The mind and body are unconditionally linked in the realms of transforming our bodies.
When we workout with muscle-centric technique, we can use our body to master our mind.
We want to become relentlessly proud and unstoppable in applying and believing how powerful connecting with our body using our mind can be.
I am going to use my body to master my mind with muscle-centric exercise technique and mindful muscle-connection
I will NOT just move with the TRX. I will violently contract the specific muscle I am targeting which then causes movement.
Proud of perfect form and execution (outside) combined with awesome mindful, specific intent focus (inside).
Applying those 3 principles is how TRX suspension training and resistance band workouts become meditative.
In the Workouts try to focus on you and only you for the entire workout. This is what I am relentless with…
Only one focus – your body and how it feels to POWERFULLY contract the one specific muscle
By really focusing on the exact muscle we are training with the specific exercise via each and every rep.
Everything else (thoughts, visuals) are secondary, we are aware of them but our focus remains on that one muscle.
No phone, no distractions.
Only one focus – your body and how it feels to POWERFULLY contract the one specific muscle we are targeting through perfect technique practice.
This is what meditation is.
It is focusing on one sole thing for an extended period. Bringing our awareness back to that one focus if it slips.
Close your eyes
To further help this meditative mindful focus, I’d like you to start closing your eyes when you perform exercises.
Trust me on this.
Once you have developed good exercise movement patterns and technique that are becoming habitual. You don’t need to see, you need to feel.
I close my eyes all the time within workouts.
The difference is huge.
Blocking out external visuals means you can look deeper into the muscle we are training. It’s strangely awesome.
I don’t know the scientific reason behind it, but I know it works very well. Just as it does in meditation.
The more you practice being mindfully aware for each and every rep you do with that specific muscle: pushing it into a burning, pumping, lactic acid build-up sensation.
The greater your development will become and thus transformational results. And closing your eyes can help with that awareness.
The transcending
Practising this meditative application inside workouts will level up your life and work outside of them.
We currently live in the notification age. We’ve had the:
- Industrial Age
- Space Age
- MachineAge
- Information Age
and now it’s the NOTIFICATION AGE!
You know what I’m talking about.
Anywhere we are and everywhere we go there’s a notification on our phone or laptop, constantly.
Our attention spans have never been so poor because we’re in a constant state of seeking quick dopamine hits.
Dopamine is a chemical that your brain emits when it’s stimulated.
Drugs stimulate dopamine and so does social scrolling social feeds and checking emails constantly.
The problem this has on our day to day life is that we’ve become terrible as a society at doing deep productive work.
Focusing on one thing for an extended period.
What do I mean by that?
I mean most of us find it hard to go more than 10 minutes without looking at our phone, checking email or going on social.
I admit I was like this for years until I began making mindful conscious actions to improve. We prioritise reacting and responding first, rather than creating.
To be creative we need to focus on one thing for a prolonged period of time to really get into it and be productive with our outcome.
Because our brains have become hardwired to look for a constant stimulant, that dopamine hit, that Warrior Mode!
Doing deep productive work becomes harder.
Quality work lies in deep productive work.
However, we can train our brain to become better at deep productive work, training it to let go of seeking a constant stimulant.
Meditation is that training.
Meditation practice is like productive deep work exercise training for the brain.
It trains our subconscious to get better at going into deep work and staying there.
If we apply mediation principles to our workouts, not only will it help us achieve the body we want quicker.
The benefits will also transcend into our daily lives by helping to train our brain in the ability to do deep, focused work.
It’s a double whammy win!
The same deep work productivity principle applies to social scenarios too.
Doing deep productive work with friends and family means having the ability to be totally present with them.
Not looking at our phone every 2 minutes when we’re sitting with a loved one.
Not checking Facebook when we’re hanging out with our kids.
There is of course the conscious effort of putting our phones on silent, turning off emails, having digital sunsets etc but there’s also the aspect of re-training the brain.
Re-training and improving our ability to focus and go deeper.
The difference
I’ve personally noticed this myself.
I now work in deep 90-minute productive stints followed by 20-minute breaks when I need to do creative work.
I’m more productive in those 4hrs 30 minutes of work than if I did a 10hr work day but checked notifications here and there, looked at emails and went on Facebook.
I never used to be able to do that type of deep work.
I just simply couldn’t.
I’d been so attached to my phone and immediately responding to notifications for years.
It’s taken me a lot of mediation practice in workouts and meditation on its own to become more productive.
Along with having systematic rules for my phone and social media usage.
This all comes back to the mind, body and soul connection all being intrinsically linked.
We have the power to transform our bodies anywhere and with it, we can help transform our minds to be more productive and lead a more motivational and inspired life.
This ethos is the foundation to all My Fitness Freedom TRX and Resistance Band Programs.
I go deeper into this topic in the Bonus Awakening Muscle & Mindset Brilliance that comes with each Program.
Level up your physical and metal well-being results from each workout!
Let’s get to it!
Coach Adam
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