ADV Instructional TRX Workout – 6 Exercises Full Body

January 09, 2021

Coach Adam aka TRX Traveller - Fitness Freedom Athletes If you enjoy this post, you may also enjoy the FFA Suspension Trainer Programs to build lean muscle and transform your body anywhere!

ADV Instructional TRX Workout – 6 Exercises Full Body. We’re taking each muscle to complete failure across the three strength phases.

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ADV Instructional TRX Workout - 6 Exercises Full Body

ADV Instructional TRX Workout – 6 Exercises Full Body Video subtitles

so to go at failure we’re now doing partials partials partials little pumps little pumps hey how’s it going trx traveller adam here all right let’s get straight into it these first ones trx reverse rows i love these because you can get such an awesome squeeze so what am i doing here well i’m doing four seconds down and watch at the very bottom how far i go down i really try and stretch my lats because we’re really working the laps here see that big stretch at the bottom and at the very top here i’m squeezing those lats as hard as possible now my hands are just hooks my elbows are leading and my elbows are driving back and down and i’m running them alongside my body as close to my body as i can and i’m squeezing super hard super hard and again four seconds down nice long stretch back up and squeeze and i think this may be my last one and because we’re going to failure what do i do now i do partials let’s do pumps little partials little partials squeezing the lats squeezing the lats then i’m going to hold it isometric for as long as possible and then i’m going to lower myself as slow as possible once the isometric fails and that’s us taking the muscle through failure because we’re going across the three strength ranges the concentric the isometric and the eccentric and what do we do straight after we squeeze the lats so here i’m really focusing on squeezing my lats and now i stretch them for 15 seconds either side and why do we stretch i talked a lot about this in many other videos stretching encourages blood flow it also breaks the muscle down but mainly because we want blood flow we want that pump we want the catabolic breakdown stretching helps with that it encourages blood flow to the muscle now the second exercise we’re going on to is front raises now these are fantastic but you’ve got to get them right and if you watch me it’s all about the little range of motion we’re just wanting to really pump up the front shoulder muscles here and this is my second or third set i think and these are harder than they look so don’t put too much intensity if we go too far down we hang and we’re just hanging off the trx and all the weight is transferred from the front shoulder muscles to the joints at the top it’s it’s four seconds down one second up at the top a little one second pause just you feel the contraction and you see i’m failing here so what am i doing i’m trying to just do pumps at the top halfway partials and i’m really struggling because these are super hard you can see me shake my head i’m not too happy with that i didn’t do very good but these are incredibly good for targeting the front shoulder muscle just make sure you keep the range of motion short so you’re constantly pumping constantly pumping up those deltoid front deltoid muscles and of course what do we do we then stretch we squeeze so you really just put your shoulders in front pull them down and squeeze hard and squeeze your chest muscles together and you’ll feel the front shoulder muscles contracting too and then we stretch for the same reason promoting blood flow promoting the pump promoting catabolic breakdown stretch after every set and the third exercise we’re going on to here is just press-ups now if you’re strong uh by all means put your feet in the trx i am not strong enough these kill me so what am i doing here these look easy looks like i’m just going up and down i’m not i’m constantly pushing my hands together all the way up and all the way down i’m pushing my hands together against the floor this puts all attention onto the chest muscles and removes the shoulder muscles which can take a lot of load and you’ll find that they are so so hard so it’s four seconds down it’s one second up and one sec contraction at the top this again is my second or third set and i am pretty knackered so i’m failing here so i just do little pumps little pumps and then i hold it and i hold it and then i collapse believe me normal press-ups where you don’t think about it and you’re just moving that’s not what we do here we don’t just move we specifically isolate the muscle contract it that causes the movement this is muscle centric exercise we aren’t just moving here we want to con we want it we want to place load on the pectoral muscles the chest muscles so that’s why we push our hands together try it next time you do a press up i can’t do many full press-ups um when i do this technique yes if i don’t even think about anything and i just blast out press-ups yes i can do quite a lot if i think about it isolate it think about the muscle i want to use get my brain inside the muscle mind to muscle connection then it is ten times harder and that little technique of pushing your hands together really amplifies press-ups and now we’re moving on to bicep curls my favorite awesome absolutely love them now two key things i’m doing here again which is what i always do on curls whether it’s a hammer or reverse at the bottom four seconds down we are contracting the tricep to lengthen the bicep antagonistic muscles working in pairs when one muscle contracts another muscle must lengthen the opposite one that’s just basic science so we we do that to take the muscle through a full range of motion at the top i’m twisting i’m supinating my wrists so i’m twisting my pinky up and my hat my hands down again this is the last set so i’m really knackered and you can see i’m starting to fail here make sure to twist at the top always twist and twist your pinky up so to go at failure we’re now doing partials partials partials little pumps little pumps and it’s going to be isometric hold hold hold hold hold and then slowly down i’m trying to breathe through my nose throughout the whole workout but when it gets to stages like this you have to breathe through your mouth but if you watch i’ll probably close my knife in the mouth now yep and i’ll go back to breathing through my nose nose breathing just regulates nitric oxide better nitric oxide helps with the pump helps with air dilation of um blood uh vessels which deliver nutrient to the muscles and now with stretching and to stretch the uh biceps it’s thumb against the wall it’s not hand it’s thumb against the wall and you’ll feel your brachialis muscle your forearm and your bicep muscle stretch not so much your shoulder and chest whereas if you put your hand flat against the wall and of course as soon as we finish there we tensed and squeezed the muscle to get that mind to muscle connection and now we’re onto the hamstring curls again take your time getting set up with these uh rush into it you can see i’ve got the um straps a few inches off the ground there and what i do is i just move back slightly so my feet aren’t against the wall i put my hands down i lift my bum off the ground and it’s a one second up and i squeeze as hard as possible at the top here so right at the top here i’m squeezing my hamstrings and glutes as hard as possible for two seconds four seconds down what do i do at the bottom i contract my quads to lengthen the triceps sorry to lengthen the hamstrings as much as possible so at the bottom contract your quads to lengthen the hamstrings and glutes as much as possible and then on the way back up you’ll see my face when i squeeze super hard and i’m going to failure here so i think this is my third set so i haven’t managed many reps i’m going for one more and then i think i’ll go into partials yeah so you can see i’m just doing partials little pumps you can see my face i’m screaming here parcels and then i’ll just try and hold it hold it hold it and let it go down as slow as possible as slow as possible and by god you will feel the burn these are great when they’re done correct don’t rush them take your time always keeping the tension keep your bum off the ground keeping the tension on the hamstrings and it’s all about that super hard squeeze at the top and here i know it looks like i’m going to toilet i’m just squeezing my hamstrings as much as possible and glutes together and of course what do we do straight after we stretch for 15 seconds encourage that blood flow and here we’re doing the triceps now i love to sneak a little bit of band work in here and there especially tricep and pull downs here or tricep extensions whatever you want to call them these are awesome now the same principle applies here at the very top if you watch when i go right to the top i squeeze my biceps really hard because that contracting the biceps lengthens the triceps so again we’re taking it through a full range of motion so squeeze biceps top super hard squeeze at the bottom of the triceps there four seconds up one second down and a two second super hard squeeze and i’m holding my elbows you see they’re not quite um attached to my sides here i hold them a little bit in front because i can just get a better range of motion and get a better squeeze you don’t always have to hold them at your side you want to hold them where you can get the best range of motion and the best squeeze the best mind to muscle connection and you can see i’m starting to fail here so i’m just doing partials i’m just pulling down as much as i can again i’ll pull down as much as i can and you’ll see they just turn into pumps just little pumps little pumps and eventually i’ll just try and hold it so i’m trying to just hold it there and i fail and i let the the band go and again as soon as we get up contract the triceps so try and straighten your arms contract the triceps and then straight into stretching them and i believe this was the last exercise so i hope you found this video useful and i’ve been doing a few of these um videos taking muscles to failure because i’m working on new high intensity total body failure trx program let me know in the comments how you found it [Music] you

By Coach Adam  (aka TRX Traveller)

By Coach Adam (aka TRX Traveller)

Body Transformation Coach

I help people build lean muscle and transform their body from home with my Fitness Freedom Suspension Trainer and Resistance Band Programs, and Private 1-1 Coaching.

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Adam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom Athletes
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