If we internalise our focus solely on our body during a workout, it becomes a form of meditation.
Which in turn can aid those procrastinating and anxious thoughts we all get
See YOUR workouts as a form of meditation, as well as exercise.
Meditation is just focusing on one thing for an extended period.
And if you use your workouts to focus on your body, how it feels, how it’s moving, how the muscle is contracting for a specified time.
That’s a form of meditation.
and all those procrastinations, all those anxious thoughts, all the stresses, they will be different when you come out of the workout because you’ve allowed them to sit.
You focused on yourself, your body, and you’ll be able to reassess them differently at the end of it.
So be selfish in your workouts and use them as a form of meditation. Not just exercise.
To internally, mindfully, focus on what you’re doing and the movements you are mastering.
It’s your time in your own space…
For some of us, it’s the only time we get to ourselves so let’s use it for more than just exercising.
Connect the mind, body, and soul and the results are exponential.
All the best with your suspension & resistance band training!
Adam, TRX Traveller
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