“Does it look good for likes?
Hell yeah!!!
Will it actually help people build lean muscle and transform their body using a suspension trainer?
But the likes bro!”
99% of ‘gurus’ teach you how to use a suspension trainer ineffectively to build muscle.
If they aren’t focused on likes, they’re focused on ‘movement-centric technique’…
A shared load with multiple muscles engaged to move from A to B.
There’s nothing wrong with that if you want to work up a sweat and move around with a suspension trainer.
But it can be mindless movement.
Let’s be honest for a minute…
You want, and need, to build lean muscle.
We all do.
For health, longevity, and to simply look great naked.
Mindlessly jumping around with ‘movement-centric technique’ looks good for likes…
But it’s useless for achieving what you actually want.
You’re busy.
When you take the time to do a workout, you want to know you’re getting a body transformational change from EVERY workout.
That’s why the majority of people end up throwing their suspension trainer in the cupboard.
Because they’re getting taught methods that don’t produce transformational results from lean muscle development.
To VISIBLY TRANSFORM your body with a suspension trainer…
You need to use it with ‘muscle-centric technique’.
Isolating the specific muscle you are targeting to place all the load onto it.
One muscle talking all the load creates a powerful muscle growth stimulus.
And when you combine that with your mind-muscle connection…
It leads to a visible transformation of your body shape due to 2 reasons:
- Muscle definition is built
- More muscle gained means you burn more fat at rest
There’s a whole bunch of other ‘health’ related reasons too…
Such as improved hormone levels, better insulin sensitivity, mobility etc…
(A reason why my mantra is: “muscle is life.”)
But body composition is front of mind for most.
Plus, the meditative state you get into with ‘muscle-centric technique’ when using a suspension trainer,
means anxiety, stress, and procrastinations fade after each workout.
Because you internalise your focus on one thing – your body, for an extended period of time.
That’s meditation.
You finish workouts in your own space feeling like you’ve been on another planet.
Gaining the physical and mental well-being benefits from each workout.
The majority of people come to use the Fitness Freedom Athlete’s Suspension Trainer Programs…
because they haven’t seen any visible changes in their body using other suspension trainer methods.
Methods that focus on ‘likes’ and ‘movement-centric technique.’
So, with summer round the corner, It begs the question…
Are you’re ready to tap into the power of ‘muscle-centric suspension trainer technique?’
The Suspension Trainer Beach Body Program is all you need to unlock it and get beach body ready for summer in just 8 weeks…
Just follow the progressive 8-week beach body plan and nutrition guidance.
And you’ll be ready for summer in no time.
Make Your Workout Time Worth It,
Coach Adam
Get Your FREE Copy Of My ‘7 Skills To Build Muscle With A Suspension Trainer Handbook!’
Apply These 7 Skills Right Now In All Your Workouts To Build Lean Muscle and Burn Fat, FAST! Downloaded 70,000+ times!