Your 3 Biggest Lean Muscle Building Mistakes

Coach Adam Fitness Freedom AthletesI hope you enjoy this post. If you want my help to build lean muscle & transform your body using just a TRX Suspension Trainer, click here to get started.

Author: Coach Adam | Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes

If you haven’t been through the “Suspension Trainer Muscle Builder Program” yet, I’ll bet you’re making at least one of these mistakes…

You may be making all three if you’ve been listening to some of the ‘gymfluencers’ out there.

They sound wise. But they’re out there for likes, not your well-being.

#1 – Must lift heavy to build muscle

When you lift heavy you use multiple muscles.

You build strength, yes.

But no single muscle takes all the load. Multiple muscles share it…

So the muscle-building stimulus on each individual muscle is low.

Then you try and lift even heavier to compensate/

Eventually, injury, muscle imbalances, and joint aches happen.

Instead, isolate individual muscles aras to place all the load onto them.

When you isolate a muscle, it is 10 times weaker on its own.

So you can use lighter loads, like just your body weight, to get a muscle-building stimulus.

That’s how you can build muscle with just a suspension trainer from home.

No more injuries, imbalances, or aches and pains.

#2 – Must do lots and lots of reps to build muscle

Muscle is built from time under tension, not rep numbers.

Which do you think will build more muscle?

1 – Hitting 16 reps of a Chest Press with each rep taking 2 seconds


2 – Hitting 8 reps of a Chest Press with each rep taking 6 seconds

If you’re like the majority of people, you’d have said number 1, more reps.

Let’s look at the math:

16 reps with 2 seconds per rep = 32 seconds of time under tension.

8 reps with 6 seconds per rep = 48 seconds of time under tension.

Science tells us that muscle is built from time under tension.

Performing number 2 is the correct route.

#3 – Keep eating more to build muscle (bulking)

Constantly ‘eating more’ to build muscle leads to your body shutting down.

When you eat more to bulk and build muscle, you eat lots of carbs.

So you get a lot of insulin spikes throughout the day.

Insulin is the #1 muscle growth hormone because it shuttles food into muscle cells.

Sounds great right? Lots of muscle building.

But, the more insulin spikes, the more your muscle cells become resistant to it. So they can’t absorb the food.

When insulin resistance increases, fat gain, lethargy, and mood swings begin, and spiral.

Tweaking your diet to use carb timing is the answer.

It allows you to create growth spurts of muscle after a workout…

And gives your muscle cells time to re-sensitise away from your workout.

If you want the step-by-step nutrition blueprint on how eat to build muscle sustainably without gaining fat…

It’s found in the “Suspension Trainer Muscle Builder Program:”

You’ll learn exactly how to tweak your nutrition to keep your insulin sensitivity at optimal levels for muscle, health, and longevity.

And use the ‘8-Week Workout Plan’ to create a constant muscle growth stimulus.

Your At-Home Muscle Building General,
Coach Adam
Body Transformation Coach


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About The Author

About The Author

Coach Adam, Body Transformation Coach

Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes

Hello, my friend… It’s my mission to help you build lean muscle and transform your body using just a TRX suspension trainer, anywhere. I call it Fitness Freedom!

I spent 8+ years as a personal trainer hating the ego-driven gym culture. Every day I saw clients like you struggle to make sessions, feel intimidated by the environment, and regard the gym as a chore NOT enjoyment. Because of this, their results were limited. But they believed there was no other way. So in 2016, I setup Fitness Freedom Athletes. To teach you how to build muscle and transform your body using just a suspension trainer, so you never need to rely on gyms, diet fads, or anyone else’s schedule ever again.

Follow me here, too:
YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit


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About Coach Adam

Hello, my friend... It's my mission to help you build lean muscle and transform your body using just a TRX suspension trainer, anywhere. I call it Fitness Freedom!

I spent 8+ years as a personal trainer hating the ego-driven gym culture. Every day I saw clients like you struggle to make sessions, feel intimidated by the environment, and regard the gym as a chore NOT enjoyment. Because of this, their results were limited. But they believed there was no other way. So in 2016, I setup Fitness Freedom Athletes. To teach you how to build muscle and transform your body using just a suspension trainer, so you never need to rely on gyms, diet fads, or anyone else's schedule ever again.

Read my story here

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