How to ACTUALLY Build Muscle With a TRX (Based on Science)

Coach Adam Fitness Freedom AthletesI hope you enjoy this post. If you want my help to build lean strength with a Suspension Trainer or Resistance Band, click here to get started.

Author: Coach Adam | Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes

How to ACTUALLY Build Muscle With a TRX (Based on Science)

To build lean muscle using a TRX suspension trainer, you need to do two things. Firstly, use it with ‘muscle centric TRX suspension trainer technique.’ And secondly, apply your mind-muscle connection.

These two things are essential if you want to transform your body. When you master them, you’ll go from the belief that you can only build muscle in a gym with weights…

To what I call Fitness Freedom. Where you can confidently build muscle and transform your body with just a suspension trainer from home.

These two techniques that I’m about to take you through. Have helped transform the bodies and lives of over 8000+ busy professionals in the Fitness Freedom Athletes community.

If I can do it and they can do it, so can you! Away we go…

Can You Build Muscle With A TRX?

There’s a BIG difference in how people exercise to transform their bodies. It comes down to two techniques:

1. Movement-centric technique (99% of people)

2. Muscle-centric technique (1% of people. This is us!)

One is much more effective for building strong, lean muscle. That effective technique is called muscle-centric technique.

Don’t have time to read the post in full? Then watch the video below to learn how to build muscle with a TRX…

These two techniques are the difference between the person who has been using a TRX suspension trainer (or resistance band, body weight, even weights in a gym) for months and months. And rarely builds muscle or sees visible results.

Compared to the person who month on month builds muscle and improves their body, along with their mind (mental well-being). You’re probably thinking… “Adam, what the hell are you going on about?”

Allow me to explain because this is important and will literally, change your life (a client’s words, not mine).

By the way, if you want these skills plus 5 other powerful ones as a downloadable Handbook, just enter your email below and I’ll send it to you…

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‘Movement-Centric’ TRX Exercises

Walking is a type of movement-centric technique, and so is running, cycling, or an aerobics class. You don’t think about moving, you just move. The body wants to be efficient. It wants to use as many muscles as possible to move a load because it’s easier.

With movement-centric technique you allow the body to activate all the muscles it can to move a load (like body weight or an actual weight). Many people grab a TRX suspension trainer and do this.

They jump around, pushing, pulling, and hanging. Not thinking about how they are moving, just moving. The same thing happens in a gym. When you see people grunting and groaning moving a weight that is too heavy for them sacrificing form just to get the weight up.

So long as they move it and look strong, they don’t care (I used to be this guy).

Here’s The Problem With That

The problem with movement-centric technique is that the load is shared. Not one or two muscles take all the load to do the work. Sometimes six or eight muscles do.

So if we take 100% load and share it across eight muscles, that’s only a 12% strain for each muscle. That’s fantastic teamwork by the body and amazing biomechanics of the human species. But, it is useless for building lean muscle to transform your body.

Because the load placed upon each muscle isn’t enough to get a muscle growth stimulus. Here’s an example of ‘movement-centric technique’ with a TRX Chest Press…

An example of how not to do a TRX Suspension Trainer chest press

Most when they do a TRX Chest Press, mindlessly press forward and back. That’s movement-centric technique. All you’re focusing on is the movement of pressing. The problem is when you do this lots of muscles share the load.

The chest is the targeted muscle but other muscles are helping out. Such as your triceps, front shoulders, and biceps. You’re not isolating the individual chest muscle to place the majority of your body weight load onto it.

This means the chest muscle gets a weak muscle growth stimulus because it hasn’t been worked enough to cause muscle breakdown. A weak stimulus means the muscle doesn’t grow effectively, if at all.

Movement centric TRX suspension trainer technique does not build muscle

This is the reason why so many people struggle to build lean muscle and keep stalling. Then they constantly change things up due to the frustration of not understanding the reason for the lack of progression.

‘Muscle-Centric’ TRX Exercise

Instead, you want to perform Muscle-Centric TRX technique. Focus on the specific muscle you want to target.

Isolate the chest muscle and don’t allow other muscles to help. By using a slow, controlled technique and your mind-muscle connection. To squeeze the muscle powerfully throughout the exercise. Then the majority of your body weight load goes onto that single muscle.

How to do a TRX suspension trainer chest press to build muscle

In the TRX chest press example. You lock your body in stone. Then initiate the movement of the press by squeezing your chest muscles. Don’t mindlessly press forward without focusing on the muscle you are targeting.

Maintaining tension (the squeeze) on the chest muscles throughout reduces the amount of shared load from other muscles. So the majority of your body weight load goes onto that chest area throughout the whole range of motion.

When you isolate a muscle and put all the load onto it, you get a powerful muscle growth stimulus. Because the muscle has to work harder so more muscle fatigue and breakdown occur. Which means more effective lean muscle and strength development. And visible results in the mirror.

how to use a TRX suspension trainer to build muscle

This Makes Building Muscle With a TRX Easier

A Muscle is MUCH weaker when isolated on its own. So you can use lighter loads, like your body weight, to create a powerful growth stimulus. This means you’ll build lean muscle faster because you’ll achieve a transformational result from every workout.

And because you’re using lighter loads with more control. You’ll build healthy, balanced muscles that support joints and improve your movement patterns for longevity.

Unlike lifting heavy weights or doing persistent impact exercises. Which wears down joints, and causes injuries and pain.

The 7 Skills to Build Muscle With a TRX

Using muscle-centric technique with a TRX suspension trainer means you can build lean muscle and visibly transform your body. Without needing to rely on a gym or weights ever again.

The 7 Skills to Build Muscle With a TRX

And there’s a second even more powerful technique. When combined with muscle-centric technique, it will amplify your results and transform your workouts into a form of meditation. For better mental well-being…

Unlocking Your Mind-Muscle Connection

What your mind believes, “I Need A Gym & Weights To Transform My Body”. What your muscle knows…

“Your muscle does NOT know where you are or what you are holding. All it knows is the tension you can place upon it through a range of motion”

If there is ONE thing you take away and remember from this, make sure it’s that powerful fact. I call unlocking your mind-muscle connection, the squeeze. In the Fitness Freedom Athletes community, members tease me about it. BUT IT IS VERY IMPORTANT…

The 7 Skills to Build Muscle With a TRX

‘The Squeeze’ means to powerfully contract the muscle you are targeting with mindful intent throughout the entire range of motion. Place your mind inside your muscle and visualise it squeezing, stretching, moving, and growing. Focus all your attention internally on your body and on that single muscle.

An internal focus is the foundation for unlocking your mind-muscle connection. It’s MINDFUL. Most people are externally focused when they workout, especially in a gym. I bet you can relate to this…

The 7 Skills to Build Muscle With a TRX

An external focus is mindless. When people workout they think about the rep number, what’s the next exercise, and when will this be over? Or they have ‘life thoughts’ about work, money, daily conversations etc.

They don’t mindfully focus on the one specific muscle they are targeting and how it feels during the exercise. To build lean muscle you need to mindfully connect and internalise your focus. Place your mind inside your muscle.

What Is The Mind-Muscle Connection? (& How To Unlock It)

Let go of external distractions. Keep your phone out of sight. This is why being in your own space on your own time with a suspension trainer is so beneficial.

In a gym, you are externally distracted by the environment. But in your own space, you can internalise your focus without external distractions. You focus on squeezing the muscle you are targeting throughout every single rep. Especially at the top motion of each exercise (picture the top curl part of a bicep curl).

Being able to do this, feel and visualise your muscle contracting and stretching is called having a good mind-muscle connection.

• Building lean muscle

• Increasing your functional strength

• Feeling confident in your body and how it moves

… starts in the mind.

Practising your mind-muscle connection in every workout creates a holistic body connection between your mind, body, and soul. It makes you more in control and more confident. It builds and awakens pathways to parts of your body you never knew existed.

You truly become one with your body and mind. And it feels awesome!

Full Body TRX Workouts & Meditation

With the mind-muscle connection, you can literally use your body to master your mind. When you internalise your focus on the specific muscle you are training. TRX Workouts become a form of mediation.

Meditation is focusing on one thing for an extended period of time.

If you don’t focus on anything else except your body and the muscle you are training, you are meditating. And we know the HUGE benefits of mediation. Constantly seeking to internalise your focus in every 30 – 50 minute workout, compounds over time. And you will feel your mental well-being improving with it.

What Is The Mind-Muscle Connection? (& How To Unlock It)

When you begin to use TRX workouts as a form of meditation, it’s a double whammy. Not only do you improve your body, but also your mental well-being. It’s a never-ending improvement circle. As one improves, so does the other.

I’ve personally found, and had clients report:

  • social anxiety reduced
  • fewer procrastinations
  • more grounded and calm
  • ability to deep work (business success)
  • more confident (relationship success)

This is using your body to master your mind.

TRX Transformation Foundations

As a foundation, just mastering the mind-muscle connection and muscle-centric technique, will make a HUGE difference to your fitness results using a suspension trainer. The benefits are awesome once you gain the technique practice,

The 7 Skills to Build Muscle With a TRX

Because I’m a nerd and love Star Wars, it’s kinda like Yoda. With just the force (mind-muscle connection) he’s ok. But combined with muscle-centric technique (light saber), he’s incredible.

The same can be said for our results with a TRX when we use both. Now imagine the possibilities when these two effective techniques are combined with other good principles. Which I refer to as the layers to build upon.

The 7 Skills to Build Muscle With a TRX

Layers like:

  • The right TRX suspension Trainer Program for your level and goal
  • The correct nutrition for your goal
  • The effective range of motion for each exercise
  • Tempo, rest, sets and other training variables

Compounded together your results will be exponential. This is what I call Fitness Freedom.

Your TRX Suspension Trainer Body Transformation

If you have a suspension trainer there are 3 ways I can help:

1. The Suspension Trainer Total Body Transformation Program (Beginner Level)
If you’re struggling with weight and a lack of strength, this beginner Program will teach you the ‘Muscle-Centric’ Suspension Trainer Technique to build lean strength in 8-weeks. (#1 Most Popular!)

Start Your Transformation Here »

2. The Suspension Trainer Beach Body Program (Intermediate Level)
If you’re quite active but not happy with your body shape, this 8-week Program helps you get leaner, fitter, and beach-body ready!

Get Beach-Body Ready Here »

3. Suspension Trainer Ultimate Physique Sculptor Program (Advanced Level)
If you’re a fitness enthusiast but you’ve plateaued, this 12-week Program re-sculpts your body for an aesthetic physique.

Level Up Your Physique Here »

Rated 4.9 out of 5 from 100s of Reviews on Trust Pilot!

Unsure? Take the Body Transformation Quiz here and in less than 60 seconds, I’ll recommend the best fit for you!

Your Muscle Building Suspension Trainer Guide,
Coach Adam
Body Transformation Coach

About The Author

About The Author

Coach Adam, Body Transformation Coach

Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes

Hello, my friend… It’s my passion to help you build lean strength and transform your body from home using just a TRX suspension trainer or resistance band and Evergreen Nutrition Optimisation. I call it Fitness Freedom!

I spent 8+ years as a personal trainer hating the ego-driven gym culture. Every day I saw clients like you struggle to make sessions, feel intimidated by the environment, and regard the gym as a chore NOT enjoyment. Because of this, their results were limited. But they believed there was no other way. So in 2016, I setup Fitness Freedom Athletes. To teach you how to build lean strength from home… so you never need to rely on gyms, diet fads, or anyone else’s schedule ever again.

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Coach Adam aka TRX Traveller with fitness freedom athletes

About Coach Adam

Hello, my friend... It's my passion to help you build lean strength and transform your body from home using just a TRX suspension trainer or resistance band and Evergreen Nutrition Optimisation. I call it Fitness Freedom!

I spent 8+ years as a personal trainer hating the ego-driven gym culture. Every day I saw clients like you struggle to make sessions, feel intimidated by the environment, and regard the gym as a chore NOT enjoyment. Because of this, their results were limited. But they believed there was no other way. So in 2016, I setup Fitness Freedom Athletes. To teach you how to build lean strength from home... so you never need to rely on gyms, diet fads, or anyone else's schedule ever again.

Read my story here

Adam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom Athletes

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