The below is purely for a metaphorical example.
The complexities of what insulin does is wonderfully huge.
I just want to keep our focus on how we can use it to benefit transforming our body, in the simplest terms.
Think of insulin as a key.
There are millions of cells within our muscles, those cells have a door with a keyhole.
When that door is unlocked, food can enter the cell.
Insulin is the key that unlocks that door so nutrients can enter.

The problem is when the body does not have very good insulin sensitivity, i.e it is not functioning optimally.
That key (insulin) can’t fit in the keyhole of the cell because the keyhole is broken.
So the cell can’t intake the nutrient we eat from food.
That’s not good for our muscle cells to be able to repair and grow.
Even worse is fat cells, they have a lock that never breaks.
In other words, they don’t suffer from insulin sensitivity.
They’ll always open their door whenever insulin is spiked.
So, if carbs can’t enter our muscle cells, they will go to fat cells to be converted and stored.
Another reason why having good insulin sensitivity is important.
Insulin as our best friend
We know that when we exercise a certain muscle, blood flow to that muscle increases up to 80% more than normal
Which is roughly about 40% day-to-day.
Less for some of the smaller muscles.
This increase in blood flow to that specific muscle area remains high for up to 30 mins after a workout.
Then gradually reduces back to normal over 3+ hours.
Our muscle cells are also much more insulin sensitive at this point after exercise.
And the brain is much more aware that we need to send nutrition to that site of inflammation (the muscles we have worked).
The body is working with us and not against us right after exercise.
So, if we have more blood flowing to the muscle and they are super sensitive and desperate to intake nutrition.
Then it makes perfect sense to get the nutrition to them in the fastest way possible.
And the two key nutrition elements they want is:
- Protein (amino acids)
- Carbohydrates
Why do they want protein and carbs?
Carbs are the bricks and protein is the cement to build stronger and healthier muscles.
We want to get as many keys (insulin) to our muscle cells as possible.
So they open the doors and the muscle cells can intake the protein and carbs.
And because lots of blood is flowing to those muscle areas, we can be certain that the keys and nutrients are going to the right place (the muscles we have exercised).
How do we get those keys to our muscle cells?
You know it, we spike insulin by eating carbs.
This is where eating carbs can be our best friend.
The carbs help shuttle the vital protein (amino acids) into the exact place that we want it to, the muscle cells.
Insulin as our worst enemy
Now take that same above scenario but also add fats.
The muscle cells will not intake fats. They can’t do anything with them.
So, where would the fat go?
Straight into fat storage cells.
Because of the high amount of carbs, insulin (the keys) are in abundance around the body.
So lots of fat storage areas will happily uptake the ingested fat and store it.
In other words, we add fat to our body easily.
Insulin is the number 1 growth hormone
You can now understand why insulin is the number one growth hormone because of what it does.
By opening up doors to flood our muscle cells with nutrients.
Mastering the manipulation of insulin is the secret to building lean, healthy muscle whilst limiting fat gain.
Our aim is to learn how to utilise insulin effectively and correctly to get the nutrients (carbs and protein) into the muscle cells.
And limit how much we supply to fat cells.
I don’t want you to make the mistake of thinking fats are bad.
They aren’t, they are fantastic.
They are absolutely essential for us to live a healthy life.
It’s understanding when to eat them that is key.
By the way, if you want to understand how to implement this into your lifestyle to get a lean, healthier body easier…
Every Fitness Freedom TRX Suspension Trainer Program comes with the Lean Lifestyle Nutrition Blueprint.
Where I’ll teach you how.
With this training, you’ll know exactly what and how to eat before, during, and after your TRX suspension trainer (or resistance band) workouts, to achieve your fitness goal.
I’ll teach you how to re-optimise your body by improving your insulin sensitivity, waking up your dormant fat burning hormones, and igniting your metabolism.
Which means you can build lean muscle, and a healthier-energised body, quicker and easier. And maintain it long term.
Plus, you’ll ELIMINATE guesswork and constantly jumping from different ‘diet fads’.
Clients also report improved sleep, focus, and productivity.
All of this BOOSTS your body confidence!
Checkout the Programs out here and learn how to effectively transform your body with just a TRX suspension trainer or resistance band, for life.
Here’s to your Fitness Freedom
Coach Adam.
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