The 3 lessons have helped me build muscle and transforming my body using just a TRX suspension trainer over the last 7 years…
And I continue to apply and practice them to this day!
In essence, they are all you need…
Lesson 1
Your muscle doesn’t know what it’s holding
All it knows is the tension you can place upon it through a range of motion
So the tool you use to build muscle doesn’t matter, it can be a TRX, a dumbbell, bodyweight, or a resistance band
The muscle doesn’t know.
All it knows is the effective technique and time under tension you place upon it
So remove the limiting belief that you need gym or weights
Lesson 2.
It’s not about what you eat. It’s about how effectively your body uses what you eat.
And that comes down to your insulin sensitivity.
Unless your diet focuses on optimising your insulin sensitivity first, to get your body using the nutrients you eat from food effectively. You’re going to find it ten times harder to build lean muscle and lose belly fat.
So focus on a diet that optimises your insulin sensitivity first.
Lesson 3
Your mind-muscle connection is your biggest area for progression
elite bodybuilders can only connect and contract their muscles at 60% of their potential.
Us mere mortals are about 30%.
That leaves a huge 70% of progression.
People get so caught up on reps, sets, different exercises without ever focusing on mindfully connecting to their muscles to powerfully squeeze them throughout every single rep.
The growth in this area is huge. So focus on your mind muscle connection.
By the way if you’re struggling to transform your body – all the Fitness Freedom suspension trainer and resistance band Programs come with courses, guidance, and teaching that cover these 3 fundamental lessons
So you can build lean muscle and transform your body with just a suspension trainer or resistance band.
Let’s get to it!
Coach Adam