There is no better mastery than mastering your own body and mind
Suspension training in our own space and time can help us greatly achieve that.
I believe it can become the soul number 1 activity in your life as a form of meditation along with body transformation.
Using your body to master your mind!
Initially, this may sound very wishy-washy.
Like something from a Buddhist monastery that does not belong in the reals of fitness.
And that’s because an ego-centric gym culture has meant we’ve lost our way with what health and fitness can be.
The word health has certainly been removed. I challenge that culture and ask you to stick with me…
The mind, body and soul are powerfully connected.
You can literally will your muscles to develop and your physique to change with your mind as you exercise.
And it works. It’s what I do.
It’s what the 1% of professional stage athletes do to compete at a higher level.
They devote their lives to this form of training.
As your mind can influence your body. So too can the body influence the mind. Take this simple example of confidence.
Gaining muscle and thus strength makes us feel more confident in ourselves.
Confidence is a perception formed from the mind.
The body has influenced the mind.
This influence can go a lot deeper
In fact, I think it’s infinite.
To help us further master our body, there are 4 key principles to practice executing in every single workout throughout every single rep.
They are called – ‘Effective from principles’
Form = how you perform during each exercise.
You can begin with Part 1 – Range of motion here
Become proud of mastering technique before applying ‘hard work’.
We as Fitness Freedom athletes are proud to make exercises easier if it means we can refine our form better.
We let go of ego and we’re proud of it.
We’re on a higher level.
Let the meatheads throw around their ego and heavyweights in their stifled gym environments.
We’re here to create a healthy body and mind in our own space that’s strong, dynamic, looks athletic and is built for longevity.
Be proud to be a mindful technique master.
Let’s get to it!
Coach Adam
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