TRX Full Body Intensity! Workout Program

February 15, 2021

Coach Adam aka TRX Traveller - Fitness Freedom Athletes If you enjoy this post, you may also enjoy the FFA Suspension Trainer Programs to build lean muscle and transform your body anywhere!

TRX Full Body Intensity! Workout Program. Alright let’s get to it. Workout Program guidance below…




â–¹ WORKOUT 1 DAY 1:

â–¹ WORKOUT 1 DAY 2:

â–¹ WORKOUT 1 DAY 3:

â–¹ TRX’ing on: The Tygermat for grip and to record standing level ( Use code TRXTRAVELLER1 for 10% OFF

TRX Full Body Intensity! Workout Program video subtitles

hey how’s it going trx traveller adam here this video is for the full body intensity program there’s a link to it just below if you’re interested let’s get straight to it this is an advanced program and i wouldn’t recommend it if you’re a beginner um or an early intermediate to trx trainer if you’re sort of an intermediate and you’ve you’ve done a few intermediate programs and you’ve trained with the trx for a few years and you understand about muscular muscle contractions or perhaps you’ve got a really good understanding of using weights in the gym taking muscles through a full range of motion then this program would be suitable for you or if you’ve done the advanced the intermediate to advanced trx physique sculptor program this is a great one to pair with that these two programs can go back and forth together and they both um take the muscle through high intensity when you break it down um however this program focuses on total body failure total muscle failure for each workout so each workout is a full body session and we don’t use high volume this program is all about quality not quantity and because you’re getting more advanced and you’re getting more knowledgeable in your understanding of how to contract muscles properly isolating through full range of motion motion it means we can work on longer time under tension and better quality of contraction violent muscle contractions muscle centric exercise so this program really focuses on full body but it’s a full body failure workout so we take each muscle to absolute failure now i’ve done a separate video on what i mean by absolute failure the three strength ranges of concentric isometric and eccentric and i’ll put a link to that at the end and also some more information and a link to that below so if you’re looking for a program to do three max maximum four times a week but really realistically you’re looking at three because you’re gonna need two days rest after each one this program is for you it’s it’s a full body it’s gonna exhaust the muscles uh you you do a workout you then have two days rest you do a workout you have two days rest and so on every fourth day and there is a bit of a challenge day or or it either throws you into a high volume uh fast tempo high volume day or it throws you into statistical weak point training such as such as the rear deltoid the outer quads are the glutes and there’s a difference for male and female and the program is made up of three blocks so the first block and is a program that will take you about six or eight weeks to to to get through then there’s a break in the middle and the middle block is real real high intensity and that goes into a push legs pull split for four weeks just to shock the body before we then throw it back into block three which is another six to eight weeks so block one six to eight weeks and it’s full body workouts block two which is four weeks it’ll probably take you four to six weeks to complete that goes into a push legs pull and it’s huge times on the tension so i’m looking at four seconds down four seconds up four second contractions and at some cases four second stretch phases so it’s long time on the tension you’ve really got to lock it in and mentally connect and then we then throw the body back into the full workout again for uh block three where we change up and we use giant sets and high times in the tension and taking the muscle to failure now the program comes with coaching videos i show you how to take the muscle to failure but this is why you do need an understanding and if you’re a beginner and you’re not used to to training to that intense your high intensity it’s going to be too much and it’s going to sap you too much it’s going to take you too long to recover and it’s just not necessary at that level this is for a more advanced level if you’ve been um trx training this is the stuff i do for example and i’ve been trx training now solidly for six or seven years and obviously i’m still learning as we all are always seeking to learn and but this is what i do and what i use and i find it really really successful and i’m just at the end of a six month bulk now and i feel this is what i’ve been using and it’s helped me put quite a bit on mass on in the areas i’ve wanted to and so i’m looking forward to spending the next eight to ten weeks cutting down to see what’s actually um happened and been put on and my weight’s obviously gone up and it’s paired with good eating so it’s certainly a very good program if you’re looking to add mass or you’re looking to really sort of build some solid dense good muscle and of course practice perfect trx technique form that’s what we’re all about mind to muscle connection and within the program there is um every uh that it takes you through that i coach you through the first three days and you it covers all the exercises so you can watch those first three days and those days are also split up individually into the individual coaching videos for each exercise those those exercises cover the whole program once you know how to do it it’s replicated throughout the program in different ways and there’s also a video showing you what it looks like when i am training and going to failure and i talk over it and that covers all the exercises too long video but you can see how much i’m failing how much i’m collapsing so you know what to look for when you are training um and then there’s also a video scientific video that explains why we go to failure and how we go to failure and of course this introduction video and so it’s a complete program it’s a bit of a monster it is hard and it is intense i want you to lock in and give it your all but if you’re ready for that and you’re ready for a serious challenge or on the other hand you’re quite advanced and you’re looking for a program where you don’t have to work out every day or every other day you just want to give it all for an hour and then have you know have a rest for two days perhaps you’ve got other commitments family and stuff then this is the program for you too like i said it is a bit more of an intermediate advanced level but um if you’re at that stage then this can really really shock your body um and it’s a blast i had so much fun development over the past five to six months five to eight months actually and it’s been awesome and i’ve seen some great gains and i’ve refined it really well i’ve had some great feedback from early testers so i’m super excited to get it out and of course i’m always on hand and for any questions you’d like to ask so yes if you if you’re interested or you’ve got some questions around this just drop me an email all the information is below otherwise get to it get into it and join the facebook freedom group let’s see the results let’s chat about how you’re feeling doing it and then yeah let’s go for it any questions comments please drop them below as i say a link to everything is down below thanks

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TRX Full Body Intensity! Workout Program

By Coach Adam  (aka TRX Traveller)

By Coach Adam (aka TRX Traveller)

Body Transformation Coach

I help people build lean muscle and transform their body from home with my Fitness Freedom Suspension Trainer and Resistance Band Programs, and Private 1-1 Coaching.

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Yes absolutely, I have The Fitness Freedom Suspension Trainer & Resistance Band Programs for all levels and fitness goals. They will teach you the effective 'Muscle-Centric Technique' that will transform your body! And cover everything from nutrition to mindset and performance execution.

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I am mainly based in London, UK. But I love travelling, specifically backpacking our beautiful world and experiencing other cultures... So most likely I may be based on the side of a mountain or little beach hut. Perhaps I’ll even meet you in person at some point… That would be just awesome!

Adam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom Athletes
Adam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom AthletesAdam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom Athletes

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