The 7 Best TRX Exercises For Upper Body

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Author: Coach Adam | Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes

The 7 Best TRX Exercises For Upper Body

The analogy ‘slow and steady wins the race’ is the best way to think of using a TRX. Suspension training gives you more bang for your buck because many stabilising muscles come into play when performing exercises.

Although you may be targeting your chest, with a TRX Chest Press. There are many secondary stabilising muscles incorporated to keep you in the press position. And allow you to perform the range of movement.

Your core, shoulder girdle, glutes and quads will all be engaged and under tension. More so than if you were lying on a bench with dumbbells…

A Better Physique

This is one of the reasons why I believe you can achieve a natural, athletic physique using a TRX. When used with the right ‘muscle-centric’ technique, you develop lean muscle and strength with improved movement patterns.

So here are the 7 best TRX exercises for upper body. And how to do them with effective technique for maximum lean muscle and body transformation results.

#1 Chest: TRX Chest Press

In this video, you’ll uncover the key TRX Chest Press technique to build a strong upper body and defined chest muscles. We’ll look at how to use a suspension trainer to isolate your chest muscles to enhance upper body strength.

Benefits of a TRX Chest Press

  • Improves Upper Body Strength: Effectively target and strengthen your chest muscles as the primary. And your shoulders, and triceps as the secondary.
  • Functional Training: Mimics real-life movements, improving overall functional fitness.
  • Improves Joint Health: Low-impact exercise that reduces strain on joints while providing effective resistance.
  • Enhances Flexibility: Encourages a full range of motion, improving flexibility and mobility.

Technique Points

  1. At the bottom, get your elbows back and stretch your chest muscles out.
  2. At the top, don’t bring your hands together. As your arms straighten out, focus on pushing your elbows together to initiate a powerful squeeze of the chest muscles.
  3. Keep your hands outside of shoulder width when pressing forward.

#2 Back: TRX Rows (Low & High)

In this video, we’ll look at how to do a TRX Row with two powerful exercise variations. Using ‘muscle-centric’ technique to maximise muscle and strength development for your back.

Benefits of these two TRX Row Exercises

  • Enhance back strength and muscle tone
  • Improve overall posture and stability
  • Stronger and more stable shoulder girdle
  • Develop width to your frame and that sought after V shape look

Technique Tips

  1. Perform a full range of motion. Take every single rep from a fully lengthened muscle position to a fully contracted position.
  2. Lead with your elbows. The hands are just hooks, pull with elbows DOWN and IN and UP and OUT.
  3. Be mindful. The biceps will be involved in both exercises. But your mindful focus should be on the lats and your upper back. Focus on squeezing those areas super hard.
  4. Pull your shoulder blades back first At the very bottom stretch with the shoulders forward (protracted) stretching the lats, be sure to then initiate the upward contraction by pulling the shoulder blades back first (retraction).⁣

#3 Arms: TRX Tricep Extension

In this video, we’ll look at two powerful exercise variations to master the TRX Tricep Extension to build strong and defined arms! You’ll learn how to do a TRX Tricep Extension with ‘Muscle-Centric technique’ and effective exercise form

Benefits of TRX Tricep Extensions

  • Targets the long head which gives your arm shape and definition
  • Improves mobility in your arms and your range of motion. Helps to reduce elbow pain by building strong muscles that support the joint.

Technique Points

  1. At the top, stretch your triceps right back behind your head. Really get that elbow right behind and lengthen the long head of the tricep as much as possible.
  2. Don’t pause at the top and don’t straighten your arms out. This takes the load/tension off the tricep.
  3. Focus on squeezing your triceps hard to press up.⁣⁣
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#4 Core: TRX Plank

In this video I’ll show you the ‘Muscle-Centric’ TRX technique for mastering the TRX Plank to boost your core strength. We’ll look at the essential steps of performing the plank with effective form.

The TRX plank is a highly effective exercise for enhancing your core strength, stability, and endurance. By using the TRX suspension trainer, you’ll add an extra layer of difficulty to a normal plank, ensuring your entire core area is fully engaged and challenged.

Benefits of a TRX Plank

  • Improved core stability
  • Enhanced ab muscle definition
  • Increased overall strength and balance

Technique Points

  1. The main focus is to squeeze your ab muscles the entire time.
  2. Keep your bum slightly elevated to help with this.
  3. Then it’s just a matter of increasing the length of time workout to workout.

#5 & 6 Shoulders: TRX Shoulder Ys and Facepulls

I’ve found most people tend to have well-developed front shoulders from various pressing exercises. It’s the middle and rear shoulder muscles which are left underdeveloped. ⁣

Targeting these strengthens your shoulder girdle strength and creates a 4D aesthetic look⁣.

In this video, I’ll guide you through 2 TRX Row exercises that have transformed my shoulders and posture. We’ll be using muscle-centric technique to help you build strength and shape in your shoulders.

Benefits TRX Shoulder Ys and Facepulls

  • Isolate the middle and rear shoulder.
  • Strengthening your rear shoulder muscle help fix rounded shoulders.
  • Building middle shoulder muscles give your upper body more width to create a V-shape composition.

Technique Points

  1. Keep the range of motion short, this ensures a constant tension
  2. Don’t relax at any point, keep your entire arm contracted throughout⁣⁣
  3. Slight bend in the elbow⁣⁣
  4. Contract shoulder blades back throughout

#7 Arms: TRX Bicep Curls

In this video, I’ll break down the suspension trainer bicep curl technique to maximise your bicep gains. With proper form to target all 3 strength ranges of your biceps. Along with your bicep peak, that sexy bathroom mirror pose.

Benefits of a TRX Bicep Curl

  • Reduced strain on the elbow joint
  • Ability to take bicep through a greater range of motion because the straps work with your biomechanics and movement ability.

Technique Points

  1. Contract the tricep at the bottom to stretch the bicep. Opposing muscle, when one contracts the other must lengthen. A bigger range of motion, more muscle incorporated and broken down, and better gains.
  2. Rotate the wrist at the top so the pinky goes up and the thumb goes down. This will greatly help with the top contraction squeeze. It will also target the bicep peak, for that popping bicep flex pose.
  3. Squeeeeeze face 😉 Mindful muscle-centric technique always.

Your TRX Upper Body Building Coach,
Body Transformation Coach


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About The Author

About The Author

Coach Adam, Body Transformation Coach

Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes

Hello, my friend… It’s my mission to help you build lean muscle and transform your body from home-with a suspension trainer, resistance band, and simple nutrition optimisation…

I call it Fitness Freedom!

I spent 8+ years as a personal trainer hating the ego-driven gym culture. Every day I saw clients like you struggle to make sessions, feel intimidated by the environment, and regard the gym as a chore NOT enjoyment. Because of this, their results were limited. But they believed there was no other way. So in 2016, I setup Fitness Freedom Athletes. To date, my Suspension Trainer & Resistance Band Programs have helped over 8000+ transform their bodies (and lives!).

Follow me here, too:
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About Coach Adam

Hello, my friend... It's my mission to help you build lean muscle and transform your body from home-with a suspension trainer, resistance band, and simple nutrition optimisation...

I call it Fitness Freedom!

I spent 8+ years as a personal trainer hating the ego-driven gym culture. Every day I saw clients like you struggle to make sessions, feel intimidated by the environment, and regard the gym as a chore NOT enjoyment. Because of this, their results were limited. But they believed there was no other way. So in 2016, I setup Fitness Freedom Athletes. To date, my Suspension Trainer & Resistance Band Programs have helped over 8000+ transform their bodies (and lives!).

Read my story here

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