If you’re struggling to lose your stubborn belly fat without a gym, you’re not alone. Most people rely on clickbait plans that focus on surface level ‘solutions’:
- Cleanses
- Fat-Free
- Zero-Carbs
- Slim Shakes
Or just try and wing it themselves after searching YouTube. The results are short-term, if any. The consequences?
- Rebounds
- Screwed up hormones
- Muscle loss
You don’t have hours to spend at the gym or the energy to waste on ‘fad diets’ that don’t deliver.
You need a practical, proven approach that fits seamlessly into your demanding schedule.
In this post, I’ll teach you the natural, long-term approach to losing belly fat without a gym. Let’s get into it…
Table Of Contents
2 Steps To Lose Fat Naturally
Imagine your body is like a car engine. If your car engine isn’t working properly, you wouldn’t try different petrol and assume it will work fine. You’d fix the engine first.
Your body is the same. Unless it’s functioning correctly on a cellular and hormonal level, no matter what food you eat or exercise you try. You’ll struggle to ever lose that stubborn fat and transform your body.
Body Optimisation
That’s why Step 1 begins with learning how to optimise your body for fat loss, which starts with your nutrition. And Step 2, is learning how to accelerate that fat loss with a simple but powerful at-home training method.
Don’t have time to read the post in full? Then watch the video below to learn how to lose belly fat without a gym.
I’ve used this 2-step method that I’m about to take you through myself for many years. And it’s also the method that I use with my private one-to-one coaching clients. If it can work for them and me, it can work for you too.
Step 1. Nutrition Optimisation
The most important step to start with is your diet. After all, you can’t out-exercise the wrong diet. In the world of health and nutrition, everyone argues and disagrees on many things.
But there’s one universal thing everyone’s pretty aligned with – If you lose belly fat, it makes a dramatic difference in your health, longevity, energy, and body confidence. The problem is, as a society our first thought is – I must get a fat loss plan.
The Worst Fat Loss Plans
Here are the six worst fat loss plans that people use when trying to lose belly fat:
Restrictive eating – They’ll skip breakfast every day and or randomly skip dinner only to wake up starving in the middle of the night and binge.
Cleanses – They’ll only have green smoothies for every meal. Sounds great and yummy. But leads to massive demotivation and being sick of life.
Fat-free – No tasty fatty meats anymore. Or the majority of tasty food for that matter. Screws up hormones and just sucks!
Zero carbs – They can’t eat out or have a beer anymore. They wonder why they have no easily available energy for workouts or hobbies. Sluggish.
Slim Shakes – I’m happy to live my life off tasteless liquids. I wouldn’t be, would you?
Cut Calories – I’ll only eat what the rabbit eats. Come on, that’s no way to enjoy life.
Here’s a fact, “87% of people will regain their belly fat and weight after the first few months of trying a diet.” These clickbait money-making methods flat out don’t work.
Or, they may work short term, but not long. Ultimately, they’re not sustainable, or realistic, and they restrict your life. And you’re going to waste your number one asset, your time and energy.
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Use this proven Framework to create a lean, energised, and confident body – for life! Just tell me where to send it…
Why Fat Loss Plans Don’t Work
Imagine the food you eat is like the petrol for an engine. And your body is a worn-out engine.
No matter how good that petrol is or how big the promises of high performance are, if you put that petrol in a worn-out engine, it’s still not going to run correctly. Because the engine’s worn out.
Your body is the same. It’s not what you eat. It’s how effectively your body uses what you eat.
If you have belly fat and low energy. That comes down to your body not using the nutrients from the food you’re eating effectively (it’s not using the petrol effectively).
And that comes down to you having poor insulin sensitivity.
You might be sitting here thinking, But Coach Adam, I don’t have poor insulin sensitivity. I haven’t got insulin resistance or diabetes.
You might not be in the red at that far end of the scale below. But it’s a fact, if you’ve got stubborn belly fat, you find it hard to build muscle, you have a low energy, and you feel sluggish…
You do not have good insulin sensitivity.
Because you wouldn’t feel like that, and it would be a lot easier to achieve those things if you had good insulin sensitivity.
If you did have good insulin sensitivity, here’s what it looks like – When you eat food, insulin is released into the body. Insulin is like little keys that go around your body.
And those keys go to your muscle and functional cells and they open the door to let the nutrient in. And your muscle and functional cells go, “Great, I’m going to absorb that nutrient”
That’s what happens when you’ve got good insulin sensitivity. All those keys work in all those cell doors.
If you have bad insulin sensitivity, here’s what it looks like – Those insulin keys go out in your body and up the muscle and functional cells, and they try and open the door.
But that key won’t work in the cell doors because they’ve become resistant to the key, they’ve become resistant to the insulin. Hence insulin resistance.
Now here’s the crap thing, fat Cells do not get Insulin Resistance. They have an open door all the time.
So, your body goes, “right, I can’t put it in the muscle and functional cells, so I’m going to dump it into fat cells” And this just keeps getting worse and worse.
Insulin Resistance Is An Epidemic
It’s a fact from the WHO that, “A significant proportion of the population in Western countries, particularly parts of Europe and the United States, are dealing with insulin resistance or related metabolic issues, such as pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes.”
If you have poor insulin sensitivity because your body’s not using the nutrients from food effectively. You’re also going to struggle with poor sleep, irritability, low hormone levels (testosterone, estrogen), and brain fog, and you’ll generally feel down and lethargic with major snack cravings.
So it’s a bigger problem than just stubborn fat and weight gain.
Common Mistakes That Speed Up Fat Gain
You may be making things worse too, if you’re trying to lose belly fat with any of these common mistakes:
Long Cardio
Long cardio can cause muscle loss. Muscle cells are insulin regulators. The more of them you have, the better you can regulate insulin. So less muscle means your insulin sensitivity reduces
Slim Shakes
The majority of them are full of sugars so they taste good. It’s a high-sugar diet in disguise. That reduces your insulin sensitivity too.
Crash Diets
They are a stress on the body. Cortisol is released when you do that. Cortisol inhibits insulin and that reduces your insulin sensitivity further.
Here’s Why You Finding It Hard To Lose Belly Fat
You’ve got poor insulin sensitivity from your lifestyle and your age. So you gain belly fat and low energy levels.
You make those common mistakes or try those fat-loss diets that I just mentioned. You worsen your insulin sensitivity, gain more belly fat and lack more energy.
It’s a vicious cycle. And one that will keep you stuck on the hamster wheel for years. Frustrated with a lack of results even though you’re trying all these exercises and fat-loss methods.
Here’s How to Fix That!
So, what I started doing with my clients was improving their insulin sensitivity first. To optimise their body.
So their body was using the nutrients from food effectively. Which meant they could melt belly fat and double their daily energy more easily and naturally.
Once you’ve improved your insulin sensitivity to optimise your body, you upgrade your body engine. You go from that old worn-out car engine to a new car engine.
You’ve got a new body, a high-performance machine. And you’ve shifted the needle along…
Everything becomes easier once you do this. You can melt belly fat more easily, build muscle more easily, and have more productive energy.
Improving your insulin sensitivity is the answer. It gets your body working as a high-performance machine. It’s powerful and natural, and the results come fast. It’s the fastest way to lose weight naturally – and keep it off.
Get Your FREE Copy Of My “Get Lean Evergreen Nutrition Framework For Busy Professionals Handbook”
Use this proven Framework to create a lean, energised, and confident body – for life! Just tell me where to send it…
Step 2. At-Home Training Method
Now you’ve got a body optimised for high performance because you’ve improved your insulin sensitivity. And your body is using the nutrients that you eat from food effectively.
It becomes easier to build lean muscle and strength. And it’s easier to get fitter, quicker, to accelerate your fat loss further
Here’s the even more awesome thing. When your body is optimised, you can spend less time and energy trying to get fit and still get great results.
In other words, you’re working smarter, not harder.
Because your body is working like a performance machine. You can do a lot less for big gains.
And that’s why I always get my private clients starting with 20-minute metabolic HIIT workouts, 4 times a week. That’s all it takes to get fantastic results when your body is optimised from step 1.
Why Metabolic Workouts?
My private clients are all busy professionals. So, there are 4 simple reasons why these workouts are perfect for them…
#1 Get Fit Quickly
Mitochondria in the muscle cells learn to use fat as a main energy source when we get fitter. And the quicker the cells adapt, the more fat we burn at rest for sustainable energy.
#2 Develop Muscle Tone
More muscle means a higher metabolism. And it’s better for functional movement. So if you can move better, you feel more confident and will move more, and burn more.
#3 Boost Hormones and Metabolism Further
You get a boost of human growth hormone, testosterone, and key fat-burning hormones. And that effect can be maintained for hours after the workout as well. So you still get that fat-burning after-burn effect.
#4 Simple To Do (No Excuses)
They’re a fast stress release. When you live a very busy lifestyle. It’s easy to get stressed.
Once your body is optimised and you do these metabolic workouts, you release that stress fast, whilst melting your belly fat. So you improve your mental well-being, which helps with your productivity and focus.
Just 20 minutes, three or four times a week for:
- A fitter body
- Cardiovascular health
- A toned physique
- Increased energy
- Stress release
- Better movement patterns
Shorter workouts for a bigger transformational stimulus. But, you must optimise your body first with the approach in Step 1. Otherwise, it’s just like trying to push a boulder up a hill. It’s a lot harder than it needs to be.
If you optimise your body first, then do these metabolic HIIT workouts, you will get fantastic results.
Physical Fitness & Work Brilliance
Your physical fitness is directly correlated with your productivity and work brilliance. Because you get improved cognitive abilities, sustained energy, and a higher stress resilience.
It’s a fact, that a high-performance mind can only exist in a high-performance body. A vice versa. An unfit body leaves you tired and slow, which affects your work performance,
That’s why it’s crucial to get these two steps right. They are the complete opposite of the usual fat loss plans and approaches. That leaves you feeling drained due to:
- Lack of proper food
- extreme lack of calories
- Doing lots of cardio
- Burnout from daily weightlifting and gym routines for hours.
You’re just too busy to follow a plan that depletes your energy. Focus on this long tern and natural solution to belly fat loss. It only takes 2 steps to get fantastic results.
Do You Need To Lose Some Unhealthy Belly Fat?
If you’ve found this approach helpful and you’re struggling to lose fat and transform your body, then checkout my “Belly Fat Annihilation”
It will give you step-by-step video teaching, tools, and guidance to lose belly fat without a gym, naturally and long term.
Lose Belly Fat Smarter NOT Harder,
Coach Adam