Gyms and Ego-driven Culture – Are They Worth It?

Coach Adam Fitness Freedom AthletesI hope you enjoy this post. If you want my help to build lean strength with a Suspension Trainer or Resistance Band, click here to get started.

Author: Coach Adam | Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes

I hate gyms and their ego-driven culture.

I got DM’d a screenshot from Reddit yesterday that was triggering, it read….

“[RANT] When you can’t find a squat rack for ages

Jesus, it’s a cross-section of people on phones. Guy with the notebook plus 20 sets and another buff dude using it for rows. I already have so little motivation.

Gyms and Ego-driven Culture - Are They Worth It?

The sad reality of gyms that charge you £££s and promise you the body of your dreams.

But what do you actually get?

  • An ego-driven environment…
  • Wasted time from waiting and travelling…
  • Crowds of people that leave you externally focused, not internally on your body.

And if you’re not internally focused on your body to practice perfect technique…

Squeezing the muscle at the top and stretching it at the bottom…

Placing your mind inside the muscle you are targeting (mind-muscle connection)…

Then you won’t see any changes in your body week to week.

I know…

Even as a fitness coach I was stuck there for years.

I practically lived in a gym with permanent frustrations, spinning my wheels, and not realising how little I was progressing.

I’d always leave frustrated because I was externally focused.

Then I grew more and more demotivated as my body never changed.

I stuck it out because all the fitness gurus ‘juiced up influencers’ made it look like a gym was the only way to transform my body.

I believed there was not other way.

But not now.

Because I realised the most important element to building lean muscle and transforming your body…

In order to see any kind of progress you need to focus on keeping your muscles under CONSTANT TENSION.

That’s biggest growth factor to build muscle and strengthen your body.

And you don’t need heavy weights in a gym to do that.

You can build lean muscle and transform your body from anywhere if you have a suspension trainer…

And use it with ‘muscle-centric technique’ to isolate each muscle area and maintain tension.

A muscle is much weaker when isolated on its own.

So you can use lighter loads, like your just your bodyweight, to create a muscle growth stimulus.

Now, I’m internally focused on my body and transform my body whenever and wherever I want using just a suspension trainer.

Workouts are like a form of mediation.

I get to build lean muscle, strengthen, and transform my body whilst calming my mind.

That’s just one concept behind the “Suspension Trainer Muscle Builder Program:”

It’s based off using your mind-muscle connection to build muscle.

Which has been used by thousand of people in the FFA community to build muscle with their suspension trainer from home.

It comes with my “Awakening Muscle & Mindset Brilliance” to help you do it.

Along with my proven step-by-step nutrition blueprint teaching you how to optimise your diet to improve your insulin sensitivity…

So you can shed fat, double your energy, and build muscle sustainably and long term.

Beginner or advanced. You will build lean muscle and transform your body…based on proven techniques.

Gymless, Happier, & Better Body Transformations,
Coach Adam

About The Author

About The Author

Coach Adam, Body Transformation Coach

Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes

Hello, my friend… It’s my passion to help you build lean strength and transform your body from home using just a TRX suspension trainer or resistance band and Evergreen Nutrition Optimisation. I call it Fitness Freedom!

I spent 8+ years as a personal trainer hating the ego-driven gym culture. Every day I saw clients like you struggle to make sessions, feel intimidated by the environment, and regard the gym as a chore NOT enjoyment. Because of this, their results were limited. But they believed there was no other way. So in 2016, I setup Fitness Freedom Athletes. To teach you how to build lean strength from home… so you never need to rely on gyms, diet fads, or anyone else’s schedule ever again.

Follow the expert:
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Coach Adam aka TRX Traveller with fitness freedom athletes

About Coach Adam

Hello, my friend... It's my passion to help you build lean strength and transform your body from home using just a TRX suspension trainer or resistance band and Evergreen Nutrition Optimisation. I call it Fitness Freedom!

I spent 8+ years as a personal trainer hating the ego-driven gym culture. Every day I saw clients like you struggle to make sessions, feel intimidated by the environment, and regard the gym as a chore NOT enjoyment. Because of this, their results were limited. But they believed there was no other way. So in 2016, I setup Fitness Freedom Athletes. To teach you how to build lean strength from home... so you never need to rely on gyms, diet fads, or anyone else's schedule ever again.

Read my story here

Adam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom Athletes

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