERYTHING you need to SUCCEED...
Here Are 5 Special Bonuses...
That will make your transformation even FASTER, EASIER, and way beyond anything you were expecting...
Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint
"Get 7 Powerful Nutrition Video Lessons To Unlock Your Body's Fat-Burning, Muscle-Building Potential"
Let's be real...
It’s 70% nutrition and you can’t out exercise the wrong diet.
And I bet you're still unsure about how to eat to build lean muscle and shed fat sustainably.
Despite trying every "miracle" diet out there, nothing has transformed your body long-term.
I get it.
I've crash dieted, 'bulked' into a balloon, and rebounded after every unsustainable plan.
It left me frustrated, confused, and ready to give up.
Sound familiar?
Here's the harsh truth: mainstream "cookie cutter" diet advice has failed you.
And it will keep failing you.
So what actually works?
After investing $$$$s in pro-level nutrition mentorship, I finally discovered the secret of the elite stage athletes...
The key to lasting fat loss, lean muscle gain, and longevity is NOT just what you eat...
It's how effectively your body USES what you eat.
And that all comes down to your insulin sensitivity.
Otherwise known as insulin resistance.
It controls your metabolic flexibility - how well you burn fat (eaten and stored) and carbs.
If you're struggling to build muscle, lose weight, and battling low energy...
Chances are your insulin sensitivity is shot.
And until you fix it, your body will keep fighting against you.
That's why I'm giving you the 'Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint.'
This step-by-step plan is your key to:
- Skyrocketing your energy by making your cells use carbs for energy NOT storage...
- Priming your body to build lean muscle easier...
- Awakening your body's dormant fat-burning hormones...
- Improving your health markers (like cholesterol levels)...
Best part?
This isn't a "diet." It's a sustainable lifestyle framework that puts you in control.
No more guesswork, binging, restriction, or guilt.
Just a clear roadmap to the strong, lean, healthy body you deserve.
7 game-changing videos will teach you:
1. How to build the foundation for lasting transformation (no more rebounding!)
2. The most powerful foods to unlock your fat-burning, energised potential
3. My "Evergreen Nutrition Framework" meal timing method for simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain
4. How to calculate your nutrient intake and personalise your plan (no restrictive eating)
5. Your "Daily Meals Bootcamp" - exactly what to eat and when for maximum results
6. Staying on track through weekends and social events (yes, you can still have a life)
7. Advanced strategies to accelerate your progress and break through plateaus
Plus, you'll get printable PDF guides to make implementation a breeze.
Get ready to supercharge your results and kickstart a lifetime of incredible health!
Bonus Value $800
Awakening Muscle & Mindset Brilliance
"Unlock The Power of Mind-Muscle Mastery"
Want to know the secret to turbocharged lean strength gains and unshakeable confidence?
It's not just about rep ranges or supplement timing. It's about harnessing the power of your mind-muscle connection.
And in this game-changing bonus, I'll show you exactly how to master it.
Imagine turning every workout into a transformative, meditative experience...
One that doesn't just build a lean and strong body, but also helps to:
- Melt away anxiety and stress
- Destroy procrastination
- Infuse you with laser focus and deep calm
Best part? It creates a powerful upward spiral.
The more you strengthen your body... The more you empower your mind... And the stronger your mindset grows... the easier it becomes to achieve your fitness goals.
It's the ultimate double-whammy for total life transformation! (Big cliche claim, but it's true)
6 eye-opening videos will teach you:
1. The truth about mind-muscle mastery and the limiting beliefs holding you back
2. How to access your "Buddha Mode" for Zen-like focus and fat-burning... and your "Warrior Mode" for explosive strength and carb-fueled power
3. My non-negotiable pre-workout ritual for next-level mind-muscle connection and stress resilience
4. How to turn any workout into a meditation session (no "woo-woo" chanting required)
5. Proven techniques to conquer self-sabotage and achieve your full potential
6. My personal journey from "gym bro" to grounded, confident fitness master
Get ready to experience the mind-body synergy - The key to strengthening your body whilst calming your mind.
Bonus Value $600
Execution & Performance Mastery
"Unleash Your Inner Fitness Guru"
You've got the 5 star reviewed suspension trainer workouts...
You've got the nutrition blueprint to fuel your transformation...
Now, it's time to tie it all together and become a true master of your own fitness journey!
In this bonus, I'm handing you the key to workout performance mastery.
But I'm not just going to tell you what to do. I'm going to decode the science behind why it works, so you can apply these strategies with unshakable confidence.
You'll become the go-to fitness authority in your circle and inspire everyone who asks, "How the hell did you achieve that physique?!"
7 game-changing videos will teach you:
1. Advanced muscle-centric technique secrets for accelerated results
2. The perfect exercise setup trifecta: feet, straps, and scaling
3. How to track progress from the outside AND inside
4. Mastering the 4 keys to transformative performance: ROM, negatives, breathing, and the "squeeze"
5. The smart approach to incorporating cardio without compromising your gains
6. Anatomy 101: How to train with your muscles, not just your limbs
7. The 7 High-Performance Ingredients Bible (this is how you elevate from average to elite!)
It's time to stop guessing and start executing like a pro.
This is your blueprint to wringing every last drop of transformative power out of your workouts, without wasting a single rep.
Bonus Value $700
Metabolic HIIT Program
The perfect compliment to lean strength building is cardiovascular improvement. That's why I'm giving you my popular Metabolic HIIT Program - 10-15 min tailored bodyweight HIIT workouts.
Perfect to get fit quickly and relieve stress, fast!
Bonus Value $400
Private Support Group & Community
You’ll get access to a wonderful group of supportive and motivating people on the same journey as you. So you can learn from others, ask questions, and even buddy up. Which means you’re part of an inspiring little community and won’t feel alone on your fitness journey.
Bonus Value Priceless
That’s A Total Value Of $2500 In FREE BONUSES!
Just for joining the Resistance Band Muscle Pump Program TODAY!
(But, these bonuses may be gone tomorrow so act now!)
The Results Don’t Stop There…
“Looking more muscular and fit and feeling great mentally”
“I’ve stumbled upon the holy grail…lifetime of happiness to go”

“Lost 26 Lbs and sold all his weights!”
Are You Ready To Get Fit, Toned, & Defined In Just 8-Weeks Using One Resistance Band?
Yes! I Want The
Resistance Band Muscle Pump Program (BEG – INT)
Let’s Add Up Everything You’re Getting Instant Access To Today…
The Band Pump 8-Week Workout Plan ($400 VALUE)
- Block 1: 4-Week Technique Phase
- Block 2: 4-Week Intensity Phase
Muscle-Centric Exercise Technique Video Database ($440 VALUE)
- Specific BEG-INT Band Exercise Technique Teaching For…
- Chest, Arms, Legs, Abs, Back, Shoulders, Core Exercises
- Alternatives For Injuries Support
- Limitations/Other Requirements Support
Program Welcome Video & How To Perform Guide ($30 VALUE)
Good Form & Execution Guide ($50 VALUE)
Warm-Up Performance Routine ($50 VALUE)
Cool Down For Focus Routine ($50 VALUE)
8 Weeks Of Email Accountability Check-Ins ($99 VALUE)
Complete Printable Workout Plan Handbook ($30 VALUE)
Weekly Live Coaching Calls ($199 VALUE)
Lifetime Digital Access ($99 VALUE)
BONUS #1: Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint ($800 VALUE)
BONUS #2: Awakening Muscle & Mindset Brilliance ($600 VALUE)
BONUS #3: Execution & Performance Mastery ($700 VALUE)
BONUS #4: Metabolic HIIT Program ($400 VALUE)
BONUS #5: 24/7 Private Support Group (Priceless)
Total Value: $3947
Normally: $189
Get Started Today:
Or x2 installments of $44.50
- Price in USD. Just One Investment. Lifetime Access -
**Backed by my '30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee’**
Join the Program today and I promise you’ll love your experience and results… or I give you a full refund. No questions asked. I make this guarantee because I want you to know this Program is the real deal. You have zero risk to join and try the Program today.
The price will increase to $189, it’s your last chance. Join all the other Fitness Freedom Athletes before you and get it now before the price increases to $189. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.
100+ Reviews On Trust Pilot & Judge.me
carousel title
from 127 reviewsRoy
“Feel stronger and get compliments on my physique”
“Amazing results with a TRX and your muscle-centric technique!”
“Your Program has revolutionised my idea of fitness and what it means to workout”
“Seeing changes in my arms I’ve never seen!”
“Lost 14 Lbs doing the beginner Program & more importantly LEARNED A LOT”
“Lost 40+Lbs, getting lean, and showing great definition!”
“In the 4th week and seeing changes! I have much more energy throughout the day”
“Seen the most change and definition in my upper body over the last 9 weeks than I ever have!”
“Your workout guide is absolutely fantastic!”
It's Your Turn Now.
Imagine It's a Few Weeks From Now...
You're Looking At Yourself In Your Bathroom Mirror.
Imagine seeing your new, lean, energetic, and ageless body staring back at you.
The body that you built with the proven Fitness Freedom Resistance Band Program that's worked for you and over 11,000 other people before you…
Imagine the feeling of pride and confidence as you see your new body.
Your new body that will help you stay active, healthy, and strong to enjoy your family and life for decades to come.
Getting Your Lean Fit Body Is Finally Possible For You
With just a resistance band and this Program – no matter how many fad diets or workouts have failed you in the past.
You deserve to enjoy lifelong health.
You also deserve a program that is designed specifically for you to build lean muscle and transform your body.
A one that is simple and easy to follow.
I believe your family and friends deserves to have you in tip-top shape too…
IMAGINE In The Next Few Weeks You Will:
See the shocked look on the faces of your family & friends, as they stare in disbelief at your FIT NEW BODY.
Wake up feeling ENERGISED before the alarm ever goes off.
Regain the CONFIDENCE to walk around in your underwear and feel proud of the new lean body you've built.
Be more PRODUCTIVE at work, because your mind is feeling so much sharper and your body has more energy and STAMINA.
Feel PROUD of the good example you’re setting for your family and friends.
HEAL typical “age-related” aches and pains that are slowing all the other guys and girls around you down.
Have more PASSION and vitality in your love life, because your partner can’t keep their hands off you.
INSPIRE everyone around you with your transformation. Your friends & family will see the "new you" and get motivated to follow your lead.
The Resistance Band Muscle Pump Program is a Proven Program That Produces Powerful Body Transformation Results.
It’s Also a Lifestyle Approach That Makes Your Results Actually Sustainable.
“Great program! I am more mindful of my muscles and I feel great after. I love getting the challenge every time. Also easy to follow with perfect explanation of the exercises. I see and feel the results!…”
“Wish I’d discovered you sooner… finally understanding what a workout should be and feel like”
And Remember... You Have Zero Risks With My 'Love Your Results 30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee'
Get The Program Today. Love Your Results… Or You Pay Nothing.
After helping thousands of people succeed with this Program. I’m so confident that it will be the BEST fitness Program and teaching you’ve ever used. That I’m willing to offer you a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee.
Join the whole Program and try it out for 30 days. And if after following the Program, you don’t see any changes in your body within the first 30 days… You get a 100% refund. No questions asked.
Just drop me an email adam@fitnessfreedomathletes.com and I'll send you your money back ASAP. Or you can even swap to a different Program free of charge if you think you chose the wrong one.
So you’re free to get The Program now and decide later.
Coach Adam
If You're Still Thinking "Should I... Shouldn't I"...
There's zero risk in giving this program a shot.
In fact, this could be the turning point that finally breaks you free from the endless cycle of frustration and yo-yo results.
Imagine the impact this transformation will have...
Not just on how you look and feel, but on your ability to show up as your best self for your loved ones.
But Time Is Not On Your Side
Keep putting this off, and a month from now, a year from now... you'll likely be even further from your goals.
That nagging disappointment will only grow.
You Have A Choice
Keep spinning your wheels with "solutions" that have gotten you nowhere...
Or take decisive action today and arm yourself with a proven roadmap to achieve the body you deserve...
Remember, you’re getting $3947 in value for only $89.97… But this offer may be gone tomorrow!
Think about it. A gym membership, PT showing you how to do the exercises, and nutritionist showing you how to eat would cost you $300 a month, that’s $3600 in a year.
If you’re quick, you can get all this for just a one-off investment of $88.97.
And have access for life!
The risk is all on me
So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Click the button below to grab this special deal right now.
Take the first step to not only achieving, but exceeding your fitness goal…
And getting the the body you want using your suspension trainer!
Here’s A Re-Cap Of Everything You’re Going To Get Today…
Resistance Band Muscle Pump Program (BEG – INT)
The Band Pump 8-Week Workout Plan ($400 VALUE)
- Block 1: 4-Week Technique Phase
- Block 2: 4-Week Intensity Phase
Muscle-Centric Exercise Technique Video Database ($440 VALUE)
- Specific BEG-INT Band Exercise Technique Teaching For…
- Chest, Arms, Legs, Abs, Back, Shoulders, Core Exercises
- Alternatives For Injuries Support
- Limitations/Other Requirements Support
Program Welcome Video & How To Perform Guide ($30 VALUE)
Good Form & Execution Guide ($50 VALUE)
Warm-Up Performance Routine ($50 VALUE)
Cool Down For Focus Routine ($50 VALUE)
8 Weeks Of Email Accountability Check-Ins ($99 VALUE)
Complete Printable Workout Plan Handbook ($30 VALUE)
Weekly Live Coaching Calls ($199 VALUE)
Lifetime Digital Access ($99 VALUE)
BONUS #1: Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint ($800 VALUE)
BONUS #2: Awakening Muscle & Mindset Brilliance ($600 VALUE)
BONUS #3: Execution & Performance Mastery ($700 VALUE)
BONUS #4: Metabolic HIIT Program ($400 VALUE)
BONUS #5: 24/7 Private Support Group (Priceless)
Total Value: $3947
Normally: $189
Get Started Today:
Or x2 installments of $44.50
- Price in USD. Just One Investment. Lifetime Access -
**Backed by my '30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee’**
Join the Program today and I promise you’ll love your experience and results… or I give you a full refund. No questions asked. I make this guarantee because I want you to know this Program is the real deal. You have zero risk to join and try the Program today.
The price will increase to $189, it’s your last chance. Join all the other Fitness Freedom Athletes before you and get it now before the price increases to $189. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.
Here Are Some Common Concerns Or Beliefs I Hear…
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I’ve tried using a Resistance Band Plan before and failed
It’s not your fault. Most resources focus on movement-centric technique. Which means a shared load with lots of muscles engaged to move from A to B. There’s nothing wrong with that if you only want to work up a sweat and move around. But it can be mindless movement. And won’t change your body. If you want to TRANSFORM your body using a resistance band, then you need to do ‘Muscle-Centric’ Technique.
Which means isolating the specific muscle you are targeting. To place all the load onto it to cause a greater stimulus for development. When you combine that with the mind-muscle connection principles. The results are outstanding, physically and mentally:
1. You create muscle definition, which means you can actually see your body changing.
2. More quality muscle gained, means you burn more fat at rest.
On top of that, most Workout Programs TRY to be one size fits all…and fail miserably. Why did I spend years developing and testing 11 different resistance band and suspension trainer Programs… for a variety of levels and goals? Because one size fits all Programs flat out don’t work.
They try to cater for the masses because it’s easier for people do make a quick buck without doing much work. Specific body types and levels have specific needs. With the wrong Workout Program for your body type. You might get small results at the beginning, but will hit a frustrating plateau. Or you’ll feel overwhelmed and like you’re failing because you can’t do it.
I don't have much time to workout can I still benefit?
Yes. I recommend an ideal amount of workouts per week for each Program (detailed at the start). But this is NOT a must. You can do less and still progress. Our focus is not on quantity but quality of workout. So long as you are progressing through the Program. And handling the increased intensity and exercise variation workout to workout. You are improving and your results will grow!
Obviously, be sensible with your approach. It’s no good doing 1 workout every 2 weeks and expecting great results. My point is, dedicate the time you can and focus on training smarter. With the correct technique and mindful muscle connection. This will yield the greatest results, not mindless quantity.
Your ability to workout more is correlated with your recovery. This is dictated by your lifestyle, nutrition, and sleep. This is something you will have to watch, it’s never linear, something to be aware of. There is guidance in the Program to help you with this
I've tried following nutrition advice before and failed
That’s not your fault. When it comes to nutrition. Most plans flood you with PDF print outs from online library collections. They sound appealing at first:
‘115 fat loss recipe guide PDFs’
‘macro calorie calculator PDF for the perfect body’
The truth is, it’s not what you eat, it’s how effectively your body USES the nutrition you eat. Unless your body is working optimally. With regard to your metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and hormone production. You will see minimal results and remain frustrated. Even though you’re following ‘that PDF’ to a T. You can have all the plans at your disposal. But unless you understand how to optimise your body first, and do it, they are useless. It’s kinda like giving someone the tools to build their dream home, without ever teaching them how a home is built.
YET, if you’re looking for a smarter, more specific, and completely sustainable way to get healthy, build lean muscle mass, and lose fat..then I’ve got you covered. With the Evergreen Nutrition Blueprint, I’ll teach you when and what to eat before, during, and after your workouts to optimise your insulin sensitivity. And in turn improve Body’s Ability To Utilise Nutrients From Food Effectively
Which means you’ll
• Build lean muscle easier
• Boost your metabolism for easier and consistent fat loss
• Optimise your hormones to double your energy
• And improve your body’s health markers
Not only will achieve a lean body that looks great naked. But you’ll also you’ll double your daily ENERGY, sleep better and improve your mental focus for productivity! And you won’t have any more nutrition guesswork, yo-yoing, binging, or restricting.
With The Evergreen Nutrition Framework. Everything becomes clear, simple, and easy! I’ve seen people lose 30 Lbs with ZERO exercise at all using this ‘Evergreen Nutrition Framework’. And when you combine it with a smart TRX Suspension Trainer Workout Plan. Designed to stimulate muscle and functional strength development. You start seeing even faster results that will transform your body.
I'm too old, unfit, inexperienced
There are men and women from the age of 25 up to 75, from beginner to advanced levels kicking ass with this Program, just look at the success stories and reviews. You are NOT too old. FACT! So please get that out of your head right now.
I have limited energy to exercise
I get it, That’s not your fault, you’re very busy. One of the biggest mistakes that I see happening today is the idea of training HARD and sapping all the energy you have. Simply training hard is stupid, and it’s often the reason joint problems and injuries occur. It’s NOT about hard work. It’s kinda like if try to play the guitar for the first time right… it’ll probably sound terrible. Now let’s assume your coach is sitting next to you yelling at you to play harder and faster… That doesn’t make sense, right? It’s about an intelligent approach to nutrition and training which exactly what you’ll do in this Program. An approach that gives you more energy, not reduces it.
And Some Common FAQs I Get About This Program…
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What is the format of this Program?
All the Programs and the teaching and resources within them are on the fitnessfreedomathletes.com Platform. Where you will become a member for liiiife! Yeaaaa baby!! The Programs are accessible across any device on the Platform.
All the teaching for technique, nutrition, mindset, execution & performance is video based. With correlating study notes and downloadable resources.
What is this Program about?
I created this Resistance Band Program so you gain total body fitness advancement using an easy-level black CrossFit resistance band.
Anything similar to this example here (Black 25-65 lbs, 41 Inches Long X 0.9 Inches Wide)
It has been designed so you increase your functional strength, burn fat, and challenge your muscles to develop a lean and toned physique.
Effective recovery for progression
The Program rotates through training 3/4 of your body in each workout. Allowing a continuous 48 hour recovery period for the remaining 1/4.
Which means you’re always giving your body an effective recovery period to re-build stronger, fitter, and more defined.
What is the primary goal of this Program?
The 8-week Band Muscle Pump Workout Plan has 2 Phases:
Block 1: 4-Week Sculpting Phase
In this Block you will focus on perfect exercise execution and muscle contraction with each exercise. The Block uses lower reps and higher sets with a small amount of high volume sets. There are two main goals within Block 1:
1. Master the exercise technique to engage the muscle you are targeting correctly for progression.
2. Develop a larger work capacity and higher volume tolerance.
This will set you up nicely for Block 2 where you will unleash the beast and give it your all.
Block 2: 4-Week Intensity Phase
In this Block it’s time to mentally lock in and give it your all. And apply an even higher degree of effort and intensity.
With more advanced resistance band exercises that deliver even greater results. This BLOCK uses very high rep ranges, giant sets, and super sets. You will feel ‘the burn’ and ‘the pump’ in this Block.
Because this plan is so simple and fun to follow. It means you’re going to LOVE working out again. And will remain motivated throughout.
Especially when you see and feel the changes in your body week to week!
Who is this Program for?
Fundamentally if you are seeking a Program that allows you to exercise, challenge and advance your entire body with just a resistance band, then this Workout Plan is for you. You will benefit from this Program if:
- You are new to fitness and want to learn how to use a Resistance Band effectively
- You are a fitness enthusiast with a few years of relatively serious ‘gym training’ under your belt, but have not used a band before
- You are seeking a Workout Plan designed for small spaces that can be performed absolutely anywhere
- You are looking for a high-intensity total body resistance band plan (workout plan 2)
- You are looking for a plan to focus on mastering resistance band exercises and correct muscular contractions (workout plan 1)
Where can I perform this Program?
This Program only requires a small space and an easy-level CrossFit resistance band (this one here).
I have used this Program across several countries performing the exercises in hotels, hostels, beaches, jungles, roof-tops, parks, at home, in a garden, on a balcony and on a building site. I believe the question is not where can it be performed? But where do you want to perform it? The world is your oyster and this Program your Fitness Freedom.
Where can I ask a question?
Just drop me an email here - adam@fitnessfreedomathletes.com and I'll get back to you right away
Why is the price in USD
It's simply because most of my customers and clients are based in the US
Is this a subscription?
No! There is only a one time fee and you have access for life!
How long are the workouts
They vary between each level Program, as a rough guide:
Beginner - 30-40 mins, 4 days a week
Intermediate - 35 - 45 mins, 4 - 6 days a week
Advanced - 45 - 55 mins, 3 - 6 days a week
Add-On Programs - 10 - 15 mins 2 - 5 days a week
All are customisable for the days to fit your lifestyle.
Are the workouts 'follow along class videos'
The Programs aren't 'follow along class videos' because they use progressive overload, so every week the workouts get slightly more intense and the exercises change. So you get stronger week to week. Progressive overload like this is needed for successful transformations to occur. There is video teaching for every single exercise and then you follow the structured 8 - 16 week workout plan with those exercises in.
Is this Program suitable for men and women?
“Everything feels more resilient and reliable… defined and toned”
“Helped so much with daily anxiety and stress”
“Wish I’d discovered you sooner… finally understanding what a workout should be and feel like”
★★★★★ 4.95/5 OUT OF 600+ REVIEWS
Get Fit, Toned, & Defined In Just 8-Weeks Using One Resistance Band!
Works even if you’re unfit, overweight, and have tried every resistance band YouTube Vid, Class, or App out there with zero results!
Yes! I Want The
Resistance Band Muscle Pump Program (BEG – INT)
Let’s Add Up Everything You’re Getting Instant Access To Today…
The Band Pump 8-Week Workout Plan ($400 VALUE)
- Block 1: 4-Week Technique Phase
- Block 2: 4-Week Intensity Phase
Muscle-Centric Exercise Technique Video Database ($440 VALUE)
- Specific BEG-INT Band Exercise Technique Teaching For…
- Chest, Arms, Legs, Abs, Back, Shoulders, Core Exercises
- Alternatives For Injuries Support
- Limitations/Other Requirements Support
Program Welcome Video & How To Perform Guide ($30 VALUE)
Good Form & Execution Guide ($50 VALUE)
Warm-Up Performance Routine ($50 VALUE)
Cool Down For Focus Routine ($50 VALUE)
8 Weeks Of Email Accountability Check-Ins ($99 VALUE)
Complete Printable Workout Plan Handbook ($30 VALUE)
Weekly Live Coaching Calls ($199 VALUE)
Lifetime Digital Access ($99 VALUE)
BONUS #1: Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint ($800 VALUE)
BONUS #2: Awakening Muscle & Mindset Brilliance ($600 VALUE)
BONUS #3: Execution & Performance Mastery ($700 VALUE)
BONUS #4: Metabolic HIIT Program ($400 VALUE)
BONUS #5: 24/7 Private Support Group (Priceless)
Total Value: $3947
Normally: $189
Get Started Today:
Or x2 installments of $44.50
- Price in USD. Just One Investment. Lifetime Access -
**Backed by my '30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee’**
Join the Program today and I promise you’ll love your experience and results… or I give you a full refund. No questions asked. I make this guarantee because I want you to know this Program is the real deal. You have zero risk to join and try the Program today.
The price will increase to $189, it’s your last chance. Join all the other Fitness Freedom Athletes before you and get it now before the price increases to $189. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.
You’ve finally reached the end!
Click the "YES! I WANT THIS NOW" button above to get INSTANT access.
With this Program, you risk nothing, and you gain your life back. I can’t make it any better.
Join us today, as a Fitness Freedom Athlete. You’ll be among friends.
Oh, and if you have specific questions about the Program, you can email: adam@fitnessfreedomathletes.com
I'll be happy to answer them.
All the suspension trainer Programs can be used with any suspension trainer (like a TRX). The resistance band Programs just require one long-length resistance band.
Here's to your fitness Freedom!
Coach Adam
Body Transformation Coach
Creator of Fitness Freedom Athletes
Also Known As: "TRX Traveller"
Bragging Rights: Bragging Rights: Has helped thousands of people from all backgrounds, ages, and experiences build lean muscle, lose fat, and transform their body using just a suspension trainer, resistance band, or bodyweight. Anywhere!
P.S: Being Blunt...
If you pass on this offer, in a month from now will you be well on your way to achieving the body you want?
Probably not!
You’ll still wish and want it, but you won’t have the guidance or accountability to achieve it.
Let’s be honest.
Most of what you need is instruction and a clear path to success laid out.
Get this Program now. Take take the first step to not only achieving but exceeding your fitness goal and the body you want.
Wouldn’t you want all your friends and family to look at you in admiration because you’re looking lean, strong, and fit?
Act now! Buy Now. Your satisfaction guaranteed.
“I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate and benefit from Adam The TRX Traveller. Wherever and whoever is reading this, I’ll say this. There are aesthetic gains to be had for sure, but there is also the chance to maintain a fitness routine in the most unpredictable moments. To feel solid wherever you go, mentally and physically.
I’d say it’s a perfect Program for a good life. Cheers mate.”
“Adam’s program was the first program that I’ve been excited to use AND witnessed results. After each workout I feel as if my muscles were truly exercised, rather than punished at a traditional gym. The results have been so welcomed, I’m already looking for my next Fitness Freedom Athletes program. Well done, sir!”
P.P.S: Hate reading? Here’s a re-cap of this ultra long page
1. Here’s what I got: The Resistance Band Muscle Pump Program (BEG – INT)
2. Here’s what it’ll do for you: Learn The ‘Muscle-Centric’ Resistance Band Technique To Build Lean Muscle & Transform Your Body In 8-Weeks!
3. Here’s what’s included:
- 100% Fully digital program accessible on any device
- Band Pump 8-week workout plan
- Muscle-Centric Exercise Technique Database
- Welcome Video & How-To Guide
- Good Form and execution guide
- Warm-Up for Performance Routine
- Cool Down for Focus Routine
- Weekly Live Coaching Calls
- Complete Printable Workout Plan PDF
- 8-Weeks Of Email Accountability Check-Ins
Plus, if you get the Program today you’ll receive $2500 in Free Bonuses!…
- Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint
- Awakening Muscle & Mindset Brilliance
- Execution & Performance Mastery
- Metabolic HIIT Program
- 24/7 Private Support Group
4. Here’s what all this is worth: Total value: $3947
5. Here’s what you can get it for today with this special offer: Get the Program PLUS bonuses today for only $88.97 and start your transformation today.
6. You get a 100% Money-Back Guarantee. Try the program risk-free. If you’re not satisfied, I give you a 100% refund. No questions asked.
Act Now…
**Backed by my '30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee’**
Join the Program today and I promise you’ll love your experience and results… or I give you a full refund. No questions asked. I make this guarantee because I want you to know this Program is the real deal. You have zero risk to join and try the Program today.
The price will increase to $189, it’s your last chance. Join all the other Fitness Freedom Athletes before you and get it now before the price increases to $189. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Support: adam@fitnessfreedomathletes.com
The boring but necessary disclaimer: Adam Atkinson Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes is not a doctor or registered dietitian. The contents of this website and it's Programs should not be taken as medical advice. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor are they intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health. Use of the information in this website and Programs is strictly at your own risk. Adam Atkinson will not assume any liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages that may result including, but not limited to, economic loss, injury, illness or death. All documents included or exchanged between Adam Atkinson and the Client are the intellectual property of Adam Atkinson and Fitness Freedom Athletes and are not to be copied, sold, published, posted, or redistributed either in part or in full without Adam Atkinson's written consent. All violations will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Copyright © 2024 Fitness Freedom Athletes - All Rights Reserved
Brett (verified owner) –
I can’t say how happy I am with both the program and the customer service from Adam. This program has really changed how I workout and just in the last month I’ve gained 1% in lean muscle by focusing on the mind muscle connection. I love it so much I bought the next program.
Steven –
This opened my eyes to how’s much can be gained from using just the resistance bands. Totally changed how I work out and I am loving it!