My Morning Health Shake – 9 Nutritional Ingredients For Sustained Energy, Optimised Hormones, And Muscle Building

April 02, 2024

Coach Adam aka TRX Traveller - Fitness Freedom Athletes If you enjoy this post, you may also enjoy the FFA Suspension Trainer Programs to build lean muscle and transform your body anywhere!

If you’re not a ‘morning person’. And struggle to get into the zone, you’re not alone.

The majority of people rely on good old caffeine to ‘function’ early doors.

And then dive into cereals, toast, or pastries.

The result are a wake-up call for sure. But then lead to a crash or lethargy later in the morning.

The little-known consequences of this typical wake-up routine?

  • Insulin resistance
  • Acidity in the body
  • Jitters
  • Anxiety
  • Up and down energy levels

Not the most ideal way to start a day. 

10 months ago, before my better half was about to give birth.

I wanted to ensure that I was performing at my best, physically and mentally, for when the baby arrived…

And also to sustain a high productive level for clients and business.

So, I Changed My Morning Nutrition To Focus On Sustained Energy, Optimised Hormones, And Muscle Building

I tweaked it for SUPER POWER levels!

After 10 months, and a few little refinements, I can say it’s done the trick!

I am hyper focused, energised, and in the productive zone for 10 hours a day.

Even on less sleep from the little one.

I can it my morning “POWER health shake”…

In this post you’ll discover:

  • What fats I use to keep my insulin sensitivity optimised for fat loss and muscle building
  • Whats greens I put in for boosted and sustained energy
  • The two protein sources I swear by
  • The Mushroom extract that’s a better level up than caffeine
  • And two supps I take for cellular function and hormones

I hope it gives you some inspiration for your morning POWER nutrition!

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Power Ingredients #1 and #2

The first two things I add are Moringa and Wheatgrass.


Moringa and Wheatgrass are packed full of potassium.

Clients always say to me…

“I’m lacking in energy, but I’m eating my vegetables. I don’t understand”

And then they head for the caffeine, pre workout shakes, and take all these energy stimulants

The number one reason why you’re probably lacking energy, is because you’re not getting enough potassium.

Eat more green veg, ramp your potassium levels up, and you will feel a natural energy kick.

You want to keep a balance of sodium to potassium… where by your potassium intake is always greater than your sodium intake.

For optimal health and energy.

An easy way to track this is to put your meals into MyFitnessPal.

You can then see your potassium levels from the food you’re eating.

Most potassium comes from green veg.

Wheatgrass and Moringa are packed full of it!

They’re also packed full of multivitamins and nutrient as well.

So I know at the start of the day, I’m feeding my body what it needs.

Be warned: You don’t want too much Moringa, because it’s quite powerful, it’s quite punchy.

You’ll really feel that kick if you put too much in.

1 Table spoon of Wheatgrass

1/2 table spoon of Moringa 

… does the trick.

I’ve found Moringa to be an absolute energy and focus monster.

Since I started adding Moringa. I’ve noticed my energy levels are raised and sustained throughout the whole morning.

Power Ingredient #3

Then I move onto adding extra virgin olive oil.

I’ll put 3 teaspoons in when I’m doing a fat loss phase. And 5 or 6  when I’m doing a muscle-building phase.

Why olive oil?

It’s full of healthy omega fats

Provides powerful antioxidants.

Provides sustained energy levels

The body also digests the vitamins and minerals from the Wheatgrass and Moringa better in the presence of fat. 

Power Ingredient #4

Then I add collagen – 5 grams.

I believe we’re all very deficient in collagen

I use it for joints, hair, nails, all that kind of classic stuff – yes, there is science argued against it and for it. 

From my personal experience, and with clients.

I’ve always had good feedback with their knees feeling good, joints, and minimal injuries from training.

Power Ingredient #5

I then add Ashwagandha, about 3mg in tablet form.

I take Ashwagandha because science has proven it helps increase testosterone levels. So that’s why I take it.

I haven’t had my testosterone levels read, ever. Because quite frankly, I don’t feel like I need to.

I feel great and I build lean muscle very well.

If it isn’t broke, don’t try and fix it.

Power Ingredient #6

Then I add Cordyceps Mushroom extract – 3mg 

I swear by Cordyceps.

You can get it as a tablet form and get as a powder form. 

It’s a very good natural stimulant, but not like caffeine which gives you brain jitters.

Cordyceps stimulates your nervous system, so it’s really good for energy. It gives you a great boost.

It’s also very good for cardio performance.

Power Ingredient #7

Then I add one and a half scoops of whey protein powder, I love chocolate.

The flavour is essential…

Becuase that Moringa and wheatgrass is pretty punchy.

If you don’t bang in some chocolate protein powder. You are going to taste that earthy moringa and wheatgrass!

The reason for whey protein is exactly what you’d expect. You’ve woken up, and have been in a fast.

The body has been using protein to repair and replenish.

It’s vital to top that up first thing on a morning. To create a good muscle-building environment for when you then train.

Power Ingredient #8

Then I have a Magnesium tablet – one magnesium tablet in the morning and one at night.

Magnesium is important for a massive amount of cellular function.

We used to get magnesium pretty from vegetables and plants because they’d absorb it from the soil.

But, because our land is so over farmed, and fake soils are used, it’s very deficient in magnesium.

So taking magnesium supplement will help you with the little things that make a big difference:

  • Sleep
  • Building muscle
  • Aches
  • Cramps
  • Generally functioning better

It’s such a key component for the human body. 

Power Ingredient #9

Once I’ve placed all those ingredient in my shoe and drank it. I’ll then have five eggs.

Two whole eggs and three egg whites.

This feeds me for a good three or four hours and I’m in the zone

Why You Should Not Be Having Carbs For Breakfast

You want to keep your insulin levels in the body low when you start the day.

Insulin is released into the body when you eat carbs.

The reason you don’t want insulin levels raised in the morning is:

  • To prevent crashes
  • Give you sustained energy and focus
  • Keep your insulin sensitivity high (reduce insulin resistnace)
  • Create an optimal environment for muscle growth and fat burning hormones (insulin inhibits them)

Then you’re setting yourself up for success for the rest fo the day.

Here’s When To Have Carbs

Have carbs after your workout.


Because your muscles are primed for it.

All that blood flow, all that pump, flooding to the muscles is the perfect time for carbs

This is when you want to feed your muscles with what they need to grow and to re-energise. Which is carbs and proteins.

I work out at about 11am, that’s why this shake works for me.

If you wake up and workout straight away. Don’t add the olive oil.

Instead I would add two teaspoons of MCT oil.

Because it’s already pre digested and your body will absorb it much faster.

Carbs + Fat = Fat Gain

The olive oil is going to stay in your stomach for a few hours.

If you then do a workout and have carbohydrates after…

You’re going to spike insulin, and that fat in the presence of insulin is going to go straight into your fat cells.

If you workout in the evening, you can apply the same routine as me.

Because your body will have plenty of plenty of time for the fats to digest before you then work out. 

I hope you’ve found this useful. And it’s given you some inspiration and knowledge to level up your morning routine.

I touched upon the fat loss phases and muscle building phases I do, and how I tweak this shake for each…

And if you’re interested in know the exact method I use when I want to shed belly fat fast. Or create growth supports of muscle…

Checkout my post here on how I optimise my diet to melt stubborn belly fat loss, fast.

Or my post here on how I optimise my diet to create muscle growth spurts on repeat.

Here’s to you Fitness Freedom!

Coach ‘POWER shaker’ Adam

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By Coach Adam  (aka TRX Traveller)

By Coach Adam (aka TRX Traveller)

Body Transformation Coach

I help people build lean muscle and transform their body from home with my Fitness Freedom Suspension Trainer and Resistance Band Programs, and Private 1-1 Coaching.

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Yes absolutely, I have The Fitness Freedom Suspension Trainer & Resistance Band Programs for all levels and fitness goals. They will teach you the effective 'Muscle-Centric Technique' that will transform your body! And cover everything from nutrition to mindset and performance execution.

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Adam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom Athletes
Adam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom AthletesAdam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom Athletes

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