How to Train Harder with TRX Workouts for Muscle Growth

February 04, 2021

Coach Adam aka TRX Traveller - Fitness Freedom Athletes If you enjoy this post, you may also enjoy the FFA Suspension Trainer Programs to build lean muscle and transform your body anywhere!

How to Train Harder with TRX Workouts for Muscle Growth. Going to complete FAILURE across the 3 strength phases (concentric, isometric and eccentric) better, optimal muscle development







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How to Train Harder with TRX Workouts for Muscle Growth Subtitles Read Through:

hey how’s it going trx traveller adam here this video is for the full body intensity program there’s a link to it just below if you’re interested let’s get straight to it so what does it mean going to absolute failure with a trx exercise well to put it in simple terms the muscle has three strength phases one is the concentric so that’s curling and that’s actually your weakest it’s the weakest phase for a muscle the second is isometric and that will be where you’re holding a weight and the third is eccentric where you’re lowering the weight now you are strongest on your third your eccentric your second strongest and your isometric and your weakest on your concentric the curls taking a muscle to complete failure means depleting the muscle across those four those um full three strength phases so how do we do that i’m going to show you with a trx bicep curl example first and i’ll show you with a squat and pistol squat the same principles apply and it’s really about locking in mentally really focusing time under tension and violently contracting the muscle as hard as you can and putting your mind inside the muscle feeling it internalising mind to muscle connection so i’m going to let’s presume that i am on my sixth or seventh fret and i’ve been doing trx curls so we always get ourselves set up before we begin so if i am still on my sixth rep and i’m curling squeezing super hard at the top two seconds down for one two three four squeeze my triceps to lengthen the biceps coming back up squeeze super hard and back down for one two three four now if i know this is pretty much going to be my last last rep because i can feel that i’m failing what i would then do is if i knew i was going to firm this last rep i would get to the top just i would squeeze for as much as i can and that’s basically um the concentric’s beginning to fail so rather than going right back down i’m just going to go halfway and i’m going to do pumps and i’m going to do pumps just halfway parcels and eventually i’m going to start failing again so then i’m just going to do tiny pumps at the top here tiny pumps at the top and eventually i’m not going to be able to move and i’m literally just going to be holding my body weight so we’re now in the second phase this is the isometric phase and we are second strongest here so i want you to hold that for as long as possible and eventually eventually you’re going to give up and you’re going to start going down and that’s taking us into the third phase which is eccentric lowering so i want you to lower as slow as possible as slow as possible as slow as possible slow as possible slow as possible and you’re done so that is taking a muscle to complete failure because you are challenging it across the three strength phases if you think about it if you just stop after this so you get to your last one and you you stop when you go and you let go you’ve only challenged the muscle on one strength phase that’s a third of the muscle so that’s potentially two-thirds of the muscle fibers are still unfired it’s still unused so you’ve only broken down a third of them we want full muscle depletion for better redevelopment breaking as many fathers down as possible so that is why when in the program it talks about going to complete failure that that’s what it means on every exercise you finish on the curls and you get to the point where i just can’t do any more i can’t do any more so i’m going to do partials half-ways then you get to the point where ah i just can’t so i’m just going to do little pumps then the pumps you run out and you’re like i can’t so i’m just going to hold myself hold it hold it and then you can’t go anymore you’ll find yourself entering the third phase eccentric where you lower as slow as possible slow as possible slow as possible and that’s it that’s what it means to take muscle to depletion um now if we were doing a pistol squat for example how would that look so again we’re gonna do um pistol squats for quads so what do we do we set ourselves up we always lean over slightly at the bottom we contract our hamstrings to lengthen the quads so if i was doing a pistol squat it would look something like this so say i was on my last one here i was going down slowly four seconds down i squeeze my hamstring at the bottom to lengthen the chord and i explode back up and i can only just get back up because it’s my last one then what i would do is i’d go to partials so i’d go halfway and back up and i’d go back down and i’d go back up halfway and remember you’re still keeping the same rhythm so back if the tempo is four seconds down it’s still four seconds down one second up and however much contraction at the top and eventually you will not be able to do partials so you’ll just go to pumps and when i mean pumps i’m just talking this i’m literally just doing this i’m just pumping and eventually you will not be able to hold your body weight and you’ve got to then just hold it hold it isometric phase hold it and eventually you’ll just start sitting down and you’ll go down and you can use yourself here to give a little bit of support to go super slow and eventually you’ll hit the deck and that’s how we then take it to depletion with something like squat or legs so all i was doing was full pistol squat full range of motion until this leg was tiring then i was just doing partials such as partials and then you get the point where you can’t do parcels and you your face will be screaming anything like this so you’ll just be doing pumps and eventually you’ll just end up being stuck and you hold it isometric second phase once you fail at the isometric phase you then start going down and you go as slow as you possibly can all the way down the bottom that’s the eccentric now i’m out of breath and i can feel my my my quad is really starting to i can feel the pump building already and i wasn’t even doing it properly i was just demonstrating so it can really show you the potential of taking a muscle through its total depletion now in the program you’ll notice that there’s lots this is the high intensity it’s the total body failure workouts we’re pushing muscles to the limit and that’s why there’s less sets because it’s just not needed now the only other thing i just want to cover is you might get to a point where when you first start practicing this absolute failure and always you know getting to your last last rep and thinking right i have to deplete across the three strength ranges now and you lock it in and you go yeah okay that concentric holes isometric and funny centric you might not be able to push it as much because it’s a new feeling perhaps mentally you can’t lock in as well that will grow that will develop with time with practice this is hard this is advanced training and it’s hard it depletes you so what you can do if say you’d finished some bicep some tricep um sorry tx bicep curls if you’d finished them and you’d just been doing your pumps your isometric and you’re on your last bit your last phase but you don’t really feel like you’ve pushed it and you’re like i still got a bit more in you can do a rest pause so you can slowly lower come down breathe for two or three seconds and then go straight back into it full reps which i reckon you’ll probably only be able to do maybe one or two and then you do the same thing again in your pump you pump partials hold and then eccentric and then doing rest pauses is again another way to intensify you just give yourself a two or three second break straight back into it full depletion again so if you’re finding at first that you’re struggling to really sort of get hold and work with full depletion use the rest pauses method until you start getting almost better and just a bit braver like it hurts you can feel a burn and it you feel electric after building up when your mind gives up before your muscle does and you need to train your mind to be a bit more resilient to play in that pain to feel you know all the um all the catabolic breakdown is happening the more lactic acid buildup there is the more hormones are released the more hormones at least the better build and growth we’re going to get we’re trying to sort of pump the muscle up we’re getting as much blood and nutrient in there as possible to cause catabolic breakdown so then we can have the protein synthesis over the 48 72 hours so we’re really trying to deplete the muscle totally and that’s why in the program you’ll notice the the sets lower and the reps are just a standard medium we do do a few obviously high volume stuff to mix things up but predominantly it’s about locking in and it’s about really focusing mind to muscle and feeling and contracting with perfect technique not swinging around not losing form so really go hard at it yeah really go hard at it for the complete failure if you’ve got any questions on it just leave them below and i’ll put a link to the the program and all the other videos the coaching videos for the program just below this hit me up with any questions you’ve got always okay thanks very much for watching

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How to Train Harder with TRX Workouts for Muscle Growth

By Coach Adam  (aka TRX Traveller)

By Coach Adam (aka TRX Traveller)

Body Transformation Coach

I help people build lean muscle and transform their body from home with my Fitness Freedom Suspension Trainer and Resistance Band Programs, and Private 1-1 Coaching.

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Adam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom Athletes
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