TRX Chest Exercise variation for more gains. From the story questions on Instagram (@trxtraveller) @j.lgsv , @kris_r_aldridge and @mikefrostyfrost requested a TRX exercise to target the pectorals…
…here’s a TRX press variation and why it’s super effective below…
Stretching of the chest
At the bottom of the movement it’s possible to get the shoulders and elbows right back behind the body to open-up and stretch the chest muscles *refer to end of vid for demonstration
More emphasis on the chest muscles
Pushing down and away to contract back-up places more emphasis on the chest muscles and less on the front deltoids
Squeezing of the chest muscles
Towards the top contraction phase – focusing on pushing the elbows together across the body leads to an awesome squeeze and pump of the pectorals
- Push down and away when squeezing the pectorals to push back-up
- Don’t straighten arms at the top keep a slight bend and thus constant tension on the chest muscles
- Place straps underneath arm
- Hold straps in a hammer grip rather than handles to place less strain on the wrist
- 4 sec downward phase
- 0 sec pause at bottom
- 1 sec contraction upward phase
- 0 sec pause at top
*3sets – 6-8reps
If there’s any specific TRX exercise or muscle area targeting you’d like to see? Let me know in the comments below or message me on Instagram @trxtraveller and I’ll make you a demonstration vid.
Stay safe, stay healthy