Struggling to Build Muscle with a TRX Chest Press? Try This…
I used to really struggle to ‘feel it’ with a TRX Chest Press.
These two technique points helped change that.
If you feel it more in your shoulders?
Or struggle with the chest squeeze at the top?
At the top
Focus on bringing your elbows together, not hands.
Try and make the your elbows touch.
Keep the arms straight and hands outside elbows.
This will help with the squeeze of the chest muscle at the top and maintain tension.
At the bottom
Contract the shoulder blades back to stretch the chest.
No harm in staying here for a second to feel that stretch across the chest.
More stretch at the bottom to powerful short contraction (squeeze) at the top, means…
bigger range of motion and more muscle fibres recruited to improve.
Let’s get to it!
Coach Adam
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