Referring to the transformation photo below…
On the left was the last time I used a gym in 2016. Having spent a total of ten years using one. Mainly in London.
I left the gym for good because I hated the ego-centric atmosphere and how reliant I had become on it, just to ‘feel myself’.
I literally couldn’t be away from a gym for more than a day without feeling bad. It affected my mental well-being.
On the right was 3 years later having used only a TRX suspension trainer to workout in that time. Whilst living in South America (Mexico, Nicaragua, Argentina).
No gym. No weights. Just a suspension trainer in my own space and time. Freedom.
I used the TRX suspension trainer with ‘muscle-centric technique’ and mind-muscle connection principles.
To build muscle.
99% of people use a TRX suspension trainer with ‘movement-centric technique’…
Which is only good for working up a sweat.
It’s useless for building lean muscle and transforming your body.
The Positives & Negatives I’ve Discovered From Switching
I was at the end of a cut / diet on both photos.
The differences are slight on the outside, but hugely different on the inside!
A few things I can compare off the top of my head…
Gym photo on the left
- I lifted heavy with poor form trying to show off strength 90% of the time
- Never happy with my physique
- I was constantly distracted in a gym with very poor internal mind – muscle connection and focus just moving a weight rather than contracting a muscle
- Injury was common
- Rotator cuff pain
- Lower back pain was constant
- Flexibility was bad
- Constantly weighting for machines / equipment
- Had to go very early in the morning to avoid total gym gridlock
- Sometimes would see workouts as a chore or something I MUST DO rather than enjoyment
- Often left the gym more frustrated than elated
- I was however deadlifting 190kg, which at 78kg weight I was pretty happy with
TRX Photo on the right
- Personally I feel my overall physique is better developed from constantly challenging multiple stabilising muscles when performing TRX exercises
- My focus is purely on me and not other people in the gym or distractions
- It taught me to slow down and focus on form, prefect technique and feeling rather than weight
- My shoulder pain has gone
- My lower back pain has gone
- My flexibility is ten times better
- Not a single injury
- My internal mind-muscle connection has increased dramatically from working out in my own space and time with no distractions, I sometimes feel it is like meditation I get that internally focused
- I don’t feel imbalanced
- Workouts are on my time, not gym time
- I love and crave working out in different places in my own space and time exploring creative fitness with a TRX
- I’ve saved a TUN of money
- I probably can’t deadlift 190kg any more
The major difference I’ve noticed is my ability to internalise my focus.
Using my mind-muscle connection.
Workouts have become a form of meditation in my own space.
Strengthening my body whilst calming my mind.
You might find this video insightful for what I mean by that…
Why I Believe People Struggle To See Results in a Gym
I know these applied to me…
People become externally focused on their gym environment and not internally focused on their body, not on:
- how they’re moving with quality technique
- the SQUEEEZE at the top of every rep
- the stretch at the bottom of every rep
- mindfully connecting to their body so each workout becomes a form of meditation…
Then wonder why they see very little change in their body, or mind, essentially just spinning plates for years.
A fellow athlete in the Fitness Freedom Athletes community recently commented:
“I’m finally understanding this Fitness Freedom. Your Programs are class and I can’t imagine going back to big lifts for the Upper Body again.”
This really touched me for 2 reasons:
He used the word ‘class’, that’s real Northern England ‘Geordie’ lingo and reminds me of my home town, Newcastle :).
He’s had the ‘ah ha’ moment of realising it’s not the tool (weights, gym machines, bars) you use to transform your body.
The muscle doesn’t know what you’re holding!
It’s the internal connection to each and every muscle combined with perfect technique. It just so happens our tool is a TRX because it’s highly accessible.
That is what I relentlessly strive to help people achieve…
To break out of the mental confined thought that they need to always rely on a gym or weights to achieve their fitness goal.
I know, I was there for years
I practically lived in a gym with permanent frustrations, spinning plates and not realising how little I was progressing…
..never mindfully connecting to the muscle I was targeting. Always externally focused.
But I’m not now.
Now I’m internally focused and Workout whenever and wherever I want.
The results both mentally and physically are consistently improving.
The same can be said for the thousands of people around the world that use the Fitness Freedom TRX Programs at home, or anywhere, to build lean muscle and transform their body.
Working out in their own time, in their own space, with ZERO distractions or frustrations.
Gaining Fitness Freedom… Here’s to yours!
Coach Adam
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