There’s a slight difference in technique focus from a beginner to advanced level for TRX Suspension Trainer Bicep Curls.
When starting out I don’t believe in overloading the brain with too much to focus on at once while exercising.
Once the beginner level technique has become habitual, we then introduce the advanced technique (below)…
TRX Bicep Curl Beginner Technique
- Wrist straight or slightly bent back.
- Don’t straighten the arm at the bottom, this often leads to losing tension on the bicep and just hanging from the TRX suspension trainer. Tension is key, we try to maintain it constantly.
- Instead, keep a slight bend at the elbow at the bottom to maintain tension (the squeeze) on the bicep muscle.
- Curl up and squeeze super hard at the top.
TRX Bicep Curl Advanced Technique
- Wrist slightly bent back.
- Straighten the arm at the bottom by contracting the TRICEP (this is key). This causes the bicep muscle to stretch (opposing muscles: when one muscle contracts the other must lengthen). This maintains tension on the bicep muscle AND allows a greater range of motion and more bicep muscle used.
- Curl up and at the top twist the pinky inwards and thumb downwards. This allows a much greater squeeze and takes the bicep muscle through a bigger range of motion (hits the bicep peak – the sexy bathroom mirror flex).
A lot of these principles apply to many exercises.
In my opinion, it’s always best to keep giving the body stepping stones to progress with.
Small steps to ascend the mountain.
Mastering the beginner basics so they become habitual will provide great results.
Then it allows the body to progress even further by mastering the advanced techniques.
I’ve seen people rarely progress and become frustrated. I’ve been there myself.
They try and do all the advanced stuff, without ever mastering the basics.
It’s a lot to focus on in one rep.
The basics are the best bit – simple stuff done more times to get better.
The more advanced we get, the complicated it gets. Simple scales, as they say.
Coach Adam
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