Every suspension training resource out there focuses on cardio style workouts.
Known as ‘Movement-Centric Technique’.
Fine for working up a bit of a sweat, but USELESS for building lean muscle and transforming your body.
When I first started using a suspension trainer, I wanted to build visible muscle and strength with it.
But, it wasn’t until I stopped listening to ‘gurus’ posting suspension trainer moves for likes and views…
And started using it with ‘Muscle-Centric Technique’ that I first built a lean and sculpted body with it.
So too my clients, like David.
Why is this technique different?
How will it transform YOUR body?
With ‘Movement-Centric’ technique, your body weight is shared across multiple muscles.
So no single muscle takes enough weight to cause a muscle building stimulus.
But when you use ‘Muscle-Centric’ Suspension Trainer Technique…
You isolate the muscle and don’t allow other muscles to help out.
By using slow, controlled technique, and your mind-muscle connection to squeeze the muscle powerfully.
Then, the majority of your body weight goes onto that single muscle.
One muscle handling the majority of the weight under tension…
Creates a BIG muscle building stimulus.
Which means you build lean muscle effectively from every suspension trainer workout.
In the past, I believed I had to be in a gym to build muscle and transform my body.
I had a limited mindset because I’d never realised this…
Your muscles don’t know what you’re holding (a weight or suspension trainer handle)…
All they know is the tension you can place upon them through a range of motion.
That’s the MAIN factor for building lean muscle.
And you can achieve it WITHOUT sacrificing precious family or work time using a gym.
You just need to use a suspension trainer with the right technique from home:
Free To Build Muscle & Create A Healthy Body From Home,
Coach Adam
Body Transformation Coach
Build Lean Muscle & Transform Your Body Anywhere!
Get Your FREE Copy Of My ‘7 Skills To Build Muscle With A Suspension Trainer Handbook!’
Apply These 7 Skills Right Now In All Your Workouts To Build Lean Muscle and Burn Fat, FAST! Downloaded 70,000+ times!