STRAIGHT LEG BAND PULL THROUGH. I’ve had many requests for ‘how to’ target the glutes and hamstrings over on Instagram and posted many TRX vids to do so. So to change things up, here’s how to target them with a band…aaand thrust!
Lads the booty (glutes) are the biggest muscle in the body.
The bigger they are – the more calories they burn metabolically – the more you can eat.
They’re also a powerhouse muscle for all three of the BIG gym lifts and stabilisers for many TRX and body weight movements
- Legs straight, stretch the hamstrings out on the downward phase
- squeeze and contract the booty (glutes) at the bottom to push the hips forward so the body finishes in a standing position
- squeeze the booty as hard as possible at the top while standing
- lower slowly and stretch those hams.
- 3sets – 15-20reps
If there’s no squeezing-strain face there’s no gains
Loop the band round anything solid at the bottom: tree, lamppost, fence…
If there’s any specific TRX exercise or muscle area targeting you’d like to see? Let me know in the comments below or message me on Instagram @trxtraveller and I’ll make you a demonstration vid.
Stay safe, stay healthy
TRX’ing in: North East of England
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So did I… That’s why I developed the TRX Fitness Freedom programs:
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