There’s a lot of fun to be had when using a TRX to train the arms.
Here’s a range I’ve found to be most effective.
The 9 best TRX arms exercises guide with video technique for beginners.
The arms can be greatly developed by maintaining time under tension on head both for the bi’s and tri’s.
When performing TRX arms exercises don’t loose tension on the muscle by going to far down or locking out to much.
Instead focus on more of a constant back and forward pump to keep a consistent tension, forcing the blood into the muscles and creating catabolic breakdown.
Progression and development
I get great development and progression utilising TRX fitness because I focus on technique and key exercise principles.
All of which I cover in the below videos.
By the way, I wrote a post on the phycological benefits of using a TRX for fitness and on the physiological benefits of using a TRX for fitness.
Right then, let”s get into The 5 best TRX shoulder and back exercises.
1. TRX Bicep Curl
TRX exercise for biceps (correct technique bicep curls)
The time under tension I feel when doing these is greater than anything I’ve felt from dumbbells. Focus on squeezing your biceps to create the movement and allow your head to pass between the TRX at the top.
2. TRX Hammer Curls
TRX exercise for arms (correct technique Hammer Curls)
Target the secondary head of the bicep aiding in developing width and length. Great to transform your arms into an aesthetic lean shape.
3. TRX Tricep Dips
The BEST TRX exercise for lean, toned arms
Not only is this a great exercise to transform your arms. But the stability created by your shoulder stabilising muscles also develops a stable shoulder girdle.
4. TRX Tricep Hammer Extension
TRX exercise for triceps (correct technique extension)
These focuses on the tricep size and length targeting it from a different angle.
5. Skull Crusher
TRX exercise for triceps (correct technique Skull Crusher)
I love the secondary muscle and core stability incorporation on these. Again, a tun of bang for your buck. Focus on squeezing your triceps to create the movement.
6. TRX One Hand Bicep Curl
One Arm TRX Bicep Curl for developing lean-shaped arms
Performing this exercise within the strength range of 3-5 reps, focusing on a full range of movement with slow controlled technique will give your arms shape and definition.
7. Bicep Pull
Sculpt your arms with this TRX Bicep Pull
Changing the typical TRX curl up a little bit in this vid to to target the peak contraction of the bicep / arm. I love how much you can focus on squeezing the biceps and really feel them contracting with this variation, great for placing the arm under a different intensity at the top end of the strength curve.
8. TRX Reverse Curls
Build arm width and leanness using TRX Reverse Curls
In my opinion the brachialis muscle is under rated and under trained. In this vid I explain the benefits of how it can give your arms a lean, muscular look and how to target and achieve that correctly with TRX Reverse Curls
9. TRX Sevens
Build and develop your BICEPS with TRX Sevens
I love this TRX exercise because it targets the bicep muscle across the entire strength curve range meaning well-developed and shaped arms. Here’s why and how to execute it correctly.
BONUS: Give this triceps or biceps giant set a go for huge burn and development
This giant set is simple but very effective for challenging your entire back arms hitting every muscle of the triceps.
In this vid I’ll talk about the benefits and how to perform it correctly.
Know any others?
Know any TRX exercises you think I should add to The 9 best TRX arms exercises guide with video technique?
Let me know in the comments below.
I highly recommend giving TRX a go.
I understand it can be daunting at first but stick with it. I assure you once you get to know it you’ll see huge benefits and never look back.
I have a variety of workout videos and key technique principles on my YouTube channel here.
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