What Are The Benefits Of TRX Training?

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Author: Coach Adam | Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes

What Are The Benefits Of TRX Training?

If you want to take the gym on the road. Or if you’re like me, and never want to rely on a gym again. A TRX suspension trainer is for you.

Using a suspension trainer in your own space is a double whammy for body and mind development. In this post, I’ll explain the six physical benefits of using a TRX from my experience. In this post here, I cover the mental well-being benefits it can have.

I know what you’re thinking: “A TRX cannot have that much of an impact?” Well, hear me out, my friend. Because these benefits could change your life…

Advantages & Disadvantages Of TRX

Most people pick up a TRX and use it with ‘movement-centric technique,’ like many Apps and YouTube videos will show you. Mindlessly moving from A to B. Just pushing, pulling, and hanging to never see any visible results from your workouts.

Don’t have time to read the post in full? Then watch the video below to learn what the benefits of TRX Training are…

It’s the reason why so many people get bored and throw the TRX in the cupboard. Believing they can’t achieve much with it. It’s using it with ‘muscle-centric TRX technique’ that leads to building lean muscle, losing fat, and transforming your body.

And here are the six benefits you can expect when using a TRX with this technique…

1. Building Muscle With A TRX

The best way to keep fit without a gym TRX Traveller Adam Atkinson after a TRX workout and home workout with resistance bands

When I’m training with a TRX I think about the setup to target the muscle area. The angle, stance, and grip. This focus continues into the movement, using my mind-muscle connection.

How’s it different to dumbbells and a bench?

I’m unstable on a TRX. I only have the stability I can create and hold, which forces me to take my time through each exercise movement. I incorporate many secondary muscle groups that act as stabilisers whilst focusing on training the primary muscle itself.

On a bench or with a gym machine. I’m lying flat or limited to the machine’s movement. Don’t get me wrong, isolating a muscle is good for growth. But with a TRX I have to focus on isolating the muscle by creating my own stability. The only way to achieve this is to slow right down.

The Benefits Of Science

Science has taught us that the negative phase of an exercise (the lowering) is where the damage is done. Taking your time through this phase, and keeping the muscle under tension for long periods of time, leads to greater muscle development.

With a TRX and performing the exercise movements with stability. I’m forced to hold myself at certain angles whilst working the primary muscle. This combined with the slow movement of the exercise means I get a long time under tension for the primary muscle. Along with the secondary stabilising muscles.

In other words, I get a larger bang for my buck doing TRX exercises. More muscles are worked and held under tension for longer periods of time. You see my TRX transformation here.

2. Aesthetic Physique

The best way to keep fit without a gym

This leads me to my body shape. I feel more ‘unusually developed’. That probably sounds very strange… What I mean is, that I believe my muscles and overall physique have a better athletic shape. Compared to when I used standard weights and machines in a gym.

(I’m writing this in 2019, 3 years since the last time I used a gym).

My nutrition hasn’t changed too much. Only my way of training. I’ve noticed additional muscles popping that I’ve never had before. My rear deltoid muscles are more pronounced. My obliques are visible down the sides of my stomach and my tricep muscles are bigger, giving my arms better shape.

I haven’t been specifically targeting them more to develop that growth. Because of the additional stability needed when using a TRX to exercise, and the secondary muscles incorporated to achieve that. They’ve been getting added training from each workout.

TRX Training to build muscle has developed other areas of my body without me intentionally focusing on it.

3. Flexibility

A lot of TRX exercises, especially upper body. Involve a large stretch of the muscle at the bottom of the exercise movement. Combined with a stabilising hold before squeezing the target muscle for the positive phase.

I’ve noticed this stretch is deeper and more accentuated than when using conventional weights. The TRX straps work with the shape of your body, allowing you to stretch in ways gym weights and machines don’t. Because the straps support you.

Moevemts for the chest, triceps, shoulders and hamstrings allow a large bottom stretch so you can take each muscle through a bigger range of motion.

Combine that with the constant different angles when performing the TRX exercises. And you’ve got a variety of dynamic stretching. Adaption is harder so the gains are greater and plateaus less.

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4. TRX Exercise Core Development

As mentioned. I’m always un-balanced and compensating for that imbalance with various stabilising muscles with TRX exercises. Nothing more so than with my core.

Almost every exercise I do with a TRX involves me needing to use different areas of my core. I don’t have a choice. It’s essential, thus the need for my core to grow and adapt to the load is essential.

It’s constantly worked even when it’s not ‘abs day.’ How it’s worked always varies too. Take for example a TRX chest press exercise. I’m at an unstable angle of about 45 degrees. I need to keep my whole body straight to perform the press and focus the tension onto my chest muscles.

That’s my entire front core taking the load to maintain posture. In contrast to a TRX Y exercise for rear shoulders. My back is at a 45-degree angle to the floor. My lower back region and glutes are needed to stabilise and hold my posture straight.

That’s the front and back of my core muscles stabilising me. Constantly working when they’re not the primary targeted muscle. I’ll take that freebie too.

5. Cardiovascular Improvement

The best way to keep fit without a gym TRX Traveller Adam Atkinson after a TRX workout and home workout with resistance bands

The benefits of using a TRX for beginners are more than just body shape. To put it simply. I’m working more muscle groups when using a TRX. Due to the instability of the movements compared to using a conventional bench and weights.

More stabilising muscles are engaged from my head to my toes. That’s more muscles demanding more oxygen, more nutrients needed, and more blood flowing.

My heart therefore needs to pump more blood around my body to compensate. So my cardiovascular system is challenged more and needs to improve to meet that demand.

I find I burn more calories with a constant sweat when exercising with my TRX. Compared to when I trained in a gym. I was also externally focused in a gym and sat around procrastinating a lot.

Using a TRX in my own space, I’m much more focused internally on my body, and I get the TRX workouts done at a steady pace without procrastination. It’s more time-efficient.

TRX training can also benefit weight loss because of this aspect. More muscles used (and gained) means more calories burned for weight loss.

6. Functional Strength

The best way to keep fit without a gym TRX Traveller Adam Atkinson after a TRX workout and home workout with resistance bands

Never thought I’d say this, my rotator cuff no longer clicks and grinds every time I rotate my left arm. It no longer twinges randomly with actions like reaching for a mug on a high shelf.

I tore it 12 years ago benching heavy without warming up. Rushed back into training without letting it properly heal. A consequence I assumed I’d live with for life.

Not now. My rotator cuffs and shoulder stability are rock solid. I can even hold a handstand without a wall. Slowly building up to the handstand press.

I look less un-balanced across my traps and upper shoulders. I believe this was from unknowingly compensating for the rotator cuff injury. Lifting with poor form for years.

The TRX training has set my shoulders back more, reducing the rounded shoulders look I used to have. Again, I haven’t purposely trained for this. It’s an added benefit from using a suspension trainer as my primary workout tool.

No More Aches And Pains

My hips and lower back no longer ache and spasm. I don’t get that sudden trapped-nerve-leg collapsing pain… That made me jump out of my skin every once in a while.

My IT band is less tight and the random pain that no physio could diagnose has vanished. These are problems that plagued me for years when lifting heavy weights in a gym.

Does TRX build Muscle & Is It Worth It?

Is TRX the holy grail to build muscle and achieve your fitness goals from home, or anywhere?

Well, whether you’re like me and want a way to build lean muscle and transform your body from home. Because you live a busy family and work life. Or you hate the gym and it’s the ego-driven environment. Or perhaps you want to change things up…

Either way, I highly recommend giving TRX suspension training a go. I understand it can be daunting at first but stick with it.

I guarantee once you get to know it and practice using it with ‘muscle-centric technique’, you’ll see and feel the huge benefits. And never look back.

What are your thoughts on the benefits of TRX training? Have you ever used one or found it beneficial in areas of fitness? Let me know in the comments below.

Your TRX Suspension Trainer Transformation

If you have a suspension trainer there are 3 ways I can help:

1. The Suspension Trainer Total Body Transformation Program (Beginner Level)
If you’re struggling with weight and a lack of strength, this beginner Program will teach you the ‘Muscle-Centric’ Suspension Trainer Technique to build lean strength in 8-weeks. (#1 Most Popular!)

Start Your Transformation Here »

2. The Suspension Trainer Beach Body Program (Intermediate Level)
If you’re quite active but not happy with your body shape, this 8-week Program helps you get leaner, fitter, and beach-body ready!

Get Beach-Body Ready Here »

3. Suspension Trainer Ultimate Physique Sculptor Program (Advanced Level)
If you’re a fitness enthusiast but you’ve plateaued, this 12-week Program re-sculpts your body for an aesthetic physique.

Level Up Your Physique Here »

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Unsure? Take the Body Transformation Quiz here and in less than 60 seconds, I’ll recommend the best fit for you!

Your TRX Suspension Training Coach,
Coach Adam
Body Transformation Coach

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About The Author

About The Author

Coach Adam, Body Transformation Coach

Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes

Hello, my friend… It’s my passion to help you build lean strength and transform your body from home using just a TRX suspension trainer or resistance band and Evergreen Nutrition Optimisation. I call it Fitness Freedom!

I spent 8+ years as a personal trainer hating the ego-driven gym culture. Every day I saw clients like you struggle to make sessions, feel intimidated by the environment, and regard the gym as a chore NOT enjoyment. Because of this, their results were limited. But they believed there was no other way. So in 2016, I setup Fitness Freedom Athletes. To teach you how to build lean strength from home… so you never need to rely on gyms, diet fads, or anyone else’s schedule ever again.

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Coach Adam aka TRX Traveller with fitness freedom athletes

About Coach Adam

Hello, my friend... It's my passion to help you build lean strength and transform your body from home using just a TRX suspension trainer or resistance band and Evergreen Nutrition Optimisation. I call it Fitness Freedom!

I spent 8+ years as a personal trainer hating the ego-driven gym culture. Every day I saw clients like you struggle to make sessions, feel intimidated by the environment, and regard the gym as a chore NOT enjoyment. Because of this, their results were limited. But they believed there was no other way. So in 2016, I setup Fitness Freedom Athletes. To teach you how to build lean strength from home... so you never need to rely on gyms, diet fads, or anyone else's schedule ever again.

Read my story here

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