My Nutrition Plan For Building Muscle Without Gaining Fat

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Author: Coach Adam | Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes

How I Bulk For Muscle Mass Without Gaining Fat

Do you need to eat a lot of food (bulking) to build muscle, yes. However… having just that singular focus (bulking) will inevitably lead to one thing, fat gain.

Remember this – How fast you gain muscle is a result of how much you can adapt to training AND how much nutrition your body is able to use.

It is NOT how much you can consume and how much you can train. So, here is how I bulk for muscle mass without gaining fat…

The 2 Biggest Muscle Building Mistakes

When building muscle, there comes a point when having done the same thing for too long leads to a plateau. Which some people never get out of.

I’ve seen people then do one of two things in frustration:

  1. Eat more food and go on a large permanent bulk in hope that forcing more food down will mean more muscle mass built. This may work but most of the time leads to large fat gains which can take months of strict dieting to lose.
  2. Push themselves even harder by trying to ‘do more’. This can lead to burnout or injury

Both those strategies may work to an extent but they aren’t smart or truly effective. Think back to being a kid and the fluctuation between stagnant growth and then sudden large spurts.

Our biology is designed to support large spurts of growth but it can’t sustain it for an extended period of time.

Muscle Maximisation Method

By the way, if you’d like the step-by-step video guide and toolkit for this post, checkout Muscle Maximisation Method

Why Prolonged Bulking Doesn’t Work

Before you dive into this plan to build muscle mass quickly without gaining fat. It’s important to understand how to implement it, why it works, and how the body responds.

Have you ever eaten a lot of food in the pursuit of gaining muscle only to find yourself getting tired all the time, lacking in motivation, and losing your appetite?

That’s your body telling you this isn’t right, it basically begins to shut down.

There are 4 Elements that lead to fat gain and prevent muscle growth when bulking. These must be overcome in order to bulk effectively:

1. Leptin

Leptin is a hormone that suppresses appetite. Leptin is produced when your fat cells have been exposed to fats or insulin for a certain period of time.

It kills your appetite making it harder to consume excess calories. This can lead to people eating junk food just to get their calories in.

This creates a massively acidic body, which slows recovery and promotes injury.

2. Insulin

Insulin is perhaps the most anabolic hormone in the body. Anabolic means growth, and catabolic means breakdown. Insulin is a powerful muscle growth hormone.

The problem is, that having insulin is one thing, but how well and effectively your body uses it, is another.

The more insulin-sensitive your muscle tissue isn the more carbohydrate, protein and amino acids your muscles can take in. The added bonus is that you can eat more of these foods and not gain fat.

So if insulin is the best hormone for growing muscles, then we want to cause BIG insulin spikes in the body. Insulin is spiked from carbohydrates. These high surges of insulin drive the glucose and amino acids into the muscle tissue.

As your muscle cells become saturated with glycogen from the eaten carbs, they become very full. This means improved ‘pumps’, shape, leanness, and workout performance increases.

Nothing Good Lasts Forever

The more saturated your muscles are with glycogen, the less insulin-sensitive they are. On top of that, the more insulin your body makes, the less insulin-sensitive muscle cells become.

Eventually, those high insulin spiking periods will reach a point of diminishing returns. If you carry on eating a high-calorie and high-carb diet as your insulin sensitivity reduces, then you’ll start adding more fat than muscle. Your workout performance will also decrease.

Your muscle cells begin to reject the nutrient because the insulin ‘key’ doesn’t work in them anymore. Where does all that nutrient go? Fat cells. They have no insulin resistance and will store fat all day.

This is the reason why so many people struggle to bulk. And end up gaining large amounts of fat with small amounts of muscle.

All this is why someone can gain 20 pounds of weight. But only end up with a net gain of 3 pounds of muscle. It’s why timing, frequency, and load of insulin are so vital for long-term success.

3. Estrogen

Increased fat gain from constant overeating leads to increased aromatisation of testosterone to estrogen.

Fat cells produce the enzymes that do this. It’s a vicious cycle – more fat, means more enzymes realised that turn testosterone into estrogen.

For men, a lack of testosterone has a multitude of negative impacts. For the sake of our argument, it makes it a lot harder to build muscle, if not almost impossible.

For females, more estrogen being produced by more fat cells will inevitably lead to gaining fat easier and quicker.

For this reason, the most ideal body fat to be at to gain muscle without much fat, is no more than 12% for males and 20% for females

You can see that with just these 3 aspects, large and long-term bulking is not effective. It greatly disrupts key hormones in the body.

4. Cortisol

As with insulin, cortisol can be our best friend and worst enemy. Short bursts of cortisol and inflammatory signals, like those produced with intense training, are necessary to tell our body something has been damaged here (muscle cells), which will begin recovery mechanisms.

These recovery mechanisms signal the body to produce the genes for protein synthesis, so we can build new muscle tissue. Without this recovery response, we’d get no new muscle cells and our nervous system would be on a constant high alert.

These large but short bursts of cortisol are necessary to improve performance and build muscle. Cortisol becomes a problem when it stays chronically elevated. People who are constantly stressed have constantly high levels of cortisol.

Stress And Muscle Breakdown

A constant elevated state of cortisol starts signalling catabolic pathways (breaking down tissue). Having elevated body fat and levels of insulin in the body due to poor insulin sensitivity leads to constantly elevated levels of cortisol.

If prolonged cortisol levels lead to catabolism (breaking down of tissue), then this is not good for building muscle tissue.

The Answer: Nutrition Cycling

To build large amounts of muscle you need to create your own growth spurts. Building muscle in large quantities is a metabolically and calorically expensive process. Muscle weighs a lot and requires a lot of work from the rest of your body.

So when you signal your body to grow muscle, it can’t just be a little chat, it needs to be a shouting order. That’s how large surges of muscle growth are created.

We cycle our workouts and vary them using intensity, exercises, volume, duration etc because the varied stimulus produces better muscle growth than spinning wheels performing the same routine over and over.

Cycling nutrition is just the same. We must shift gears to dramatically trigger growth spurts and then reset and prime your body for the next round.

The Goal Is Not To Be Stationary

Nutrition cycling allows us to overcome these aspects and greatly improve our ability to build muscle. It is not a simple magic solution that means you suddenly gain lots of muscle, fast. It still requires hard work and dedication.

But, if you’re willing to put that time in, then huge results can be achieved in a short space of time. I know because I’ve done it. This is exactly what I do to gain relatively large amounts of muscle as a natural athlete.

This is a cyclical approach. The goal is never to be stationary. You’re always either gaining muscle or cutting fat. Coasting at this level gets you nowhere. If you feel things slowing down, make the necessary adjustments before things come to a complete stop.

How Does Nutrition Cycling Work?

The cycling works by training in a period of relative calorie deprivation for as short a time as is necessary to restore insulin sensitivity. And drop body fat (down to 12% for males and 20% for females) for hormone utilisation.

After this brief period, we change things up and aggressively ‘bulk’ for a period of time. But, we never do it for too long before resetting again with the shorter period explained above.

This allows us to gain quality muscle but stop and reset before the body begins to utilise the additional calories ineffectively.

Due to insulin resistance building and in turn, fat gain increases and deprivation of effective hormone utilisation.

The Two Phases

You’re going to need to get to know your body in order to use nutrition cycling correctly. Once you begin, this doesn’t take long and will help you become more in tune with your body as a whole. The two phases of nutrition cycling are:

Growth phase: Bulking – High amounts of carbs, medium protein, lower fat (high overall calorie intake)

Reset phase: Cutting – High amounts of fat, medium protein, low carbs (low overall calorie intake)

Depending on how long each phase lasts, will depend on your body and lifestyle. As a general rule of thumb:

  1. Growth Phase = 5 – 8 weeks
  2. Reset phase = 4 – 10 days

Cycling these phases of high-calorie growth and low-calorie reset can cause more muscle gain and less fat over time versus staying high calorie all the time.

You need to take advantage of insulin and high calorie but cut back before it wreaks havoc on your metabolism and hormones.

Nutrition Cycling: Reset Phase

When you exercise in a depleted state, our body is forced to become more efficient. It must turn to its reserves for energy, which are glycogen (carbs) found in your muscles and liver, and stored fat.

This is done by the mitochondria in your cells adapting to becoming better at using the alternative stored fuel source.

Due to the energy from the food we have ingested being very limited and small to the calorie deficit state. We can teach our body to preferentially use stored fat instead of glycogen (carbs) when in a depleted state.

This is key. It is known as having a good metabolic adaption and is the difference why people have very effective fat loss only results and others who have some fat loss but also some muscle loss.

Losing lean muscle mass is detrimental to both male and female. Especially after we have worked so hard to gain it.

Always Start With A Resest Phase

The harder and smarter we work in this shorter calorie depleted phase, the greater our rebound will be in the longer growing phase. Remember that to keep yourself motivated when energy levels are low.

This phase can be anywhere from 3 to 14 days depending on your current fitness level and how you perform and execute your growth phase. Always start with a reset phase first when looking to add muscle mass unless you have came off a diet.

We want your insulin sensitivity and hormones to be optimised before we begin eating excess calories so your body can utilise them for muscle building and not fat storage.

Things To Expect In The Reset Phase

A calorie deficit will mainly come from a significant decrease in carbs.
It has been proven that calorie restriction, specifically from carbs, dramatically improves insulin sensitivity.

It’s normal to see a huge weight drop in the first few days.
This comes from the loss of water that is stored in the muscle cells along with glycogen (carbs). For every 1g of glycogen stored in muscle cells, 2.7g of water is also stored. Makes you realise how much of a muscle is actually water!

So, dropping 500g of stored glycogen would equal a weight loss of 3 pounds alone. This is NOT muscle loss providing you follow the nutrition recommendations that we will come onto.

Expect to look flatter and smaller.
This is a phycological aspect you need to just get through and trust the process. When you add the carbs back in, your muscles will fill out again.

Expect a slight decrease in performance.
You’ll find you tire faster and can’t push as hard. This is fine. When you reach this point, it’s best to stick to the workout plan week that you’re on. Don’t try and push into the next week’s workout plan and go harder. This isn’t the time for muscle building, we just want to maintain what we have.

You’ll notice fats are high.
This type of diet will get your body ‘fat adapted’. This means your body will get used to using fat as fuel in workouts but more importantly, at rest. If calories, specifically from fat, are too low for a long period, this can have a negative impact on hormone production. Don’t be scared of fats. Don’t cut fats thinking you’ll lose fat faster, this is important because your body will be switching to fat as its primary fuel source. You need the fats to stop your body from becoming catabolic and breaking down muscle tissue for energy.

Train as hard as you can in this depleted state and move
And move as much as you can during the day, such as hitting your 10,000 steps, standing at a desk and fidgeting. This will be hard at first, even discouraging. But lock it in and BRING IT ON!. It’s not for long.

Eat as many vegetables as you can handle in this phase.
Fiber and plant nutrition are excellent for detoxification and insulin sensitivity restoration. As you lose fat, you must get rid of the toxins that go with it. Vegetables are great for this.

HOT TIP! Plants and anti-estogens
Plants are the only food source (that I am aware of as I write this) that have a source of anti-estrogens available. Eating plenty of high sulfur veg like broccoli and cauliflower can help raise testosterone levels as well. Fiber also helps keep your appetite satisfied.

Nutrition Cycling: Growth Phase

You will be eating in a large calorie excess in the growth phase. Around about 500+ calories for men and 300+ calories for women on top of your maintenance number.

Once you switch into the growth phase, your body will be much more effective at accumulating muscle tissue and using the additional carbs you eat effectively.

This phase can last between 4 weeks to 3 months depending on how your body responds, the foods you chose and the timing of those nutrients.

Things To Expect In The Growth Phase

Lots of smaller meals
Frequently dose meals full of carbohydrates throughout the day to maximise insulin.
Put the largest portions of your carbs during and after workouts and an evening meal.

Use high amounts of fast-acting carbohydrates
We look to take advantage of white starches here. Things like organic powdered banana, white rice flour and normal white rice. Whilst carbs like sweet potato, oats and brown rice are good, they don’t deliver a big enough hit of insulin spiking that we want.

Add 2 – 4g of essential amino acids and leucine to meals.
This will help with recovery and allow for more frequent workouts

No missing meals
We want to be eating frequently throughout the day. Ideally 5 – 6 small-medium meals a day, on top of a shake for pre, intra and post. I know initially this sounds intimidating, but once I’ve shown you how to do it, it’s actually relatively easy.

For example, we make one BIG breakfast and lunch and eat 50% of it at a time, that’s 4 meals right there. 1000 cals for men and 600 cals for women excess is a MUST. Small caloric intake will not convince the body to grow. Stick to the 80%/20% rule, 80% clean, healthy foods and 20% ‘anything’ foods.

When To Stop a Growth Phase

Eating correctly, you should be able to maintain a growth phase for at least 6 weeks. What this time will depend on will be HOW you eat. If you indulge too much or eat foods that are processed, then you will reduce this time as your insulin sensitivity will diminish quicker.

Always remember, you can’t bulk forever. Once your progress stalls, continuing to do the same thing is silly. Don’t be scared to switch phases when your body needs it. You should always be either gaining muscle or losing fat. Never stalling.

These are the key signs that you need to switch from a growth phase to a reset phase:

  • You start to gain more fat. This becomes noticeable in the mirror. Look for the signs in the abs and face first, especially if you seem to be holding more water.
  • Your training doesn’t seem to be progressing as quickly from workout to workout
  • You have energy or mood swings throughout the day
  • Low morning energy
  • Sleep quality begins to suffer
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Calculating Your Calories

If you want to use nutrition cycling to bulk up and build muscle, you need to track your calories. Guessing this stuff and just ‘eating lots’ is throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what will stick.

The 2 Steps To Calculate Your Calorie Intake

Here are the 2 steps to calculate your calorie intake which is then split between protein, fats and carbs.

MyFitnessPal is the easiest way to record your calories and micronutrients (carb, protein, fat). Don’t assume you need to be logging your food every single day. You don’t. We create one day and just use that day all the time.

For example, I eat the same meals for breakfast and lunch every day. Dinner is the only one that changes ingredients each day. But the protein fat and carbs amount always remain the same. Here’s an example:

Breakfast. I have a breakfast I love every day! Which is a chocolatey rice flour stodge.

Lunch. I batch cook my lunches for 2 weeks, which takes me 1 hour to create 14 lunches that I then freeze.

Dinner. This is the only meal that changes ingredients every day because it’s when I sit down with my wife and child. But the fat, protein, and carb remain the same. We just swap out foods. And because this meal is always fats, protein and veg. It’s really easy.

Step 1. Calculate Your BMR

Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is how many calories you burn doing absolutely nothing. Not even walking to the fridge for some milk. It will give you a starting foundation:

MEN = (10 x weight in kg) + (6.25 x height in cm) – (5 x age in years) + 5 = BMR

WOMEN = [10 x weight(kg)] + [6.25 x height(cm)] – [5 x age in years] – 161 = BMR

Write down your BMR and move on to step 2.

Step 2. Add Your Lifestyle

Be honest here. If you’re unsure and feel you sit in the middle of two, then go for the less active one. It’s always easier to add food if you’re under-eating. Than it is to burn fat if you’ve been over-eating.

Times your BMR number with the below numbers depending on how active you are:

1.2 = Sedentary
Desk job, and Little Formal Exercise

1.3 – 1.4 = Lightly Active
Light daily activity AND light exercise 1-3 days a week

1.5 – 1.6 = Moderately Active
Moderately daily Activity and Moderate exercise 3-5 days a week

1.7 – 1.8 = Very Active
Physically demanding lifestyle and Hard exercise 6-7 days a week

1.9 – 2.2 = Extremely Active
Athlete in ENDURANCE training or VERY HARD physical job

So, BMR x One of the above numbers = Your active daily BMR

Your Daily Active BMR is your maintenance calorie number. In simple terms, if you eat your maintenance calories every day, you’ll stay the same weight living your lifestyle.

Technically this isn’t exactly true as hormones affect water retention. Those hormone levels vary due to menstrual cycle, stress, lack of sleep, etc.

Are Vegetables A Carbohydrate?

We do not class non-starchy vegetables as a carbohydrate. Aim for at least 400g of non-starchy veg at lunch and around 300g for dinner.

The vegetables we class as carbs contain starch, like potatoes, yams and butternut squash. 

While vegetables will still count towards your total daily calorie intake. You do not need to worry about the ‘carb’ source of them in MyFitnessPal.

The carbohydrates found in vegetables do not have the same insulin-spiking effects as pasta, rice, oats etc. So you don’t need to worry about them.

You can never have too many green vegetables. You will never become fat from eating lots of greens.

Reset Phase Meal Plan

Here’s where to begin

Step 1. Get your maintenance calorie intake that you calculated above and subtract the following for male and female:

Males: Subtract 500 cals from total

Females: Subtract 300 cals from total

Step 2. Enter your calorie number into MyFitnessPal and the following macronutrient percentage split:

Protein: 45%
Carbs: 15%
Fat: 40%

Daily meals overview

Protein: Slightly higher after your workout then split equally between all meals

Carbs:ONLY right after your workout if any at all.

Fats:All split out equally throughout the day

Morning Workout Meal Breakdown

Meal 1 (Pre-Workout Shake)
Protein (20%) + Fats (5%) (Easily digestible fats ONLY – MCT Oil or coconut oil)

Meal 2 (Intra-Workout Shake)
Amino acids + Salts

Meal 3 (Post-Workout Shake)
Protein (25%) + Carbs (100%)

Meal 4 (Breakfast)
Protein (15%) + Fats (25%) + Veggies

Meal 5 (Lunch)
Protein (15%) + Fats (30%) + Veggies

Meal 6 (Dinner)
Protein (15%) + Fats (30%) + Veggies

Meal 7 (Before Bed)
Protein (10%) + Fats (10%)

Evening Workout Meal Breakdown

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
Protein (15%) + Fats (30%) + Veggies

Meal 2 (Lunch)
Protein (15%) + Fats (30%) + Veggies

Meal 3 (Afternoon Snack)
Protein (10%) + Fats (10%)

Meal 4 (Pre-Workout Shake 15 mins before workout)
Protein (20%) + Fats (5%) (Easily digestible fats ONLY – MCT Oil or coconut oil)

Meal 5 (Intra-Workout Shake)
Amino acids + Salts

Meal 6 (Post-Workout Shake)
Protein (25%) + Carbs (100%)

Meal 7 (Dinner)
Protein (15%) + Fats (25%) + Veggies

How do I eat on rest days?

Simply take out the intra and post-workout shakes and merge them into one meal/shake.

Nutrition: Upon waking

Starting the day by prioritising our gut health yields monumental results both mentally and physically. Here’s exactly what I do every single day when I wake up and I would like you to do the same…

Step 1. Clean and floss teeth
There are 1,000s of bad bacteria in your mouth from the night’s sleep. If you drink water as soon as you wake you flush this bad bacteria down into your stomach, which have a negative effect on your gut health and digestion by negatively impacting on good bacteria.

Step 2. Apple Cider Vinegar 1 tbsp
I use this brand. Mix it with a small amount of water and drink it down through a metal straw. Apple cider vinegar can attack teeth if they are constantly exposed to it. This greatly improves gut health, especially with regards to aiding in fat loss. It promotes good bacteria and digestion and balances gut PH levels. *Refer to Dr Burg in the Resources and Recommendations Module for detailed scientific videos and explanations of why and how.

Step 3. Then 5 mins later, drink a pint of warm water with:

+ Lemon and natural ginger root 1 slice each
To help the liver detoxify from the toxins and free radicals realised as the body repairs and grows during the night.
ALTERNATIVE: Slice of lime or herbal tea bag

+ Electrolyte 1 tablet
I use this one. To elevate re-hydration and help cells uptake nutrients
ALTERNATIVE: Pinch of Himalayan salt

+ 100% Methyl Sulfonyl Methane Powder 1 pinch
I use this one. A naturally occurring sulphur found in joints to help them function better. Also helps strengthen nails and hair.

+ 1 probiotic tablet
I use this one. To boost good bacteria levels for the ingesting of food throughout the day.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat a small amount of sauerkraut for lunch and dinner daily

Wind, Gas, And Bloating

I used to get terrible wind constantly throughout my young teens and twenties. Mainly from ingesting lots of carbs and protein shakes.

Whilst my food choices weren’t the best at that time, I incorporated this morning routine and made it non-negotiable. Within a month my wind and uncomfortableness had dramatically reduced.

Now I do this with an optimum diet and have very rarely had wind or digestion problems for over 10 years. Start the day by giving your gut the best chance to be on top form, and you can take on anything. You will feel elevated.

Re-hydration Is Essential

Muscle breakdown (atrophy) doesn’t fully occur from a lack of protein (within the first 24 hours of not eating), it initially occurs from dehydrated muscles. The Electrolytes greatly help to re-hydrate your body faster and better.

Nutrition: Pre-Workout Shake

Only consume protein and Easily digestible fats such as MCT Oil food groups Pre-Workout. Absolutely NO CARBS! Here’s why…

1. We want to encourage your body to utilise fats as a source of energy during the workout along. MCT Oil greatly helps with this and because it is fasting digesting, it does not hinder energy levels via digestion. The ketones from MCT oil are also a great source of energy for the brain. Helping with your focus.

2. Eating a fat source that isn’t easily digestible before a workout could mean it is still being digested by the time you come to eat your carbs to replenish carb stores (spiking insulin) after your workout. This fat will then get stored, as we’ve discussed.

3. Exercising without carbs present increases the release of fat burning and muscle building hormones, which are optimised without the presence of insulin AKA Carbs.

4. We will be consuming carbs after the workout (unless in the 2 day primer) to reduce cortisol levels (covered later) and begin to replenish muscle cells.

When To Consume

Approx 15min before beginning your workout. If you workout in the afternoon, I would advise having your last meal 2-3 hours before your workout. Then consume the below. The body needs an ample supply of protein and amino acids within the bloodstream when beginning a workout for maximum development and recovery.

The Ingredients

Into a shaker add…

+ MCT Oil 1 tsp
Easily digested form of coconut oil, a good source of brain fuel. Beginning the day with fats, protein and NO CARBS will increase your mood and energy throughout the whole day.
ALTERNATIVE: 1 tsp of Coconut oil or whole medium egg

+ 1 Scoop Whey Protein
Purity and quality are essential.

+ Pinch of Himalayan salt
Promotes better nutrition uptake from cells. Full of minerals. Maintains good re-hydration levels within the muscle during a workout.
ALTERNATIVE: Small pinch of table salt

+ 1/2 dose Multi-Vitamins & Minerals
Contributes to overall health and is essential for the formation of new muscle tissue. Some vitamins are water soluble and some are fat soluble. Meaning some need fats to be digested by the body and some just need water. Taking half now allows us to get some of the water soluble vitamins into our body to help muscle recovery from the workout.
ALTERNATIVE: A healthy diet of 2 cups of veg and 2 cups of leafy greens daily. Natural Nutritional yeast

Optional Supplements

+ Collagen Powder 5g
Improves skin elasticity, the recovery of lost cartilage tissue, reduces activity-related joint pain, strengthens tendons and ligaments, increases lean body mass. We take collagen here because a lot of joints in our body have a poor blood supply. Hence joint problems. When we exercise the joints within the areas of the muscles we are exercising, blood supply is increased to those joint areas. The same principles apply = we have a better chance at delivering the collagen to the right place, the joints.
ALTERNATIVE: A combination of protein, vitamin C, zinc and copper is needed – meats, citrus fruits, red and green peppers, tomatoes, broccoli and greens, shellfish, nuts, whole grains and beans.

+ 2g of Creatine
Improves and aids brain cognitive function. Helps muscles produce energy during intense activity.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat red meat 2-3 times a week

+ 4g of Amino Acids
Aids in muscle recovery, growth hormone secretion and improves insulin sensitivity. Also acts as an energy stimulation during the workout.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat red meat 2-3 times a week

+ 3g of Glutamine
Helps the stomach lining, boosts immune function and speeds recovery. Boosts growth hormone and increases rate of protein synthesis.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat red meat 2-3 times a week

+ L-carnitine 1000mg
Increases energy production and helps to shuttle fat into the mitochondria to be burned as fuel.
ALTERNATIVE: Drink green tea throughout the day

+ Natural beet extract
Naturally helps increase blood flow to the muscles during exercises and improves O2 utilisation for better performance
ALTERNATIVE: Eat red meat 2-3 times a week

+ A few drops of Boron (a natural mineral)
Testosterone binds to sex globulins. When this happens, less testosterone is available to promote muscle growth. Boron helps to inhibit sex globulins so more testosterone is readily available.

+ 375mg (1 capsule) Cordyceps mushroom extract
Increases ATP which is energy levels. Feel the benefits almost instantly.
ALTERNATIVE: Green tea or coffee

+ 300mg (1 capsule) Ashwagandha Root
Studies have shown it can improve testosterone production by up to 17%.
ALTERNATIVE: Ensure to eat your daily % of healthy fats. They are important for optimal hormone production within our body

Q: Do I have to have this shake beforehand? Can I not just do my workout and eat after.
A: We are looking for the most effective way to build lean muscle. Scientific studies have proven that when an ample supply of amino acids is present in the blood during a workout, recovery is much better.

This makes sense as it goes back to the amount of blood being pumped to the muscle area we are exercising. With a high amount of amino acids already present in the blood from the shake. There’s a much higher chance of more amino acids going to where they need to.

Q: What Whey Protein should I get?
A: What you put in your body will affect your transformational results both physically and mentally. Invest in a high quality, organic, grass-fed whey protein. Or a high-quality pea protein if you are vegan. Don’t buy a flavoured one. Go as natural as possible.

The flavourings they use are cheap and nasty. Plus, they add a lot of expense. Instead buy your own organic, sugar-free chocolate syrup and add it yourself. This will be cheaper in the long run. Control as much as you can when it comes to putting nutrition in your body.

Q: Why Whey Protein and not the other types?
A: The closer we can get to natural, the better. Whey protein is the closest, hence why it still contains a bit of fat. Protein is digested and utilised better by the body in the presence of fat, because of the fat-digesting enzymes released when the body breaks fat down. The more filtered protein powder is, the further from natural it becomes.

Q: Why do we not have any greens (powdered or vegetables) pre, intra or post-workout?
A: Powdered greens and vegetables contain anti-toxins and elements that reduce inflammation within the body. They also regulate the acidity level (ph level) in the body, helping to reduce it. This is obviously awesome and super important.

However, when we workout and exercise a muscle. We want to create inflammation and increased acidity levels within the muscle area because this further tells the brain that repair needs to happen here.

The longer that area stays inflamed, the longer the body will keep pushing nutrients to it. Intaking large amounts of greens will reduce inflammation and shut off signalling pathways to the exercised muscle area, meaning it will actually hinder and slow down recovery and muscle development.

Q: What do I do on a rest day?
A: Skip the pre and intra-workout meals and add the whey protein powder and collagen from these meals to the post-workout (breakfast meal).

Nutrition: Intra-Workout Shake

Blood is flowing to the muscle areas in high volume as we workout, so we want to utilise that window to keep the muscle cells re-hydrated and maintain an ample supply of amino acids in the blood.

When To Consume

20 minutes after beginning the workout. Take a small sip after every set you perform.

The Ingredients

In a water bottle add…

+ 4g of Amino Acids
Aids in muscle recovery, growth hormone secretion and improves insulin sensitivity. Also acts as an energy stimulation during the workout.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat red meat 2-3 times a week

+ Pinch of Himalayan salt
Promotes better nutrition uptake from cells. Full of minerals. Maintains good re-hydration levels within the muscle during the workout.
ALTERNATIVE: Small pinch of table salt

+ Electrolytes tablet
Maintains good re-hydration levels within the muscle during the workout.
ALTERNATIVE: Small pinch of table salt

Optional Supplements

+ 2g of Creatine
Improves and aids brain cognitive function. Helps muscles produce energy during intense activity.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat red meat 2-3 times a week

+ 3g of Glutamine
Helps the stomach lining, boosts immune function and speeds recovery. Boosts growth hormone and increases rate of protein synthesis.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat red meat 2-3 times a week

Nutrition: Post-Workout

We intake our entire days allowance of easily digestible carbs within this meal. The body has a drastically improved ability to utilise nutrients after intense exercise, so it’s vital to utilise that window as best as possible. There are two reasons we consume carbs at this point:

1) Blood flow to the area

Blood is flowing to and swelling in the areas that we have trained, known as the PUMP. We want to take advantage of this flow as much as possible to feed those areas with what they need. Post-workout nutrition ensures:

  • Your body has an excess of amino acids from protein.
  • Your body replenishes the glucose stores and nutrients used during the workout to rebuild, repair and refuel for the next workout.
  • There are plenty of water-soluble vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream to help with recovery
  • There are very low amounts of fats in the post-workout meal so we don’t store fat and slow down digestion for getting the carbs and protein to the muscles

2) To inhibit cortisol

After 40-60 mins of intense exercise, cortisol is released due to inflammatory signals from the body caused by the stress of exercise (muscle breakdown). Cortisol inhibits the fat burning and muscle building hormones that have been released from your workout (inhibit means to stop the production and function of the hormone).

BUT, carbs can inhibit cortisol. So we also intake carbs at this point to lower cortisol levels and maintain the necessary hormones in our body that promote fat burning and muscle development.

A Note On Cortisol

Excessive release of cortisol can suppress the immune system, increase fat storage, and impair mental function. A normal level of cortisol in the body is necessary and healthy but excessive amounts over any extended period will break down muscle and can lead to fat storage.

Carbs taken after training have been shown to dramatically reduce cortisol levels. So less cortisol means less fat and more muscle, in simple terms. A key thing to note is that we don’t want to stop cortisol, which isn’t really possible anyway naturally. We just want to control it. Enter carbs!

When To Consume?

Straight after your workout has finished. If you have any intra-workout left in your shaker. Just add the below ingredients on top.

The Ingredients

+ Rice Flour 
Use rice flour instead of oats as rice flour has very little fiber and will digest much quicker, creating a bigger insulin spike. Add the quantity needed into a bowl and pour boiling water over then stir to create a creamy mush.
ALTERNATIVE: Banana or Banana Powder

+ Whey Protein scoop
Purity and quality are essential.
ALTERNATIVE: Egg whites (eat separately)

Optional Supplements

+ Leucine 3g
To help activate the MTOR muscle building pathway
ALTERNATIVE: Egg whites (eat separately)

+ Magnesium – 100 mg (morning dose)
Supports healthy memory, decreases fatigue and is necessary for 300+ reactions in the body (ATP production, protein synthesis, muscular contraction, decreases cramping).
ALTERNATIVE: Add some almonds to dinner

+ Digestive Enzyme 1 capsule
To help the gut digest the protein as fast as possible.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat a little bit of sauerkraut daily with lunch and dinner.

Nutrition: Breakfast

You’ll find that after taking the shake, you will be hungry again in about 20 – 40 mins time. Now it’s time to have our first fat, veg and protein rich meal that will last us until lunch.

We are aiming to flow into Buddha recovery mode straight away and intake healthy fats across all meals for many metabolic benefits (cell regeneration, hormonal control, inflammation control etc).

We also want to keep insulin levels very very low in the body until the next day to restore insulin sensitivity. ABSOLUTELY NO CARBS with this meal.

The below is just a guide as what I eat to give you some ideas of foods that are packed full of nutrient, feel free to swap out for what you like. Remember though, this is our reset phase and it’s essential to eat healthy and cleanse the body.

When To Consume

Ideally 30 – 90 mins after having the shake.m It is dependant on how hungry you get.

The Ingredients

I normally opt for scrambled eggs with veg, nuts, and cheese as it’s quick and easy to make.

+ Whole eggs
A powerhouse of nutrient!
ALTERNATIVE: Mackerel or Salmon

+ Pumpkin seeds
Out of all the seeds, these contain the most nutrient.

+ Spinach
Packed full of calcium for strong bones and essential for muscle building.

Full of good bacteria and vitamin C
ALTERNATIVE: Spring onion

+ Garlic
Garlic is one of the only foods that contains antiviral, antibacterial and antitoxin properties
ALTERNATIVE: Spring onion

+ Red onion and asparagus
Known to aid in fat loss and recommended to eat while on a diet
ALTERNATIVE: Spring onion

+ Feta cheese
I just love the flavour of this cheese and out of all the cheeses it’s one of the healthy ones.
cheddar cheese

+ Natural Cottage cheese
Slow digesting protein to drip feed the muscles until lunch
ALTERNATIVE: Natural greek yoghurt

Q: Why red onion and asparagus?
A: Source of the antioxidant quercetin which may help increase energy expenditure, or calorie burn, in your body while also reducing inflammation

Nutrition: Lunch

We continue our fat, protein and veg in take at lunch. Now is the time to eat plenty of of nutritious vegetables to feed the body and mind as a whole. In this phase we use vegetables as the means to deliver essential vitamins and minerals required for the body to rebuild but also to detoxify the body.

So we look to consume veg that is going to give us the biggest bang for our buck with regards to detoxification.

Lunch is the best time to have raw veggies. Raw veggies are full of enzymes and good bacteria that have massive gut health benefits (and we know the great implications when our gut is healthy). A lot of these bacteria and enzymes die when cooked over 40 degrees.

The reason we have raw veggies at lunch and not at dinner is because they take longer to digest. We don’t want that digestion to interfere with sleep. So we take advantage of the time we have to digest and get those good enzymes and bacteria in. To feed the body and mind we need a colourful plate of veg.

ABSOLUTELY NO CARBS with this meal.

When To Consume

Ideally 2-3 hours after breakfast

The Ingredients

+ Vegetables 3 – 4 cup fulls (or 300 – 400g)
Raw veggies: Cucumber, pepper, sauerkraut (super easy to make, google the recipe), boiled beetroot, spinach
Steamed veggies: Cauliflower (small amount, well steamed), brocolli

+ Fatty protein source
Fish has a higher quality of amino acids and fewer chemicals overall than poultry, chicken for example. I normally opt for Salmon or Mackerel. Or treat myself to a rib eye steak now and then.

+ Fats
Pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, 1 brazil nut, olive oil, avocado.

+ Himalayan salt pinch
Packed full of minerals and helps the uptake of nutrients in cells.

+ 1 kiwi afterwards
A superfood! (explained below) Contains natural digestive enzymes to help assimilate the food.

Q: Do I have to have this exact veg?
A: No you don’t, these are ideal examples. When it comes to the quality of your veg, go for organic veg. Choose veg that’s in season, as it will be cheaper and more organically grown. I can tell you from experience you will feel more energised choosing high-quality veg, it’s worth the investment.

For example, in London, my better half Frida and I use a company called OddBox. They deliver wasted veg that restaurants don’t want or that farms have discarded because they are misshapen. It’s a cheap alternative that helps the planet and it’s always veg that’s in season. Go for variety on your plate. I just have whatever comes in my Oddbox delivery.

Q: Why a Kiwi?
A: I know we said NO CARBS at all apart from after breakfast. But, this is fructose which takes longer to breakdown than glucose and you are consuming after a very slow digesting meal so there will be extremely minimal, if any at all, insulin spike from ‘carbs. I believe it’s still important to eat a bit of fruit each day.

PLUS… They are a SUPERFOOD! We mainly consume them here with lunch because they contain natural digestive enzymes to help your gut digest the food, similar to pineapple. The better we can break food down and the quicker we can digest it, the more productive our body will function and the better we can get nutrients to the muscles.

The longer food sits in our digestive tracts, the more it ferments and leads to gas, bloating and a feeling of lethargy and unease. They also have one of the highest amounts of vitamins C, E, K content of any fruit. Essential vitamins for healthy muscle development.

Nutrition: Dinner

As with lunch, we continue with protein, healthy fats and veg. ABSOLUTELY NO CARBS with this meal.

The Ingredients

+ Vegetables 3 – 4 cup fulls (or 300 – 400g)
Steamed ones: courgette, aubergine, broccoli, carrot
Roasted ones: swede, sprouts, parsnip

+ Fatty protein source
Salmon, mackerel or a rib-eye steak (once a week).

+ Healthy fats
Chilli pesto, avocado, feta cheese, olive oil, almonds, walnuts, brazil nut, pumpkin seeds.

+ Himalayan salt pinch
Packed full of minerals and helps the uptake of nutrients in cells.

Optional Supplements

+ Vitamin C Powder 1000mg
Blocks cortisol and is essential to the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body, this includes muscle. I am 170 pounds, I would advise slightly increasing or slightly decreasing these amounts below based on your weight.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat kiwi, red pepper and sauerkraut daily.

+ Krill Oil 1 dose
Excellent source of healthy fats, reduces inflammation, improves blood lipids and heart health.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat oily fish such as salmon and trout on a regular basis.

+ Powdered super-greens 1 tsp
Great way to naturally increase energy and vitality while alkalizing your body.
ALTERNATIVE: Blend in leafy greens, chard, spinach, kale.

+ Magnesium – 100mg (evening dose)
Supports healthy memory, decreases fatigue and is necessary for 300+ reactions in the body (ATP production, protein synthesis, muscular contraction, decreases cramping). I am 160 pounds, I would advise slightly increasing or slightly decreasing these amounts below based on your weight.
ALTERNATIVE: Add some almonds to dinner

+ 1/2 dose Multi-Vitamins & Minerals
Contributes to overall health and is essential for the formation of new muscle tissue.
ALTERNATIVE: A healthy diet of 2 cups of veg and 2 cups of leafy greens daily. Natural Nutritional yeast.

Q: Why do we consume supplements like vitamins and minerals with this meal?
A: The body absorbs all vitamins and minerals differently. Most of them need fats to be transported and absorbed by the body and nearly every single one of them needs vegetables or fruit. Unless vitamin and mineral tablets are consumed with a meal that contains a wide variety of different coloured fruit or veg, the body can’t fully absorb all the nutrients contained in the tablets. They pass straight through.⁣

Why? Flavonoids and carotenoids (phytonutrients).⁣⁣

They give veg and fruit their colour. The body needs flavonoids and carotenoids to fully absorb and transport vitamins and minerals. They work hand in hand. Mother nature works well in this instance.

Nutrition: Before Bed (optional)

A small simple meal to help you stop waking up hungry during the night. ABSOLUTELY NO CARBS with this meal.

The Ingredients

+ 1/2 scoop protein powder
ALTERNATIVE: Full egg and egg whites

+ Full fat Cottage Cheese
ALTERNATIVE: Full fat yoghurt

Muscle Maximisation Method

By the way, if you’d like the step-by-step video guide and toolkit for this post, checkout Muscle Maximisation Method

Growth Phase Meal Plan

After you have completed a reset phase, immediately shift gears and go straight into a growth phase. Here’s where to begin…

Step 1. Get your maintenance calorie intake that you calculated above and add the following for male and female:

Males: Add 500 to your maintenance number 

Females: Add 300 to your maintenance number

You may need to increase this number up to 1000cals for male and 700cals for women if you aren’t gaining weight. Don’t be scared to eat more, your body will be primed to use the additional calories to build muscle, not gain fat.  

Step 2. Enter your the calorie number into MyFitnssPal and your macronutrient percentage split as:

  • Carbohydrates = 45%
  • Protein = 30%
  • Fat = 25%

If you don’t want to eat that many carbs:

  • Carbohydrates = 40%
  • Protein = 35%
  • Fat = 25%

If you don’t want to eat that much protein:

  • First, add 5% to carbs and take 5% from protein
  • Or if you don’t want to eat any more carbs, add 5% to fat and take 5% from protein

Most food contain all 3 macros (protein, fats, carbs) to some degree. So, the amounts above will never be exactly the same. Use what’s left over and stick with the same ratios. 

Daily meals overview

Quality muscle growth requires a large calorie surplus. During this growth phase insulin is our friend, this means frequent high protein and high carb meals are essential.

Eat the majority of your carb and protein allowance during and after your workout.

One meal in the day will be used to intake all our healthy fats. The meal furthest away from your workout time.

A carb and protein meal close to bedtime is highly recommended. When you sleep you are at your most anabolic state (growth state). Hence why people say sleep is so important for the body to repair and grow. Muscle growth comes happens at this time. What does your body primarily need to repair and build new muscle tissue? Carbs and proteins. So it makes sense we feed our body exactly what it needs just before it is about to enter its biggest growth opportunity phase of the day.

Ideally, you’re looking to feed your body protein at least every 3 hours.

Morning Workout Meal Breakdown

Meal 1 (Pre-Workout Shake)
Protein (20%) + Fats (5%) (Easily digestible fats ONLY – MCT Oil or coconut oil)

Meal 2 (Intra-Workout Shake)
Amino acids + Salts + Carbs (20%)

Meal 3 (Post-Workout Shake)
Protein (25%) + Carbs (30%)

Meal 4 (Breakfast)
Protein (15%) + Carbs (20%)

Meal 5 (Lunch)
Protein (15%) + Carbs (20%) + Veggies

Meal 6 (Dinner)
Protein (15%) + Fats (95%) + Veggies [NO CARBS]

Meal 7 (Before Bed)
Protein (10%) + Carbs (10%) 

Evening Workout Meal Breakdown

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
Protein (15%) + Carbs (20%) + Veggies

Meal 2 (Lunch)
Protein (15%) + Fats (95%) + Veggies [NO CARBS]

Meal 3 (Afternoon snack / small dinner)
Protein (10%) + Carbs (10%)

Meal 4 (Pre-Workout Shake)
Protein (20%) + Fats (5%) (Easily digestible fats ONLY – MCT Oil or coconut oil)

Meal 5 (Intra-Workout Shake)
Amino acids + Salts + Carbs (20%)

Meal 6 (Post-Workout Shake)
Protein (25%) + Carbs (30%)

Meal 7 (Before bed)
Protein (15%) + Carbs (20%)

How Do I Eat On Rest Days?

Simply take out the intra and post-workout shakes and merge them into one meal that you eat over two sittings. Remove the amnio acids and salts. Essentially like having another breakfast meal that’s a bigger portion.

Nutrition: Upon waking

Please refer to Resest Phase Nutrition: Upon Waking. The same steps and nutrition intake apply.

Nutrition: Pre-Workout Shake

Only consume protein and easily digestible fats such as MCT Oil pre-workout. Refer to Reset Phase: Pre-Workout Shake above for the reasons why.

When To Consume

I workout in the morning, not long after waking. I drink the below Pre-Workout shake approx 15min before beginning my workout. If you workout in the afternoon, I would advise having your last meal 2-3 hours before your workout. Then consume the below.

The body needs an ample supply of protein and amino acids within the bloodstream when beginning a workout for maximum development and recovery.

The Ingredients

Into a shaker add…

+ MCT Oil 1 tsp
Easily digested form of coconut oil, a good source of brain fuel. Beginning the day with fats, protein and NO CARBS will increase your mood and energy throughout the whole day.
ALTERNATIVE: 1 tsp of Coconut oil or whole medium egg

+ 1 Scoop Whey Protein
Purity and quality are essential.

+ Pinch of Himalayan salt
Promotes better nutrition uptake from cells. Full of minerals. Maintains good re-hydration levels within the muscle during a workout.
ALTERNATIVE: Small pinch of table salt

+ 1/2 dose Multi-Vitamins & Minerals
Contributes to overall health and is essential for the formation of new muscle tissue. Some vitamins are water soluble and some are fat soluble. Meaning some need fats to be digested by the body and some just need water. Taking half now allows us to get some of the water soluble vitamins into our body to help muscle recovery from the workout.
ALTERNATIVE: A healthy diet of 2 cups of veg and 2 cups of leafy greens daily. Natural Nutritional yeast

Optional Supplements

+ Collagen Powder 5g
Improves skin elasticity, the recovery of lost cartilage tissue, reduces activity-related joint pain, strengthens tendons and ligaments, increases lean body mass. We take collagen here because a lot of joints in our body have a poor blood supply. Hence joint problems. When we exercise the joints within the areas of the muscles we are exercising, blood supply is increased to those joint areas. The same principles apply = we have a better chance at delivering the collagen to the right place, the joints.
ALTERNATIVE: A combination of protein, vitamin C, zinc and copper is needed – meats, citrus fruits, red and green peppers, tomatoes, broccoli and greens, shellfish, nuts, whole grains and beans.

+ 2g of Creatine
Improves and aids brain cognitive function. Helps muscles produce energy during intense activity.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat red meat 2-3 times a week

+ 4g of Amino Acids
Aids in muscle recovery, growth hormone secretion and improves insulin sensitivity. Also acts as an energy stimulation during the workout.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat red meat 2-3 times a week

+ 3g of Glutamine
Helps the stomach lining, boosts immune function and speeds recovery. Boosts growth hormone and increases rate of protein synthesis.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat red meat 2-3 times a week

+ L-carnitine 1000mg
Increases energy production and helps to shuttle fat into the mitochondria to be burned as fuel.
ALTERNATIVE: Drink green tea throughout the day

+ Natural beet extract
Naturally helps increase blood flow to the muscles during exercises and improves O2 utilisation for better performance
ALTERNATIVE: Eat red meat 2-3 times a week

+ A few drops of Boron (a natural mineral)
Testosterone binds to sex globulins. When this happens, less testosterone is available to promote muscle growth. Boron helps to inhibit sex globulins so more testosterone is readily available.

+ 375mg (1 capsule) Cordyceps mushroom extract
Increases ATP which is energy levels. Feel the benefits almost instantly.
ALTERNATIVE: Green tea or coffee

+ 300mg (1 capsule) Ashwagandha Root
Studies have shown it can improve testosterone production by up to 17%.
ALTERNATIVE: Ensure to eat your daily % of healthy fats. They are important for optimal hormone production within our body

Q: Do I have to have this shake beforehand? Can I not just do my workout and eat after.
A: Yes you need it! We are looking for the most effective way to build lean muscle. Scientific studies have proven that when an ample supply of amino acids is present in the blood during a workout, recovery is much better. This makes sense as it goes back to the amount of blood being pumped to the muscle area we are exercising. With a high amount of amino acids already present in the blood from the shake. There’s a much higher chance of more amino acids going to where they need to.

Q: What Whey Protein should I get?
A: What you put in your body will affect your transformational results both physically and mentally. Invest in a high quality, organic, grass-fed whey protein. Or a high-quality pea protein if you are vegan. Don’t buy a flavoured one. Go as natural as possible. The flavourings they use are cheap and nasty. Plus, they add a lot of expense. Instead buy your own organic, sugar-free chocolate syrup and add it yourself. This will be cheaper in the long run. Control as much as you can when it comes to putting nutrition in your body.

Q: Why Whey Protein and not the other types?
A: The closer we can get to natural, the better. Whey protein is the closest, hence why it still contains a bit of fat. Protein is digested and utilised better by the body in the presence of fat, because of the fat-digesting enzymes released when the body breaks fat down. The more filtered protein powder is, the further from natural it becomes.

Q: Why do we not have any greens (powdered or vegetables) pre, intra or post-workout?
Refer to reset phase answer.

Q: What do I do on a rest day?
A: Skip the pre and intra-workout meals and add the whey protein powder and collagen from these meals to the post-workout (breakfast meal).

Nutrition: Intra-Workout Shake

It’s essential to intake carbs at this point and after the workout to maximise our chances of gaining quality lean muscle mass. This point now becomes our key carb intake window.

Why Carbs At This Point?

Please refer to Reset Phase: Intra-Workout Shake above as the same principles apply.

When To Consume

30 minutes after beginning the Workout (including warm-up time). Take a small sip after every set you perform.

The intra-workout ingredients

In a shaker add…

+ Organic Powdered Banana
We want high glycemic fast acting carbs at this point and of course the more natural the better. You may be tempted to use sugars like glucose, maltodextrin or dextrose – trust me don’t. Refer to the FAQs below for why.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat a small bit of banana with every sip

+ 4g of Amino Acids
Aids in muscle recovery, growth hormone secretion and improves insulin sensitivity. Also acts as an energy stimulation during the workout.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat red meat 2-3 times a week

+ Pinch of Himalayan salt
Promotes better nutrition uptake from cells. Full of minerals. Maintains good re-hydration levels within the muscle during the workout.
ALTERNATIVE: Small pinch of table salt

+ Electrolytes tablet
Maintains good re-hydration levels within the muscle during the workout.
ALTERNATIVE: Small pinch of table salt

Optional Supplements

+ 2g of Creatine
Improves and aids brain cognitive function. Helps muscles produce energy during intense activity.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat red meat 2-3 times a week

+ 3g of Glutamine
Helps the stomach lining, boosts immune function and speeds recovery. Boosts growth hormone and increases rate of protein synthesis.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat red meat 2-3 times a week

Nutrition: Post-Workout Shake

Have this shake within 20 minutes of finishing the workout.

The Ingredients

+ Organic Powdered Banana (option 1)
We want high glycemic fast acting carbs at this point to spike insulin high (the main growth hormone) and of course the more natural the better. You may be tempted to use sugars like glucose, maltodextrin or dextrose – trust me don’t. Refer to the FAQs below for why.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat a banana with the shake


+ Rice Flour (Option 2)
Again, great fast digesting carbs to spike insulin. You will need to use a blender with the following ingredients and quick method… Fill a pan with desired amount of rice flour, pour boiling water over and stir in until creamy. Keep adding little bits of boiling water until it isn’t lumpy and stuck together. Add cold water to a blender and then scoop it in. Then add the below ingredients… 
ALTERNATIVE: Eat a banana with the shake

+ Organic locally sourced Honey 1tbsp
To increase the insulin spike slightly. Taking local honey also helps with allergies that may be caused by the area.

+ Whey Protein Scoop
Purity and quality are essential.
ALTERNATIVE: Egg whites (eat separately to the oats/banana)

Optional Supplements

+ Leucine 3g
To help activate the MTOR muscle building pathway
ALTERNATIVE: Egg whites (eat separately)

+ Magnesium – 100mg (morning dose)
Supports healthy memory, decreases fatigue and is necessary for 300+ reactions in the body (ATP production, protein synthesis, muscular contraction, decreases cramping). I am 160 pounds, I would advise slightly increasing or slightly decreasing these amounts below based on your weight.
ALTERNATIVE: Add some almonds to dinner

+ Digestive Enzyme 1 capsule
Empty the capsule contents into the shaker. To help the gut digest the protein as fast as possible.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat a little bit of sauerkraut daily with lunch and dinner.

Q: Why can’t I use simple sugars like glucose, maltodextrin or dextrose?
A: I’ve done this in the past, I used these cheap sugars for a year before I realised how detrimental the affects were. In my opinion it’s like opening up your head and pouring sugar on your brain. It increased my anxiety levels and made me moody on a daily occasion, such a hit puts your liver under large strain and that amount of sugar will certainly destroy the neuron cells in your gut. Not good, as we know the gut is our second brain, hence why anxiety levels and mood would be affected. I’ve compared this to years of using natural carbs and felt 10x better.

Nutrition: Breakfast

Have your breakfast 60 minutes after consuming the post workout shake.

The Ingredients

+ Oats (Option 1)
I use instant oats and rolled oats. Oats are a superfood! (More on that below). Monitor your oats intake, they are high in fiber and if your overall daily fiber intake is too high, it will cause bloating and gas. This is the case for me, eating a high amounts of carbs at this point and trying to get them all from oats means I become very bloated, so instead I opt for rice flour below. Pour boiled water on the oats and allow them to stodge up. Then add the other ingredients and mix in.
ALTERNATIVE: Rice flour (see below)


+ Rice Flour (Option 2)
I use rice flour instead of oats, as it has very little fiber and does not upset my stomach. Fill a pan with the desired amount, pour boiling water over and stir till creamy. I then like to add the below ingredients into this creamy rice flour.

+ Banana slices
Natural source of potassium, magnesium, B6 and vitamin C, all vital in muscle regeneration and replenishment
ALTERNATIVE: Oats or rice flour

+ Natural Nutritional Yeast (sprinkle of it approx 3-5g)
Huge amount of naturally occurring B vitamins, protein, vitamins and minerals

+ Fat-free Greek yoghurt
Hi in slow-digesting casein protein and probiotics to aid digestion.
ALTERNATIVE: Fat-free normal yoghurt or fat-free cottage cheese

+ Large square of 90% Dark Chocolate
Natural, no added sugar chocolate syrup for flavour
ALTERNATIVE: Powdered dark choc

+ Blueberries
Fantastic brain food!
ALTERNATIVE: Any dark summer fruits – berries, cherries etc

+ Natural chocolate syrup to taste
Natural, no added sugar chocolate syrup for flavour
ALTERNATIVE: Stevia or chocolate drops

Optional Supplements

+ Leucine 3g
To help activate the MTOR muscle building pathway
ALTERNATIVE: Egg whites (eat separately)

Q: Why oats?
A: They are a SUPERFOOD! Oats are a fantastically balanced whole food One serving contains protein, a small number of healthy fats and lots of easy and complex digesting carbs. Whole foods like oats are more easily digested and absorbed by the body because they are complex compounds. Think of a complete pie chart with three sections. That is oats. Many foods have a slice missing and that’s why we have food pairings to balance foods out. But not oats, they are complete. Protein is digested and utilised better by the body in the presence of fat, which oats have, because of the fat-digesting enzymes released when the body breaks fat down (hence why we use Whey Protein and why it’s great to have it with oats).

The fats from the oats also stop the carbs from giving us too much of an insulin spike as they slow digestion down. We get a good enough insulin spike to flood the muscles we have worked with protein and carbs but not big enough to put us into a food coma. Trust me on this, they a wondrous food, cheap and you can get them in bulk. I buy a 25kg bag of organic rolled oats for £55 ($75).

Q: Why rice flour instead of oats?
A: Rice flour will never be as nutrient dense as oats. However, there is a reason why eastern cultures have been consuming rice for centuries, It is very gut friendly! it does contain some vitamins and minerals but the main reason we consume it is for the easy access to the carbs. Go organic if possible.

Nutrition: Lunch

Although reduced, there is still a high amount of blood flow to the muscle areas we have trained. So the same principles apply here, as they did at breakfast.

However, as we will also be eating vegetables with this meal, the spike of insulin will not be as powerful or high because the veg slows down digestion. Meaning we should not feel any lethargy from the carbs. Which can sometimes be felt after breakfast.

Insulin is an anabolic hormone. Meaning it promotes growth. We spike insulin with carbs to flood the muscles we have worked with nutrients. That’s the simple mechanic.

The more times in a day we can spike insulin to feed the muscle, the quicker and better we can grow lean muscle with healthy density. However, we know that too much of a good thing cannot last, hence why we do the reset food.

Why Veg At This Point?

Refer to reset phase lunch because the same principles apply.

When To Consume

Ideally 1 – 2 hours after breakfast

The Ingredients

+ Vegetables 3 – 4 cup fulls (or 300 – 400g)
Raw veggies: Cucumber, pepper, sauerkraut (super easy to make, google the recipe), boiled beetroot, spinach
Steamed veggies: Cauliflower (small amount, well steamed), brocolli

+ Lean protein source
Fish has a higher quality of amino acids and fewer chemicals overall than poultry, chicken for example. I normally opt for coley fish. It’s cheap and line-caught, as it’s not very popular, so it’s more sustainable.

+ A tiny amount of healthy fats for digestion
To aid digestion. I normally add a tbsp of pumpkin seeds. The richest nutrient profile of ALL seeds.

+ Carbs
I normally go for organic white rice. There’s a reason eastern cultures have been eating it for over 1000 years. It’s gut-friendly.

+ Himalayan salt pinch
Packed full of minerals and helps the uptake of nutrients in cells.

+ 1 kiwi
A superfood! (explained below) Contains natural digestive enzymes to help assimilate the food.

Q: Do I have to have this exact veg?
A: No. Again, when it comes to the quality of your food, go for organic veg. Choose veg that’s in season, as it will be cheaper and more organically grown. I can tell you from experience you will feel more energised choosing high-quality veg, it’s worth the investment. For example, in London, my better half Frida and I use a company called OddBox. They deliver wasted veg that restaurants don’t want or that farms have discarded because they are misshapen. It’s a cheap alternative that helps the planet and it’s always veg that’s in season. Go for variety on your plate. I just have whatever comes in my Oddbox delivery.

Q: Why a Kiwi?
A: They are a SUPERFOOD! Like oats. We mainly consume them here with lunch because they contain natural digestive enzymes to help your gut digest the food, similar to pineapple. The better we can break food down and the quicker we can digest it, the more productive our body will function and the better we can get nutrients to the muscles. The longer food sits in our digestive tracts, the more it ferments and leads to gas, bloating and a feeling of lethargy and unease. They also have one of the highest amounts of vitamins C, E, K content of any fruit. Essential vitamins for healthy muscle development.

Nutrition: Dinner

Now is the time to eat healthy fats. We are aiming to flow into Buddha recovery mode and we want to intake healthy fats at an optimal level (minimum 25% of total food intake) for many metabolic benefits (cell regeneration, hormonal control, inflammation control etc).

We also want to keep insulin levels very low in the body as we are eating lots of fats. ABSOLUTELY NO CARBS with this meal.

The Ingredients

+ Vegetables 3 – 4 cup fulls (or 300 – 400g)
Steamed ones: courgette, aubergine, broccoli, carrot
Roasted ones: swede, sprouts, parsnip

+ Fatty protein source
I normally go for salmon, mackerel or a rib-eye steak (once a week).

+ Healthy fats
I normally go for avocado, feta cheese, olive oil, almonds, walnuts, brazil nut, pumpkin seeds.

+ Himalayan salt pinch
Packed full of minerals and helps the uptake of nutrients in cells.

Refer to the Food Sources PDF above if you’re looking for healthy dessert ideas and alternative foods.

Optional Supplements

+ Vitamin C Powder 1000mg
Blocks cortisol and is essential to the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body, this includes muscle. I am 160 pounds, I would advise slightly increasing or slightly decreasing these amounts below based on your weight.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat kiwi, red pepper and sauerkraut daily.

+ Krill Oil 1 dose
Excellent source of healthy fats, reduces inflammation, improves blood lipids and heart health.
ALTERNATIVE: Eat oily fish such as salmon and trout on a regular basis.

+ Powdered super-greens 1 tsp (optional)
Great way to naturally increase energy and vitality while alkalizing your body. However, if you are eating plenty of vegetables at lunch and dinner, then there is no need to for this. But it’s great to up your intake if you struggle.
ALTERNATIVE: Blend in leafy greens, chard, spinach, kale.

+ Magnesium – 100mg (evening dose)
Supports healthy memory, decreases fatigue and is necessary for 300+ reactions in the body (ATP production, protein synthesis, muscular contraction, decreases cramping).
ALTERNATIVE: Add some almonds to dinner

+ 1/2 dose Multi-Vitamins & Minerals
Contributes to overall health and is essential for the formation of new muscle tissue.
ALTERNATIVE: A healthy diet of 2 cups of veg and 2 cups of leafy greens daily. Natural Nutritional yeast

Q: Why do we consume supplements like vitamins and minerals with this meal?
A: The body absorbs all vitamins and minerals differently. Most of them need fats to be transported and absorbed by the body and nearly every single one of them needs vegetables or fruit. Unless vitamin and mineral tablets are consumed with a meal that contains a wide variety of different coloured fruit or veg, the body can’t fully absorb all the nutrients contained in the tablets. They pass straight through.⁣

Why? Flavonoids and carotenoids (phytonutrients).⁣⁣

They give veg and fruit its colour. The body needs flavonoids and carotenoids to fully absorb and transport vitamins and minerals. They work hand in hand. Mother nature works well in this instance.

Nutrition: Before bed

When we sleep we are in our most anabolic (growth) state. Sleep is all about growth and repair. This is where YouR muscles really grow, the ultimate Buddha mode. So, to help them just that little bit more we give them the two another hit of the two foundational building blocks to muscle growth = protein and carbs. However, we don’t intake a BIG meal as it will disrupt sleep. Just a small one to deliver a final insulin (growth) spike and feed the muscles as we sleep.

The Ingredients

+ Small amount of Whey Protein
Purity and quality are essential.

+ Oats
By now, we already know ‘why oats’!

+ Fat free yoghurt
To bump up the protein intake and aid digestion

+ Natural chocolate syrup to taste
Natural, no added sugar chocolate syrup for flavour
ALTERNATIVE: Stevia or chocolate drops

Muscle Maximisation Method

By the way, if you’d like the step-by-step video guide and toolkit for this post, checkout Muscle Maximisation Method

Muscle Bulking FAQs

Reset Phase

Q. I’m struggling to hit the 10,000 steps a day!?

A. Don’t think of it just as going outside and doing 10,000 steps. Ultimately it means always having very active NEAT – None Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. A long fancy word for the movement you do outside of exercise. Or as I like to think of it, constantly fidgeting and moving. Some ways in which you can constantly fidget:

  • Stand at your desk instead of sitting
  • Constantly moving around the house getting tea, up and down the stairs
  • House chores (this was a game-changer for me, I now love looking for house chores because it means I’m constantly moving)
  • Walk to the shops for groceries

There are lots of opportunities throughout the day to move/fidget that can count towards your 10,000 steps. You may just need to walk outside for 15 mins to finish them off on an evening.

Or don’t try and do 10,000 each day, aim for 5,000 and then play catchup at the weekend by going on longer walks to equal 70,000 steps overall in a week, if you can. I realise it’s if you have children, so just look for opportunities to move where you can.

Breathe through your nose with your mouth closed all the time as much as possible throughout the day, especially when walking. It helps place the body in its parasympathetic mode = using fat-burning pathways for energy. Buddha mode.

Q. How do I know if I am actually eating enough in the reset phase?

A. Fat is going to be your body’s new preferred fuel source and enough is needed to:

  • keep energy levels high
  • Appetite controlled
  • And MOST IMPORTANTLY to keep you from burning up the hard-earned muscle.

If you’re not eating enough, you’ll feel very unsatisfied after a meal. Energy levels will be low and mood swings can become regular. there of course will be an expected lull in energy and performance as you switch into the reset phase and your body adapts. But after 4 days you should start to feel more energetic. If you don’t and things just feel ‘crap’ and tough – Increase your fats by 10%.

If you are really struggling by day 4? You need to up your fat intake by 20%.

Q. How should I train during the reset phase?

A. Train exactly as your Program dictates. However, it is totally expected that you will struggle to hit some reps and won’t be able to push to that other gear for failure. That’s fine. I advise just sticking on the same week of the workout until your energy levels rise again in the growth phase.

Q. How can I stay fuller during the reset phase?

  • Drink lots and lots of water
  • Add Himalayan salt to your meals
  • Eat lots and lots of vegetables and leafy greens. Not only will this help you feel a lot fuller but it will also help you detoxify the body during this reset phase.
  • Eat food high in fiber. This will also help with rid the body of the toxins released when the fats are broken down for energy. It will also keep you full.

Q. Will I be starving?

A. Yes, you will be hungry but the increased fats will help with that and you will adapt. Also, you need to mentally lock-in. This mental toughness will improve and it will expand into your everyday life and workouts.

Q. Can I have cheat meals?

A. No, the time for them is in the growth phase. Stick to the plan here and don’t falter.

Q. How much weight should I lose?

A. Everyone is different in this regard. However, a drop in 2-3% body weight is a good indicator of a good reset phase. With time this is something you will begin to understand for your body. We aren’t looking for a number to hit on the scale, we are looking to restore the body so we can enter the growth phase primed to build quality and healthy lean muscle mass.

Q. How much muscle will I lose?

A. If you follow this correctly, none. That’s the whole point of this approach. You may feel like your muscles are shrinking during this reset phase, but that’s just water loss due to the muscles being depleted of glycogen. It’s a mental game that you need to battle with.

Q. How do I know when I can stop the reset phase and carry on with the growth phase?

A. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do I look like I’ve lost some fat around the love handle area and my overall body?
  2. Has my weight loss stopped or slowed to a crawl?
  3. Am I lacking a lot of energy in workouts?

If the answer is YES to all these questions then move on to the growth phase

If the answer is NO to any of them then continue with the reset phase. Losing 2-3% of your body weight is a good indication that you should switch.

Q. Is there anything further I can do to help with inflammation from the growth phase?

A. Inflammation from the growth phase is normal and expected. Try to use this reset phase to get some recovery work done to improve blood flow and remove acidic inflammatory toxins:

  • Soft tissue massage
  • Saunas and steam
  • Hot baths

Growth Phase

Q. How do I eat on a rest day?

Exactly the same minus Meal 2. You can combine meal 1 and meal 2 if you wish to make a big breakfast. Or keep them separate as 2 breakfasts.

Q. What is the easiest way to add and subtract calories

If you need to add more calories the easiest way to do it is by adding them to the meal after your workout. For me, I just increase or reduce oats and some yoghurt to my breakfast. This keeps it simple and means you don’t have to change any other meals if you’ve batch-cooked or have a good routine going on.

Q. How much fat will I gain?

A. Apply the 80/20 rule. 80% of the weight you are gaining should be lean body mass (muscle, glycogen and hydration). 20% you would expect to be fat gain. So if you gained 5 pounds in 1 month, you’d expect 1 pound of that to be fat, which we can easily shift in the reset phase. These aren’t solid numbers as it all depends on your lifestyle and food choices. Just make sure to be diligent in your reset phase and stick to the overall plan and smart food choices.

Q. How much weight should I gain?

A. During the growth phase, males should aim to gain 1% – 1.5% of their bodyweight a week and females 0.5% – 1% of their bodyweight a week. As mentioned in the Intermediate Program, weigh yourself each morning as soon as you wake up and go to the toilet. Record it in the Happy Scales App so you can see your constant moving average.

Q. How can I eat so many carbs?

A. Trying to eat that many whole potatoes or bowls of oats as your entire carb source is going to be tough. At times, we will use powdered carbs that go down much easier in a shake. Our two main sources for this will be organic rice flour and organic powdered banana.

Q. What about cheat meals?

A. During the growth phase, cheat meals like pizza and ice cream are allowed. This is the time to enjoy more freedom as during the shorter reset phase we will be strict. Be smart about it though, don’t go overboard. The more sugar, cane syrup and high fructose corn syrup you consume, the shorter your growth phase will be. These types of food have negative impacts on your metabolism and cause more fat storage and insulin resistance.

Q. How do I know if I’ve picked enough calories during the bulk?

A. If you are NOT gaining 1% – 1.5% of your bodyweight a week as a male and 0.5% – 1% of your bodyweight a week as a female, then you aren’t consuming enough calories, mainly in the form of carbs. Add 100 calories extra a day and see how you go for a week. Repeat this process until you begin to gain weight.

*NOTE When shifting from the growth phase to the reset phase and vice versa, you can expect your bodyweight to shift dramatically by sometimes 3-4 pounds. This is normal.

Q. How do I know if I’ve picked too many calories during the bulk?

A. If you start accumulating a lot more fat after 4-5 days in the growth phase, especially around the love handle area, and your weight is jumping up on the scales more than 1.5% of your body weight (1% for females) a week. Then this is a sign you are eating too many calories.

If you notice this happening, do 5 days on the reset phase and then return to the growth phase with 10% fewer overall calories.

Q. I’m struggling to eat the meal sizes. What should I do?

A. Keep it simple, keep the same size meals but eat them over two sittings. I have a HUGE breakfast meal, I eat the first 50% of it, wait for 1hr or so then eat the second 50% of it.


Q: I’ve heard many different ‘facts’ about how much protein you should eat?

A: The guidance above is based on success with myself and hundreds of clients around the world. After doing this a lot, I’ve deduced what seems to work effectively across the board and most importantly, what is achievable and maintainable. In the Advanced Program, we do shift these % calculations more to either end of extremes for quicker results in muscle building and fat burning.

However, it comes back to our stepping stones, if we can’t stick with and apply this approach, then going to extremes is pointless as there is a higher chance of a crash and burn and de-motivation. As it requires a higher level of commitment. That is why I give this guidance at this stage.

However, this is also what I am here for and our weekly calls are for. Everyone is TOTALLY individual and no set amount is right for any single person. That’s why we begin with the above foundation and tweak as we go till we hit the sweet spot. We are scientists, this is our data and we collect it to respond effectively. As a basis, there are two facts you can be sure of:

Fact 1
Proteins are by far the most important macro as they are needed to preserve muscle mass when dieting, and build it when adding muscle. Protein also has the highest thermic effect of any macronutrient. This means 20-30% of the calories are burned off in the digestion process. It’s scientifically proven that protein has a high satiating effect on the body and mind.

An example of this is when you’re really full from a meal. If someone offered you a 16oz lump of steak or chicken for dessert. You would most certainly say no. However, if they offered you a sweet-carb desert, you would probably say yes. Carbs have a very little satiating effect on our body and mind. That’s why we seem to be able to eat an endless amount of sweets and treats and never be full.

Fact 2
Fats are an “essential” macronutrient. In theory, you can survive without carbs, but you can’t survive without fats. As a minimum, we should intake shoot 0.35 grams of fat per pound of body weight.

Q: How do I eat on rest days?

On rest days, eat exactly the same. There is a notion that you should eat less as you are moving less (no workout). This is irrelevant. If you train correctly, then your body needs plenty of calories to rebuild what you have broken down. It will be burning a lot of calories once it enters buddha mode and begins repairing.

Limiting nutrition intake on rest days only denies your body the nutrient it needs to grow back better and stronger. It places the body under more stress. Hindering and delaying progression. Stick to the plan and keep life simple. You’ll probably find after you wake up the day after a rest day, you look your best. Your body has reduced inflammation and evenly distributed blood packed full of nutrients to all the muscles.

Your Body Transformation

In Muscle Maximisation Method, I teach you this powerful nutrition method. You’ll discover how to…

  • Use growth phases and reset phases to trigger growth spurts of muscle
  • Prime your body to create the perfect environment for your muscle cells to grow
  • Use nutrient timing to re-stimulate your growth hormones and pack on muscle mass

If you’re ready to gain 2, 3, even 4Lbs of lean muscle every 8 weeks on repeat…

Then click here and visit Muscle Maximisation Method to discover how.

Maximising Muscle Sustainably,
Coach Adam
Body Transformation Coach

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About The Author

About The Author

Coach Adam, Body Transformation Coach

Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes

Hello, my friend… It’s my passion to help you build lean strength and transform your body from home using just a TRX suspension trainer or resistance band and Evergreen Nutrition Optimisation. I call it Fitness Freedom!

I spent 8+ years as a personal trainer hating the ego-driven gym culture. Every day I saw clients like you struggle to make sessions, feel intimidated by the environment, and regard the gym as a chore NOT enjoyment. Because of this, their results were limited. But they believed there was no other way. So in 2016, I setup Fitness Freedom Athletes. To teach you how to build lean strength from home… so you never need to rely on gyms, diet fads, or anyone else’s schedule ever again.

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Coach Adam aka TRX Traveller with fitness freedom athletes

About Coach Adam

Hello, my friend... It's my passion to help you build lean strength and transform your body from home using just a TRX suspension trainer or resistance band and Evergreen Nutrition Optimisation. I call it Fitness Freedom!

I spent 8+ years as a personal trainer hating the ego-driven gym culture. Every day I saw clients like you struggle to make sessions, feel intimidated by the environment, and regard the gym as a chore NOT enjoyment. Because of this, their results were limited. But they believed there was no other way. So in 2016, I setup Fitness Freedom Athletes. To teach you how to build lean strength from home... so you never need to rely on gyms, diet fads, or anyone else's schedule ever again.

Read my story here

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