1 TRX Shoulder Exercise to build greater mobility and girdle strength…
TRX Face pulls….
AthleanX’s favourite exercise and rightly so.
For all that wanted a TRX shoulder exercise.
It may not be a primary TRX muscle builder in itself, but it will develop a strong shoulder girdle foundation.
Then you can handle bigger primary TRX compound exercises and gain improved posture.
The key focus is to incorporate the external shoulder rotation at the top (rotating knuckles up)
- Pull up with the elbows up and out
- Focus on squeezing the shoulder blades together on the upward motion
- Focus on an external arm rotation at the top, refer to video for example
- 4 sec downward phase
- 0 sec pause at bottom
- 1 sec contraction upward phase
- 1 sec contraction at top
Got the little legs rocking a grey day, 6 degree celsius and 6:30am back garden TRX workout in the north of England here.
Muscles targeted: rear and lateral deltoid, trapezius
Sat safe, stay healthy
TRX’ing in: North East of England
Do you want the ability to achieve your fitness goals anywhere?
So did I…
That’s why I developed the TRX Fitness Freedom programs: https://fitnessfreedomathletes.com/trx-programs/
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