Loads of questions have been coming in about how to build lean muscle and transform your body without a gym or dumbbells.
Today I decided to take some time out to answer them.
Away we go…
Question: Is it true you have to use dumbbells and a gym to build muscle?
Answer: No, your muscle only knows tension, not the tool.
Here’s why…
Your muscle doesn’t know if you’re holding a dumbbell, bar, suspension trainer handle, resistance band, or using bodyweight.
All it knows is the tension you can place upon it through a rage of motion.
Needing to use dumbbells in a gym is the biggest misconception of the fitness ‘gymfluencer’ world.
In order to see any kind of progress you need to keep your muscles under constant tension.
That’s all the muscle knows.
And there are better ways to do it than using a gym and holding dumbbells.
Becuase you can build lean muscle and transform your body from home if you have a suspension trainer or resistance band
Focus on slow and controlled technique with a powerful squeeze to maintain tension and build lean muscle.
Question: How do you keep motivated, especially starting from a poor baseline?
Answer: See your workouts as meditation
In a crowded, ego driven gym. There are lots of distractions and frustrations.
When you workout from home with a suspension trainer, there are no distractions.
You can internalise your focus.
Specifically, onto the muscle you are targeting.
You place your mind inside the muscle, known as MIND-MUSCLE CONNECTION.
When you hold one focus (your muscle), for an extended period of time, that’s a form of meditation.
Stress, procrastinations, anxieties, fade away.
You get the physical benefits and the mental well-being benefits in one.
Don’t ‘Workout.’ Meditate.
It will change your mindset and results!
Question: My biggest problem is lack of knowledge. I just don’t know where to begin?
Answer: There are only 2-steps you need to do.
Confused and overwhelmed?
I’ve been there too…
99% of diet advice is “clickbait” or “cookie cutter.”
And culture has you believing you need to pay gyms $$$’s a month to get the body you want…
Which we’re all too busy for anyway, with work and family life.
(I know I am, I squeeze workouts in at home between my sons nap time)
The truth is you only need to focus on 2-steps to transform your body from home:
Step 1: Use a suspension trainer or resistance band with muscle-centric technique.
So you can consistently create a muscle growth stimulus to build lean muscle effectively.
Step 2: Optimise your nutrition to improve your insulin sensitivity
Poor insulin sensitivity = your body dumps food into fat cells ❌
Good insulin sensitivity = your body places nutrients into muscle and functional cells ✅…
Which means you build lean muscle faster.
Wake up your dormant fat burning hormones.
And double your productive energy.
If you too want to use this simple but powerful 2-step method to build muscle and transform your body…
Take the Fitness Freedom Quiz here and discover the right suspension trainer workout Program with nutrition guidance for your level and goal.
Next, I’m going to tell you my stupid belief that held me back for years and affected my mental well-being.
It’s crazy how easy the body transformational results got when I changed my mindset.
Never Rely On A Gym Again,
Coach Adam
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