There’s a massive effective difference in the way people exercise to transform their body.
It comes down to two directions:
- movement-centric exercise (99% of people)
- muscle-centric exercise (1% of people. This is where we want to be!)
One is MUCH LESS effective than the other when it comes to ACTUALLY transforming our bodies, changing the shape of our physique by adding healthy muscle with good density.
Secondary to this is a better cardiovascular system and mental health.
All of which we will come onto within these blog posts…
When you are young, you can get away with poor form and heavy lifting because only a small amount of stimulus is needed to grow muscle.
Your hormones, specifically testosterone are high, so they only need a little nudge.
As you age your hormones decrease and thus your training needs to become smerter NOT harder.
This is also important for:
- Preventing injuries
- Maintain good movement in joints
- Using workouts to improve your mental well-being, not just how you look.
Now I want to be clear, adding quality muscle with density doesn’t mean suddenly becoming The Hulk.
It means building lean muscle that is strong, well-developed, and flexible.
Meaning we live a strong, confident and healthy life with longevity.
The amount of muscle mass you want to put on is up to you.
Within reason, as a natural… how ripped, muscular or lean you want to become is entirely up to you.
Becuase when you learn how to do it by applying muscle-centric technique within every workout combined with the right nutrition…
You don’t need to chase it any more. It comes to you. Metaphorically speaking, and it’s a great feeling.
This is what I teach within my TRX Suspension Trainer & Resistance Band Programs.
Transforming the body with muscle-centric exercise is the difference between the person who has been lifting weights, going to the gym or using suspension training for years.
And never seems to have any results with regards to their body changing. They don’t seem to build an muscle.
Compared to the person who year on year improves their body along with their mind.
In a previous Mindset post, I touched upon the important of feeling your muscle work – known as the mind muscle connection. The squeeze!
Muscle-centric exercise technique
Mind muscle connection
go hand in had for exponential results!
Think of a Star Wars Jedi
If they could only swing a lightsaber and not use ‘the force’ they would be half as effective.
With both they are unstoppable.
That’s what we will be when we apply both principles together.
Let’s take a quick look at the difference between both types of technique:
- movement-centric exercise (99% of people)
- muscle-centric exercise (1% of people. This is where we want to be!)
…and why we constantly want to check ourselves and ensure we are doing muscle-centric exercise.
Now continue onto – How to Build Muscle as You Age – Part 2: This is Why You Are Not Seeing Results
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