A question I get asked a lot…
“What’s better for building muscle, a TRX or resistance band?”
Drum roll…
The answer is… they can both build the same amount of muscle.
Why? How?
Because the muscle does not know what you are holding.
All it knows is the powerful tension that you can place upon it through a range of motion, regardless of the tool used.
Feeling lost? In this video I’ll explain what I mean and how you can build muscle with a TRX suspension trainer or resistance band…
When to choose between a TRX or resistance band
Only when INTERNAL mastery of the above has been achieved and engrained should the question of ‘which tool is best to use’ (EXTERNAL) come into play for progression.
Technique mastery preceding hard work.
Let’s go over what I mean by that.
I’ll use myself as an example.
Years ago when I used to train in a gym. I was the complete opposite to this.
I focused on EXTERNAL first and last – how much weight can I add to the bar – lift the bar.
Without ever appreciating, understanding or mastering the INTERNAL. Eventually, progression got stale, injuries became common and workouts were mentally dissatisfying.
It wasn’t until I left that environment with a travel backpack, TRX and a resounding strong will to maintain, if not to improve my overall fitness, that everything changed.
Seeing TRX workouts as a form of meditation
And I began to see workouts as a form of INTERNAL meditation as well as a physical challenge.
When my mind connected with my body the results were outstanding. Both physically and mentally.
But it took time.
I had to forget what I thought I knew.
Unlearn bad mindful focuses, techniques and habits.
In a gym, I just used to focus on the weight I used and what I looked like when I was using it.
As opposed to internally connecting with my body and feeling the muscle work regardless of the weight.
Powerfully contracting my muscles, feeling the muscle stretch, contracting it, and of course, using perfect technique to do that.
But I didn’t.
I wasn’t internal.
I was very externally focused on my surroundings, do I look good lifting this heavyweight.
Here’s the secret sauce to greater TRX workout results
What suspension training and resistance band training teaches you very well, is to let go of ego.
To internalise your feelings and your focus.
With suspension and band training, we have to:
- use slow tempo
- to feel the muscle stretching
- to feel the muscle contracting
- to focus on technique
- to focus on big ranges of motion from a long stretch to a short contracted position
- to focus on the tiny little details that compounded over time lead to the biggest difference and gains
So, don’t ask yourself which will build more muscle for me, a TRX or Resistance Band.
Ask yourself how can I best use a TRX or resistance band for my personal individual biomechanics.
To internally connect with the muscle, to feel it stretch and feel it powerfully contract.
Ask yourself:
“How can I isolate the specific muscle with a TRX or band to only cause movement by contracting THAT specific muscle? No swaying no swinging.“
So which will builds more muscle?
They will both build the same because it’s all in the mind.
Master the mindful muscle-connection and feel your body.
Use your TRX or band workouts as a form of meditation, get rid of external distractions.
The best fitness results I’ve ever experienced
This has led to 10 times greater progression than I ever achieved in a gym.
And I achieved it all over the world with just a TRX and resistance band on beaches, in nature, and in forests.
If I can do it you can do it.
It opens up a massive world, you don’t rely on a gym and you don’t rely on weights.
Ever. Again.
Because you internalise your focus, workouts become so much more than just sweating.
I know I preach this a lot but that’s because it works.
Let’s get to it!
Coach Adam
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