How to ACTUALLY Build Muscle With a TRX Suspension Trainer (Based on Science)

April 22, 2024

Coach Adam aka TRX Traveller - Fitness Freedom Athletes If you enjoy this post, you may also enjoy the FFA Suspension Trainer Programs to build lean muscle and transform your body anywhere!

Today we’re going to cover two things that will help you build lean muscle and transform you body using just a TRX suspension trainer.

Firstly, we’re going to cover ‘muscle centric suspension trainer technique.’

And secondly, we’re going to unlock your mind-muscle connection.

These two things are essential if you want to build lean muscle and transform your body.

When you master them, you’ll go from the belief that you can only build muscle in a gym, with weights.

To what I call Fitness Freedom…

Where you can build muscle and transform your body with just a suspension trainer from home.

If you’d prefer me take you through this, just press play.

Otherwise, let’s dive in below…

All I’ve used for the past 8 years to build muscle and maintain my physique. is a suspension trainer.

From 3 years living in central and south America…

To now, at home, squeezing in workouts between a busy family and business schedule.

Since I discovered these two techniques, it has transformed my fitness results for life…

Why People Struggle To Build Muscle With A Suspension Trainer

99 percent of people, when they grab a TRX Suspension Trainer, just move around.

You see it in these classes.

They jump, pull, push, and hang.

Mindlessly moving around.

You’re not thinking about how you’re moving, you’re just moving.

We call that ‘movement centric technique’.

Types of movement centric technique are things like: aerobics classes, walking, running, fitness classes…

You’re using lots of muscles to move, not thinking about which muscle.

‘Movement-Centric technique’ has its place.

It’s good for working up a sweat, and doing a bit of cardio,…

But it is useless for building lean muscle.

Why ‘Movement-Centric Suspension Trainer Technique’ is Useless For Building Muscle

When you use movement centric technique, the load is shared.

As push up (or press up) is a great example of this, as it’s an exercise we all know.

Most people when they do a push-up, drop down and bash out 40 reps.

What happens?

The chest will take about 30% of the actual load of body weight load.

Then you’ve got your front shoulders, triceps, and your back, all helping out.

So the bodyweight load is shared.

When you get a shared load, you get a weak muscle building stimulus on each muscle.

That’s ‘movement-centric technique’ lots of muscles helping out to move your bodyweight.

But no single muscle gets challenged enough to cause a muscles building stimulus.

The sample principle applies to all the exercises when suing a suspension trainer.

If you’re not building lean muscle, it’s because you’re using a suspension trainer with ‘movement-centric technique’

How Do You Build Muscle with a TRX Suspension Trainer?

You use ‘muscle-centric suspension trainer technique’.

You isolate a muscle, and put all the load onto it.

So you can get a bigger muscle growth stimulus on each muscle.

Going back to our example, how would you do that with push ups?

Instead of mindlessly pressing up and down…

You constantly push your hands together on the floor.

Like you’re trying to fold the carpet.

This will create constant tension on your chest muscles and place all your bodyweight load onto them.

When you put a lot of load onto a single muscle area, it challenges the muscle A LOT…

And breaks the muscle down 10X better.

This creates a big muscle growth stimulus and response.

So you build muscle and get visible results.

A Muscle is Much Weaker When Isolated on its Own

When you see powerlifters, they’re using multiple muscles to shift a weight.

That’s ‘movement-centric technique’.

Use as many muscles as possible to move a heavy load from A to B.

It makes sense.

When you isolate down to a single muscle, the muscle is much weaker on its own.

So you don’t need to use heavy loads to get a greater muscle building stimulus.

That’s how you can build muscle with a suspension trainer using ‘muscle-centric technique.’

One muscle isolated = taking all the bodyweight load = BIG muscle growth response.

When You Use Muscle-Centric Technique You Build Healthy Muscle.

Because you’re using a lighter load, your body weight, with a slower and more controlled movement to do this technique.

It’s safer and you’re not at a higher risk of injury.

This is the complete opposite to meathead ‘gym-bro’ technique.

‘Gym-bros’ lift as heavy as they can with weights…

Swinging them all over the place just so they can look strong.

If they lifted with their brain and not their balls, they’d could isolate each muscle and use lighter loads.

It would prevent injuries, imbalances, and future limited movement patterns.

Now, what goes hand in hand with ‘muscle-centric suspension trainer technique’ for even better results?…

Unlocking Your Mind-Muscle Connection

This is what your mind probably believes:

“I need a gym and weights to transform my body.”

That’s what the majority of people believe.

They think, “I must hold a weight.”

But what does your body know?

Your muscle doesn’t know what you’re holding.

All it knows is the tension you can place upon it through a range of motion.

That’s all that muscle knows

What do I mean by tension?

Well, everyone in the Fitness Freedom Athletes community calls me out on this. I call it the squeeze.

I’m like – “I want to see your squeeze face.”

To squeeze your muscle means to powerfully contract it with mindful intent.

Most people, when they’re working out, they’re distracted.

They’re thinking:

“I’ve just got to get to rep number 10, wonder, what’s for dinner, oh, look what’s over there. Oh, look at her. Look at him”

They’re externally focused and distracted.

They’re not internally focused on their body.

To Build Muscle You Have to Place Your Mind Inside Your Muscle.

Focus on your muscle and feel it contracting and squeeze it hard.

Transforming your body is in the mind.

You’ll have heard this talked about before by Arnold Schwarzenegger…

He said he could visualise his muscles contracting, lengthening, and growing.

It’s not just a bit of woo woo.

He’s putting his mind inside of the muscle and he’s connecting with it.

He’s squeezing it super hard because he needs to maintain tension.

Tension kept on the muscle is the #1 growth mechanism for lean muscle and strength.

the 7 skills to trx better hand book with adam trx traveller and fitness freedom athletes

Get Your FREE Copy Of My ‘7 Skills To Build Muscle With A Suspension Trainer Handbook!’

Apply These 7 Skills Right Now In All Your Workouts To Build Lean Muscle and Burn Fat, FAST! Downloaded 70,000+ times!

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Focus Solely on your Body in a Workout to Meditate

You can use your body to master your mind.

One focus for an extended period, is a form of meditation.

When you start placing your mind inside your muscle, not only do you start building muscle and seeing your body transform…

But workouts will transform into meditation.

It’s a double whammy.

It can help procrastinations, anxieties, and daily stressors fade away.

This is the benefit of using a suspension trainer in your own space and time to build lean muscle and transform your body.

You strengthen your body whilst calming your mind.

In a gym everything’s external.

You come out of a gym more more frustrated than when you went in.

Due to the busyness and ego-centric culture.

The Ability to Improve Your Mind Muscle Connection is Exponential

Science has proved that top athletes, like bodybuilders, can only contract their muscle to about 50% of its ability.

Us mere mortals, we’re down to like 20%.

That’s a massive growth range.

Everyone focuses on reps, sets, drop sets, more exercises…

The biggest improvement is your mind muscle connection,

Being able to squeeze and control your muscles better.

If you’re at 20%, that’s 80% of potential improvement.

Can you imagine if you just focused on that and increased your percentage by 10%!

That’s how you’re going to transform your body continuously.

Improving Your Mind-Muscle Connection is Addictive

It makes you feel closer to your body.

It awakens pathways and increases nerve cells.

So you can control and contract your muscles better.

When you combine ‘muscle-centric technique’ with your mind muscle connection, the results are outstanding!

You can build lean muscle and transform your body for life with just a suspension trainer from home.

It’s all I do.

It’s all the thousands of people in the Fitness Freedom Athletes Community do.

How much do you want to transform your body?

The choice is yours.

Your Muscle Building Suspension Trainer Guide,
Coach Adam

By Coach Adam  (aka TRX Traveller)

By Coach Adam (aka TRX Traveller)

Body Transformation Coach

I help people build lean muscle and transform their body from home with my Fitness Freedom Suspension Trainer and Resistance Band Programs, and Private 1-1 Coaching.

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The 7 skills to TRX better handbook

Get Your FREE Copy Of My ‘7 Skills To Build Muscle With A Suspension Trainer Handbook!’

Apply These 7 Skills Right Now To Build Lean Muscle and Transform Your Body Quicker And Better Than You Ever Thought Possible! Downloaded 70,000+ times!

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Fitness Freedom Athlete Programs

Take The ‘Fitness Freedom Quiz’ And Discover The Best Suspension Trainer Or Resistance Band Program For Your Level & Fitness Goal!


I'm new to using a Suspension Trainer or Band, where shall I start?

First up, welcome! Out of all the millions of websites out there thank you for visiting this one. Secondly, your interest and motivation will change your life. It did for me and thousands of fitness freedom athletes in our community of all ages.

The best place to start would be with the Beginner Total Body Transformation Program. It’s the most popular Program and will teach you the effective muscle-centric technique to transform your body and begin your life-changing journey.

If you’re seeking a resistance band Program, get stuck into the Band Muscle Toning Program which is for beginners/intermediates to learn the band muscle-centric technique and transform their body with just one resistance band.

Do you have any training courses or Workout Programs?

Yes absolutely, I have The Fitness Freedom Suspension Trainer & Resistance Band Programs for all levels and fitness goals. They will teach you the effective 'Muscle-Centric Technique' that will transform your body! And cover everything from nutrition to mindset and performance execution.

PLUS, once you become a Fitness Freedom Athlete, you'll get access to a tun of member only resources and bonuses within the Fitness Freedom Athletes platform.

I got you covered for every challenge and every goal.

There are so many 'scammers' online, how can I trust you?

I guess at first, you shouldn’t. Trust is built and earned over time. Check out my reviews and success stories so you can get a better understanding of what I am about and who I help.

Or stalk me on social so you can see that this is my passion and mission in life:





Where are you based?

I am mainly based in London, UK. But I love travelling, specifically backpacking our beautiful world and experiencing other cultures... So most likely I may be based on the side of a mountain or little beach hut. Perhaps I’ll even meet you in person at some point… That would be just awesome!

Adam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom Athletes
Adam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom AthletesAdam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom Athletes

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