Attention: Resistance band users of all ages and levels who want to make serious progress…

Get The Complete Road Map To Burn Fat, Build Muscle, & Transform Your Body Using A Resistance Band!

Resistance Band Burn and Build Program Bundle

Resistance Band Burn & Build Bundle (BEG – ADV)

Requires 1 band: like this example here (Black 25-65 lbs, 41 Inches Long X 0.9 Inches Wide)

First, Learn the effective Mindful Muscle-Centric Resistance Band Technique to develop muscle tone and burn fat

Then, grow your statistically lacking muscle areas to build a sculpted physique

This bundle is all you need to learn how to exercise with a resistance band to stimulate lean muscle growth… for results that will set you up for a lifetime.

  • 8-week Beginner – Intermediate Program
  • 16-week Intermediate – Advanced Program
  • Full Body Workouts
  • Push/Legs/Pull Workouts
  • 3 – 6 Days Per Week (customisable)
  • 35 – 50 Min Workouts (excluding warm-up & depending on current fitness level)
About This Band Burn & Build Bundle

If you want the road map of progressive Resistance Band Workout Plans and teaching to gain a toned and sculpted body with just one band at a bundled stack discount…

Then this Resistance Band Burn & Build Bundle is for you! With 6 months of progressive resistance band Workout Plans that can be extended and customised to 8+ months.

The Primary Goal Of These Programs?

You’ll begin with the Resistance Band Muscle Pump Program to burn fat, tone up, & sweat it out in 8-weeks

…Then you’ll progress onto the Resistance Band Muscle Builder Program to grow your statistically lacking muscle areas to build a sculpted and defined body and increase functional strength

With this advanced Program, you’ll learn the advanced resistance band techniques to push your muscles to failure, working smarter for greater results.

Recent Program Reviews…

2 reviews for Resistance Band Muscle Pump Program (BEG - INT)

  1. Avatar photo

    Brett (verified owner)

    I can’t say how happy I am with both the program and the customer service from Adam. This program has really changed how I workout and just in the last month I’ve gained 1% in lean muscle by focusing on the mind muscle connection. I love it so much I bought the next program.

  2. Avatar photo

    Steven (verified owner)

    This opened my eyes to how’s much can be gained from using just the resistance bands. Totally changed how I work out and I am loving it!

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Before We Get Into What's Included, You're Probably Thinking...

TRX Traveller


I created this Program for those wanting to achieve their fitness goals with a TRX anywhere. It is intended for those new to TRX and covers all the foundational exercises and how to do them with mindful muscle-centric technique.

Along with progressive overload throughout Blocks 1 and 2 in order to advance in both functional fitness, strength and aesthetic physique.

It begins to touch upon beginner practices for learning how to contract and feel your muscles working through ranges of motion rather than simply performing the exercise movement.

This leads to a whole host of benefits and will maximise development in performance and physique. This Program is split into two Blocks: Block 1 - 4-week Technique Phase; Block 2 - 4 Week Transformation & Strength Phase

I’ve Used A Band Before With Zero Results

I hear you! That's not your fault. Many people come to use my Band Programs because they haven't seen any visible changes in their body using other resistance band resources. And here's why...'s because those other resources focus on movement-centric technique = a shared load with multiple muscles engaged to move from A to B.

There's nothing wrong with that if you want to just work up a sweat and move around. But it can be mindless movement. However, if you want to VISIBLY TRANSFORM your body using a band, then you need to do...

'Muscle-Centric' Technique = Isolating the specific muscle we are targeting to place all the load onto it.

When that is combined with internal mind-muscle connection. The results are outstanding, physically and mentally. Together, I call it the 'mindful muscle-centric Band technique'.

My mission is to show people how to build lean strong and functional muscles with a resistance band using this technique. Because this leads to a visible transformation of your body shape due 2 reasons (for simple sake):

1. Muscle definition is created
2. More quality muscle gained = we burn fat more easily and better at rest

There are a whole bunch of other health-related reasons too, such as hormone optimisation, increased metabolism, and better insulin resistance. A reason why my mantra is - muscle is life.

On top of that is the meditative workout state we get into with 'mindful muscle-centric band technique'. Workouts reduce anxiety, stress, and procrastination because we internalise our focus on one thing (our body) for an extended period of time. That's mediation.

You finish workouts in your own space and time like you've been on another planet. Gaining the physical benefits along with the mental well-being benefits in each workout.

I Don't Know How To Eat To Get The Body I Want

I hear you and I’ve got you covered. As I tell our Fitness Freedom Athletes in the community, nutrition is 80% of the battle… and you can't out-exercise a bad diet.

Today's diet and exercise "advice" is completely useless for most of us who are busy... “Eat healthier. Cut back on your carbs. Do hours of cardio. Eat more protein. Take vitamins…” etc etc

This “cookie-cutter” advice will continue to fail you if you keep listening. YET, if you're looking for a faster, smarter, more specific, and completely sustainable way to get healthy, build lean muscle mass, and lose fat, then I’ve got you covered…

All Fitness Freedom Athlete Members get access to my Nutrition & Supplement Guide as a BONUS. In this modular teaching guide, you'll learn the Evergreen Nutrition Framework to gain a lean, healthy, and energised body sutainably.

I'll teach you how to use effective nutrition timing and nutrition pairing of fats, carbs, and proteins.

Which means you’ll turn your body into the natural performance machine it can be - working in two phases throughout each day: a lean muscle-building phase and a fat-burning phase.

Many people believe that doing MORE EXERCISE is the key to losing weight or gaining muscle. This is a MYTH (unless you’re an Athlete training 6 hours a day).

Getting your body working optimally with your metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and hormone production, first, is the absolute key!

I’ve seen people lose 30 lbs with ZERO exercise at all using this ‘Evergreen Nutrition Framework’. And when you combine it with smart TRX workouts designed to build lean muscle and functional strength, you start seeing even faster results that transform your body with muscle definition.

To keep the pounds off and build lean muscle long-term you need a SIMPLE & SUSTAINABLE healthy eating plan that will work for you long-term. A plan that’s:

  1. simple and easy to follow…
  2. allows you to enjoy healthy foods you love each day…
  3. allows you to indulge in “unhealthy foods” on occasion without gaining fat…
  4. and gives you the flexibility to eat out at restaurants and enjoy your life.

This is exactly what you'll get with my Nutrition & Supplements Guide.

Members get such amazing results easily, by following the nutrition teaching... they never need any other diet ever again again.

I Don't Have Much Time, Can I Still Benefit?

I recommend an ideal amount of workouts per week for each Program (detailed at the start). But this is NOT a must. You can do less and still progress. Our focus is not on quantity but quality of workout. So long as you are progressing through the Program and handling the increased intensity and exercise variation workout to workout, you are improving and your results will grow!

Obviously, be sensible with your approach, it's no good doing 1 workout every 2 weeks and expecting great results. My point is, dedicate the time you can and focus on training smarter with the correct technique and mindful muscle connection. This will yield the greatest results, not mindless quantity.

Your ability to workout more is directly correlated with your recovery. This is totally dictated by your lifestyle, nutrition, and sleep. This is something you will have to monitor, it’s never linear, something to be aware of. There is further guidance on the Platform to help you with this.

What is The Format Of This Program?

All the Programs and the teaching and resources within them are housed on the Platform where you will become a member for liiiife! Yeaaaa baby!! The Programs are accessible across any device on the Platform.

All the teaching for technique, nutrition, mindset, execution & performance is video based with correlating study notes and downloadable resources.

For full details of what you will get, just scroll down...

What’s Included?

Fitness Freedom Athletes With Adam TRX Traveller

Component 1

Fully Digital Program Accessible On Any Device

You'll become a member of the platform for life. Where your Program & all the resources can be accessed digitally on any device. PLUS, any time the Program is upgraded or more member resources are added to the Platform, you'll get that free too.

Component 2

Resistance Band Muscle Pump Program (BEG-INT 8-Week Program)

Begin by burning fat, toning up, and sweating it out. Challenge your body with rotating full-body workouts and multiple band exercises. Feel the burn and develop muscle tone with high-volume training. Learn the effective Mindful Muscle-Centric Resistance Band Technique.

View full Program details here >

Resistance Band Muscle Pump Program
Resistance Band Burn and Build Stack Workout Plans and Exercise

Component 3

Resistance Band Muscle Builder Program (INT-ADV 16-Week Program)

Step up and progress even further to grow your statistically lacking muscle areas to build a sculpted & defined body. Increase your functional strength. Learn the advanced resistance band techniques to exhaust muscle fibres… working smarter for quicker results that last. With a PULL/LEGS/PULL split you will feel the burn!

View full Program details here >

Component 4

Entire Muscle-Centric Band Exercise Technique Database

Learn The Resistance Band Technique that actually works. Know how to perform EVERY Exercise Effectively. Smash through your beliefs & limitations. Maximise Your Results Quicker. Learn how to workout smarter NOT harder. Become confident with every exercise. Eliminate guess work. Enjoy a variety of movements.

TRX Suspension Training Total Body Enhance Workout Program and Exercises
TRX Suspension Training Total Body Enhance Workout Program and Exercises

Component 5

Warm-Up For Performance Routine

Perform this dynamic warm-up with me before every workout! Help to prevent injury. Improve and maximise performance and mind muscle-connection. Effectively prepare your body for the workouts.

Component 6

Cool Down For Focus Routine

Perform this focused cool-down with me to ground your mindset. Ready to step into your zone of brilliance each day. Finish strong with a simple stretch routine to engage signalling pathways within the muscle. Recover better & quicker.

TRX Suspension Training Total Body Enhance Workout Program and Exercises
email me

Component 7

Access To Me On Email Support

I’m here for you for any questions or problems and to help you find the right path to achieve your fitness goal. The NO.1 thing people say to me is: “thank you for responding so quick”. I don’t wait around, because I love helping people.

Recent Program Reviews…

2 reviews for Resistance Band Muscle Pump Program (BEG - INT)

  1. Avatar photo

    Brett (verified owner)

    I can’t say how happy I am with both the program and the customer service from Adam. This program has really changed how I workout and just in the last month I’ve gained 1% in lean muscle by focusing on the mind muscle connection. I love it so much I bought the next program.

  2. Avatar photo

    Steven (verified owner)

    This opened my eyes to how’s much can be gained from using just the resistance bands. Totally changed how I work out and I am loving it!

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1 review for Resistance Band Muscle Builder Program (INT - ADV)

  1. Avatar photo

    Frida (verified owner)

    I progressed onto this having done the Band Muscle Pump Program. I realised from Adam’s coaching vids was how I’d basically being doing band training quite ineffective for years. This Program has not only allowed me to change my strength and physique (I’ve actually grown guns!) but the attention to detail with the teaching is very good! Each exercise is broken down and you sharp realise that with the correct teaching – 1 resistance band is all you need to hit your fitness goals anywhere!

    Highly recommend to anyone wanting to take fitness into their own hands and follow a Program that you can progress with.

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Special Bonuses!

Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint

Bonus 1

Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint

Know exactly what and how to eat before, during, and after your workouts to achieve your fitness goal. Follow the 'Evergreen Nutrition Blueprint' to re-optimise your body by improving your insulin sensitivity, waking up your dormant fat burning hormones, and igniting your metabolism. Which means you can build lean muscle, strength, and a healthier-energised body quicker and easier. ELIMINATE guesswork and 'diet fads'. Improve sleep, focus, productivity, and BOOST your body confidence!

Bonus 2

Awakening Muscle & Mindset Brilliance

My favourite and greatly overlooked aspect of mindful technique! I think you're going to love it! Turn your workouts into a form of meditation to greatly improve your mental well-being. Understand the mind-muscle connection to explode your results! Switch between Warrior & Buddha Mode for better recovery, workout performance, and daily focus.

TRX Suspension Training Total Body Enhance Workout Program and Exercises
TRX Suspension training Execution and performance mastery

Bonus 3

Execution & Performance Mastery

Take your workout performance to the next level... Learn the 3-steps to the perfect TRX exercise setup. Understand The 4 TRANSFORMATIONAL principles to maximise your workout results. Know how to effectively incorporate cardio without hindering your progression. Understand your anatomy to POWERFULLY visualise, connect, & contract each individual muscle. Apply the 7 high-performance ingredients to excel!

Bonus 4

Fitness Freedom Athletes Private Community

A private community of fitness freedom athletes on the same journey as you. Learn from others, ask questions and get answers, even buddy-up. Get accountability and support. It’s a great little community!

TRX Suspension Training Total Body Enhance Workout Program and Exercises
TRX Suspension Training Total Body Enhance Workout Program and Exercises

Bonus 5

Complete Printable Workout Plan PDF

No internet access? Print the plans out and take them anywhere. Scribble and take journaling notes of your exercise performance. Store on your phone as a PDF if you’re off the grid.

Bonus 6

8 Weeks Of Email Accountability Check-Ins

Activate your weekly accountability and goal setting emails from me at any point. By the end you’ll have transformed your habits and your body… for life.

TRX Suspension Training Total Body Enhance Workout Program and Exercises
Fitness freedom athletes with adam TRX traveller bodyweight HIIT workouts

Bonus 7

Bodyweight Metabolic HIIT Program 

Sometimes, you only have 15 minutes to spare and want to squeeze something in fast. In this Program you'll find a variety of quick bodyweight HIIT workouts that you can do anywhere to IGNITE metabolism, spike fat burning hormones, get fit quick, and relieve stress to feel great!

The Results Don’t Stop There…


“Looking more muscular and fit and feeling great mentally”

TRX Traveller Adam Atkinson Workout Program reviews


“It’s like I’ve stumbled upon the holy grail”

TRX Traveller review


“Literally your Program has changed my life”

TRX Traveller review

Yes! I Want The

Resistance Band Burn & Build Bundle (BEG – ADV)

“Here’s Everything You Will Get Instant Access To With The Band Burn & Build Bundle:”

Resistance Band Muscle Pump Program VALUE: $500
Resistance Band Muscle Builder Program VALUE: $700
Entire Resistance Band Muscle-Centric Exercise Technique Database VALUE: $500
– Band Chest, Arms, Legs, Abs, Back &, Shoulders Exercises Teaching Videos
– Alternatives For Injuries Support
– Limitations/Other Requirements Support
Program Welcome Video & How To Perform Guide VALUE: $30
Good Form & Execution Guide VALUE: $50
Warm-Up Performance Routine VALUE: $50
Cool Down For Focus Routine VALUE: $50
Me On Email Support VALUE: $199
Fitness Freedom Athlete Lifetime Program Access VALUE: $99
BONUS 1: Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint VALUE: $800
BONUS 2: Awakening Muscle & Mindset Brilliance VALUE: $600
BONUS 3: Execution & Performance Mastery VALUE: $700
BONUS 4: Complete Printable Workout Plans PDF VALUE: $30
BONUS 5: Fitness Freedom Athletes Private Community VALUE: Priceless
BONUS 6: 8 Weeks Of Email Accountability Check-Ins VALUE: $99
Metabolic HIIT Workouts VALUE: $400

VALUE: $4807


Original price was: $189.99.Current price is: $157.97.

(17% Bundle Discount Applied!)

- Prices shown are in USD -
Resistance Band Muscle Pump and Muscle Builder Workout Program

**Backed by my ‘Fitness Freedom Money Back Guarantee’**
Join the Program today and I promise you’ll love your experience and results… or I give you a full refund. No questions asked. I make this guarantee because I want you to know this Program is the real deal. You have zero risk to join and try the Program today.

**Backed by my ‘Program Swap Guarantee’**
If you think you’ve chosen the wrong Program (too easy/hard, prefer a different split, wrong goal etc) you can swap to another within the first few days, free of charge!

**No recurring payments**
Just a one-off investment & it’s yours for life!


“Your Program has revolutionized my idea of fitness and what it means to workout”

TRX Traveller Program Review


“Thanks to your Programs, I’m 57 and in the best shape of my life!”

TRX Traveller Adam Atkinson Workout Program reviews


“Helped so much with daily anxiety and stress”



“Beginner with fitness and lost 13 Lbs in 8 weeks and learned A LOT!”

TRX Traveller Workout and Exercise Program review


“Seeing changes in my arms I’ve never seen!”

TRX Beginner Total Body Transformation Program


“Unreal body changes… lost 53 Lbs in 5 months!”

TRX Traveller review


“In the fourth week and seeing changes so soon! I have much more energy throughout the day”

TRX Traveller review


“Seen the most change and definition in my upper body over the last 9 weeks than I ever have!”

TRX Traveller review


“Your workout guide is absolutely fantastic!”

TRX Traveller Adam Atkinson Workout Program reviews

My 'Fitness Freedom Money-Back & Program Swap Guarantee' To You

If the reviews and success stories didn’t already convince you, then hear me out. I am completely confident that the Fitness Freedom Programs will change how you workout forever.

In fact, I’m so confident, that if it doesn’t help improve your understanding of mindful muscle-centric TRX (or band) technique, transform your body, and ultimately help you achieve your fitness goal, the Program is all yours FREE forever.


So, you’re free to join the whole Program and try it out, watch the technique teaching videos, learn from the nutrition, mindset, and performance training, join the private Facebook Group Community, drop me a message anytime, and connect with your body like never before using the workout programming…

If you follow the entire Program exactly as prescribed, and do not gain anything in the next 8 – 10 weeks than you ever had previously, you have the right to a prompt and full refund, no questions asked. Could any offer be fairer than that?

Or if you think you've chosen the wrong Program (too easy/hard, prefer a different split, wrong goal etc) you can swap to another free of charge!

I didn’t create the Fitness Freedom Programs as just another ‘workout plan’...

I created them because I love helping people ‘see the light’ by teaching them how to gain a Life of fitness freedom, and not lack results like I did for years inside a gym, confined and mindlessly ‘just moving’.

Here's to you Fitness Freedom!
Coach Adam

You've Got Two Options...

Listen, I promise not to BS you. You might think you can figure all this out on your own… but at what price?

Ultimately, it’s your body and you’ve got the two options below. Which one do you prefer?

Option #1
Hope What You're Doing Is Right…

Let’s face it – this approach is like playing the lottery.

You follow some good information on one YouTube Vid or blog but then start following some bad information (unknowingly) from another YouTube Vid or blog.

Then end up spinning your wheels. Sound familiar?

Maybe one day all the fitness blogs and experts will finally agree and reveal the golden ticket to a perfect body?

And then you would stop being on that rollercoaster you hate of up and down success with nothing ever lasting long term!

So, sure, you can keep throwing a lot of fitness info to the wall and hope that a few of the tips stick.

Just be prepared to sacrifice huge amounts of energy while watching time pass you by – time you could spend celebrating in your new body and spend enjoying your new life.

Option #2
My Proven TRX suspension trainer & Resistance Band Fitness Freedom Programs…

In essence, these TRX & Resistance Band Programs are a clear-cut, tried-and-tested, real-world way to train effectively with 'muscle-centric technique.'

Which means you'll finish each workout KNOWING you have done enough to transform your body!

Not only is that amazing but you’ll learn how to connect with your body better than you ever have before with powerful mind-muscle connection to unlock a positive mental well-being...

Taking your results from “average” to AWESOME!

In a nutshell, I’ve obsessively and passionately failed, researched, documented, and applied, 10X over in pursuit of understanding THE suspension training & resistance band technique and nutrition that works.

I deliver this knowledge to you via the Fitness Freedom Programs which means you can spend more time on getting results and not on guesswork trying to figure it out for years.

Allow me to be blunt with you: I JUST SHORT-CUT YOUR SUCCESS!

I don’t want you to ever feel like you need to be tied to a gym or mindlessly ‘just moving’ with a TRX or band like so many people out there...

Not seeing any visible results week to week to then just throw it in the cupboard because you think it's not possible to transform your body with a TRX and you never will.

I want you to look at your body with pride and victory knowing you can and have transformed it with just a suspension trainer or band - at home or anywhere. You deserve all that.

With these Programs, I’ve laid it all out on a silver platter for you – the exact methods I’ve used to totally transform my body and mind at home or anywhere with a simple TRX suspension trainer or band as the tool...

So you never need to rely on a gym, weights, or anyone else ever again!

These same methods have transformed & strengthened the bodies of thousands of people of all ages!

So they can step into each day confident & energised. No experience required!

What Matters To You The Most?

Technique for Longevity NOT Injury

? Do you feel like you must 'go hard or go home' or 'lift heavy' to develop muscle and satisfy ego? I did for many years. Over-stressing the body leads to injury and poor functional movement later in life. OR are you go in, get it done, and get out? This approach isn’t enjoyable and leads to mindlessly ‘just moving’ and spinning plates year on year.

This is what I call MOVEMENT-CENTRIC EXERCISE. From my experience, it yields slow and little results.

✓ With the Fitness Freedom Programs, you’ll get access to The Mindful Muscle-Centric TRX (or resistance band) Technique Teaching Videos. Learn the effective technique that places a muscle under tension for time, rather than a heavy load. Which means you’ll develop healthy, lean and functional muscle to transform your physique and strength anywhere. Working with the biomechanics of your body, not against it.

This is what I call MUSCLE CENTRIC EXERCISE. From my experience, it yields exponentially greater and quicker results.

Better Mental Well-Being

? Are you externally focused in a gym on other people, interruptions or busyness? Do you feel like you HAVE to do a workout? Workouts become disconnected and un-harmonised leading to de-motivation. Leaving the gym feeling frustrated rather than elated. I know, I've been there.

✓ You’ll learn to internalise your workout focus as I show you how to feel truly connected to your body like never before. Which means Workouts become like meditation, harmonised, and enjoyable as you exercise in your own space with no distractions. So you finish feeling elated and energised for family, friends, and life. Don’t believe me? Read the reviews

Support From Adam

? Have you struggled with 'personal training advice', which can be impersonal and just cater to the masses? Focusing on just 'moving the body' rather than connecting with it, limits results, and a 'one-sided' gym culture can feel threatening.

With the Fitness Freedom Programs, I'm (Adam, TRX Traveller) here 24-7 to answer any questions and help you progress through the Program. The NO.1 thing people say to me is: “thank you for responding so quick” Plus you'll get access to the Private Facebook Support Group of like-minded people. All this means you’re never on your own, stuck, or confused and WILL stick with the Program to achieve your goal.

Making The Most Of Limited Time

? Do you spend time travelling to the gym? Do you wait around for equipment due to busyness? This can lead to de-motivation and excuses of 'I don't have the time to workout'

You’ll save time on travelling to a gym as you can access the Program on an iPhone, iPad or laptop and workout whenever you want on your schedule. Which means you can Workout in between meetings, at lunch, after the school run, or before the kids get up. Heck, even when travelling or in the park!

Maintaining Motivation

? Lack the motivation to go to the gym? Even if you did go, there's the busyness, waiting for a bench, or that 'meathead' guy hogging several different dumbbells whilst on his phone. Then there's the atmosphere of it all, the 'gym bro' 'look how muscular and strong I am... or look how big my booty is [cue several selfies] culture'. It’s frustrating. I get it. As much as it pains me to say, years ago I used to be a THAT 'gym bro' guy.

When you workout in your own space you’ve got ONE focus… YOU. You’ll constantly progress using the detailed day-by-day progressive overload Workout Plan. Knowing you are using the right technique to workout smarter not harder. Which means when you see and feel those changes week to week your motivation to continue will sky rocket. Taking fitness into your own hands like this and not being reliant on any place or anyone is empowering! 

Freedom To Transform My Body Anywhere

? Do you have the thoughts of “I have to find the nearest gym" or “I have to have a lot of equipment to workout well” ? These thoughts can be limiting, de-motivating and confining.

With the Fitness Freedom Programs, you can learn to transform your body at home, in nature, on holiday, on a mountain (I’ve been there 😉)... With one piece of equipment (TRX or resistance band). Which means you’ll never need to rely on a gym or weights ever again.

Saving Money

? Do you spend a lot on gym membership and travel? In London I used to spend $65 a month on membership +  $19 on travel = $985 a year in costs.

With the Fitness Freedom Programs, it's a one-off payment and you can access the exercise teaching videos, workout plan and support for life. Which means you’ll save a BOMB on expensive monthly gym costs or weights equipment and can spend that saving with your family and friends.

To STOP Jumping From This To That

? Do you jump from different gym exercises or routines week to week after reading something on social media or a website? Constantly unsure if this or that is better? Without the right plan specific to your goal, you could just be spinning plates.

Take The Quiz or drop me an email anytime so you get the right Program for your level and goal. Follow the step-by-step progressive workout plan specific to your fitness goal that guides you workout to workout. This means you’ll remain motivated throughout and don't fall off track knowing you have the right plan for what you want to achieve.

Accountability To Stay Consistent

? Do you have no one giving you those motivational nudges and checking-in to make sure you're on track? It's easy to invest in a Program and then leave it, telling yourself you'll get round to it next week.

✓ With the Fitness Freedom Programs you get email accountability check-ins with me that you can activate at any time! By the end you'll have transformed your mindset, habits, and body!

Yes! I Want The

Resistance Band Burn & Build Bundle (BEG – ADV)

“Here’s Everything You Will Get Instant Access To With The Band Burn & Build Bundle:”

Resistance Band Muscle Pump Program VALUE: $500
Resistance Band Muscle Builder Program VALUE: $700
Entire Resistance Band Muscle-Centric Exercise Technique Database VALUE: $500
– Band Chest, Arms, Legs, Abs, Back &, Shoulders Exercises Teaching Videos
– Alternatives For Injuries Support
– Limitations/Other Requirements Support
Program Welcome Video & How To Perform Guide VALUE: $30
Good Form & Execution Guide VALUE: $50
Warm-Up Performance Routine VALUE: $50
Cool Down For Focus Routine VALUE: $50
Me On Email Support VALUE: $199
Fitness Freedom Athlete Lifetime Program Access VALUE: $99
BONUS 1: Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint VALUE: $800
BONUS 2: Awakening Muscle & Mindset Brilliance VALUE: $600
BONUS 3: Execution & Performance Mastery VALUE: $700
BONUS 4: Complete Printable Workout Plans PDF VALUE: $30
BONUS 5: Fitness Freedom Athletes Private Community VALUE: Priceless
BONUS 6: 8 Weeks Of Email Accountability Check-Ins VALUE: $99
Metabolic HIIT Workouts VALUE: $400

VALUE: $4807


Original price was: $189.99.Current price is: $157.97.

(17% Bundle Discount Applied!)

- Prices shown are in USD -
Resistance Band Muscle Pump and Muscle Builder Workout Program

**Backed by my ‘Fitness Freedom Money Back Guarantee’**
Join the Program today and I promise you’ll love your experience and results… or I give you a full refund. No questions asked. I make this guarantee because I want you to know this Program is the real deal. You have zero risk to join and try the Program today.

**Backed by my ‘Program Swap Guarantee’**
If you think you’ve chosen the wrong Program (too easy/hard, prefer a different split, wrong goal etc) you can swap to another within the first few days, free of charge!

**No recurring payments**
Just a one-off investment & it’s yours for life!

Read Through All The Reviews…

1 review for Resistance Band Muscle Builder Program (INT - ADV)

  1. Avatar photo

    Frida (verified owner)

    I progressed onto this having done the Band Muscle Pump Program. I realised from Adam’s coaching vids was how I’d basically being doing band training quite ineffective for years. This Program has not only allowed me to change my strength and physique (I’ve actually grown guns!) but the attention to detail with the teaching is very good! Each exercise is broken down and you sharp realise that with the correct teaching – 1 resistance band is all you need to hit your fitness goals anywhere!

    Highly recommend to anyone wanting to take fitness into their own hands and follow a Program that you can progress with.

Add a review

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Additional FAQs About This Program



I don't want to be bulky. Is this program right for me?

Yes, this program is designed as an all round fitness challenge and advancement. Meaning it will help improve your physique, cardiovascular output and help to burn fat. You will develop muscle mass as you get stronger and adapt to the program but not in a ‘hulk like’ form, more toned and lean.

Can I build muscles with this program?

Yes, if you follow the program executing the exercises with correct form focusing on contracting the primary muscle you will build muscle. However, there are a number of other factors at play here that will affect this such as your nutrition, genetic potential and general health.

Where can this program be performed?

This program only requires a small space and an easy level CrossFit resistance band (this one here).

I have used this program across several countries performing the exercises in hotels, hostels, beaches, jungles, roof-tops, parks, at home, in a garden, on a balcony and on a building site. I believe the question is not where can it be performed? But where do you want to perform it? The world is your oyster and this program your Fitness Freedom.

Click the "YES! I WANT THIS NOW" button above to get INSTANT access.

With this Program, you risk nothing, and you gain your life back. I can’t make it any better.

Join us today, as a Fitness Freedom Athlete. You’ll be among friends.

Oh, and if you have specific questions about the Program, you can email:

I'll be happy to answer them.

All the suspension training Programs can be used with any suspension trainer like a TRX. The resistance band Programs just require one cross-fit resistance band.

Here's to your fitness Freedom!

Adam Atkinson
Creator of Fitness Freedom Athletes
Also Known As: "TRX Traveller"
Bragging Rights: Has helped thousands of people from all backgrounds, ages, and experiences totally transform their body and mind using just a TRX Suspension Trainer or Resistance Band - at home or anywhere!

TRX Traveller Workout programs and exercises

For anything else, drop me an email –

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