Check this out.
It’s from Andy, a busy professional and family man in his 50s…
“Hey my name is Andy. Adam’s help with transforming my body has completed changed my life and that of my family’s.
Before I reached out to Adam, I had struggled with my weight for years. I suffered a heart attack due to a blocked artery which highlighted a lifetime of poor diet and lifestyle choices.
I was pretty sure that I was killing myself slowly and wouldn’t be around to see my daughter grow up. I was basically stuck in a rut, coupled with a very busy and demanding role at work.
I felt slow and sluggish and basically depressed. So I reached out to him for coaching.
After spending 12-weeks with Adam, I now feel completely different in many ways: I am energised, I enjoy getting up at 0530, I feel way more healthy, not sluggish just plodding through life. And I have lost 42Lbs (3 stone)!”
Andy is one of my private 12-week body transformation coaching clients.
Within the first 6 weeks Andy started selling his XL clothes on Vinted.
He didn’t feel bloated anymore and had lost all the stiffness in his joints.
Since completing the 12-week body transformation with me 2 months ago, he’s still making amazing progress…
Because he has all the tools and drive to keep eating healthily now he feels so much better in his own body.
He went on to tell me..
“Knowing I should hopefully live longer and be here to see my daughter grow up is the greatest thing that I could have ever hoped for.”
As you know, losing 42Lbs (3 stones) in 12 weeks is a great result.
The “average” fat loss results are half a stone (7Lbs) per month.
So what did Andy do differently…to produce these kinds of results so quickly?
He had two secrets behind his success.
You’ll notice a clue to the first one in the testimonial above.
He came to me because I was a “master of helping people transform their bodies from home”
Andy has a very busy and demanding role at work.
Conventional fitness methods, gyms, and being on other people’s schedules just wouldn’t work for him.
Without being able to transform his body at home using a personalised training approach for his lifestyle, he never would have made it.
But there is a second ‘nutrition optimisation’ secret behind his fast belly fat loss success.
It’s even more important.
Can you guess what it is?
Even experienced fitness enthusiasts miss this…and struggle for years.
I’ll let you in on the secret in “Belly Fat Annihilation”:
At Home Body Transformation Master,
Coach Adam