Are you mastering these within all your suspension trainer or resistance band workouts for better results???
(Principle 4 is best!)
Principle 1 – Range of motion
Take the muscle from its fully stretched position right through to its fully contracted position.
But NOT to a point of losing tension on the muscle.
Principle 2 – Controlling The Negative Phase
“Lowering myself is easy, gravity takes over and I drop”
People assume we only need to put effort in on the concentric (positive) phase.
The negative is 1/3 of a muscles strength range = 33% of missed gains if not mastered
Principle 3 – Breathing
Practice to use only nasal breathing.
Nasal breathing improves circulation due to increased nitrogen.
It also increases the body’s ability to produce ATP (energy).
The body becomes better at performing high amounts of work while burning fat as energy.
Principle 4 – Mind-Muscle Connection
Mindlessly just moving yields limited results.
Place the mind inside the muscle we are targeting.
Feel and will it to contract and stretch through each exercise.
Workouts become meditation for the mind.