How I Lose Belly Fat FAST – The Best Exercise Method for Dieting

Coach Adam Fitness Freedom AthletesI hope you enjoy reading this post. If you want my help to build lean muscle and transform your body from home, click here.

Author: Coach Adam | Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes

Our goal in a diet (an approach to lose fat) is to Preserve our hard-earned lean muscle mass whilst shredding fat and improving insulin sensitivity.

The best way to accomplish this is to reduce carbohydrates and optimise your calorie intake so it’s either at maintenance level or below.

This will accomplish fast loss faster.

However, when you begin a diet approach like this, your body will still be looking for carbs as energy.

Since it can’t produce glucose from fat, it will turn to break down protein in an effort to get that primary glucose energy source.

So, we want to teach and force the body to switch to using fats as a primary energy source as quickly as possible.

This means consuming high amounts of fat and low amounts of carbs carbs (except the ones naturally present in vegetables) to cause a shift where the body increases enzymes for fat metabolism.

This means more muscle saved, and more fats burned and greater.

How to Lose Belly Fat FAST - The Best Exercise Method for Dieting

We can teach and force the body to switch to using fats for energy!

The quicker we can get the body using fat as its primary energy source the better Reducing your carb in take right down and increasing your fats, will:

  1. Prime your body to use fat for fuel
  2. Boost the metabolism of those fats by reducing inflammation and acidity in the body 

Improving the rate at which we burn fat – HIIT

We can improve the rate at which we lose fat by adding in 1 or 2 short HIIT workouts a week.

Alongside The TRX Suspension Training or Resistance Band Workout Program we are following.

They HIIT workouts should be done at the opposite end of the day to when our normal workout is.

For example, if you do a TRX workout in the morning, then you would do a short HIIT workout in the evening.

They are incorporated for 3 reasons:

1. Spiking metabolism and fat burning hormones

In a calorie deficit, metabolism slows down. Intense workouts like out TRX workouts and HIIT workouts help to improve this.

To put it simply, the more times you can spike metabolism-increasing hormones from workouts, the more fat you’ll burn.

2. Improve Mitochondria in cells

There are two basic things that getting lean requires no matter where you start.

Most people focus on just a calorie deficit, and although that isn’t necessarily wrong, it’s not the first place to start for long-term effectiveness.

Caloric deficits can work, but there are a lot of factors that influence what fuel the body prefers at rest (fat or carb), and how well it burns fat during exercise and at rest.

The two important aspects of fat loss and health are Mitochondrial health AND Aerobic Fitness and CO2 tolerance.

Working on improving these will improve the efficiency of the mitochondria at burning more fat during exercise and at rest.

This type of training must be consistent and done over extended periods of time to really see a benefit.

3. Long cardio = lose muscle

When in a calorie deficit we aren’t looking to build lean muscle. We can’t. The body does not have the energy, from calories, to improve (grow lean muscle).

We seek to hold onto the lean muscle we have and get the body to burn fat.

If our workouts are too long, such as long cardio sessions, the body will also turn to break down muscle into sugars.

This is not what we want.

Why it’s good to ‘get fit’ with HIIT to burn lots of fat

Don’t look at the HIIT workouts as ‘calorie burning workouts’, look at them as GETTING FITTER WORKOUTS.

The fitter we are, the higher our metabolism and the easier fat burning is.

Trust me on this.

I’ve tried to lose weight whilst being unfit and doing very little HIIT to increase my fitness = It took a long time and I lost muscle mass.

Compared to when I’ve gone into a diet already fit and aimed to get even fitter with HIIT workouts.

The fat melted off me and I maintained a high amount of muscle.

We should always strive to be cardiovascular fit (aerobic workouts = general: running, cycling, swimming etc) when not dieting alongside our workouts.

We then aim to improve that fitness via HIIT (anaerobic workouts) when we are dieting.

Don’t over stress the body when in a diet trying to lose fat

This applies to a diet that is longer than 2 weeks: Regardless of the workout Program you are on and how many days it requires you to workout.

I would recommend working out only 2 days in a row max, and then take a rest day.

We don’t want to over stress the body.

During a diet, the body is in a state of starvation.

If we push it too hard, we can cause damage in the form of affecting hormone production, sleep, anxiety, mood and a large decrease in motivation and a higher likelihood of giving up.

We want to gently trick the body, keep it happy and chugging along burning fat. If it over stresses it will go into panic mode.

The first thing it does in panic mode is break down protein (muscle mass) for energy instead of fat.

This is the main thing we want to avoid.

Work through your Workout Program as it is laid out but take a rest day every two days. We don’t change the workout plan at all except for that rest day.

You may find that 2-3 weeks into the diet your energy levels are low and you simply can’t hit the desired rep numbers anymore.

That’s fine and it is to be expected. It will come back in the reverse diet stage.

What I suggest when you reach this point. Is to remain on that week of the Workout Program and keep repeating it until you begin the reverse diet.

Your energy levels return and you start hitting the rep numbers again.

Remember – We CANNOT build lean muscle when… a calorie deficit!

Our only goal is to maintain the muscle we have by maintaining the level of intensity of our workouts as best as possible.

If you’re interested in following a structured nutrition course that can guide you on how to shed as much fat as you want, then my 2, 4, Or 8 Week Fat Loss Nutrition Accelerator is for you.

It’s the same framework I use over and over again to get photoshoot and holiday ripped.

Here’s to your Fitness Freedom!

Coach Adam

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How to Lose Belly Fat FAST - The Best Exercise Method for Dieting

About The Author

About The Author

Coach Adam, Body Transformation Coach

Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes

Hello, my friend… I help busy professionals build lean muscle and transform their bodies from home-with a TRX suspension trainer or resistance band, and simple nutrition optimisation. I call it Fitness Freedom!

I spent 8+ years as a personal trainer hating the ego-driven gym culture. Every day I saw busy professionals like you struggle to make sessions, feel intimidated by the environment, and regard the gym as a chore NOT enjoyment. Because of this, their results were limited. But they believed there was no other way. So in 2016, I setup Fitness Freedom Athletes. To teach you how to transform you body from home… so you never need to rely on gyms, diet fads, or anyone else’s schedule.

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About Coach Adam

Hello, my friend... I help busy professionals build lean muscle and transform their bodies from home-with a TRX suspension trainer or resistance band, and simple nutrition optimisation. I call it Fitness Freedom!

I spent 8+ years as a personal trainer hating the ego-driven gym culture. Every day I saw busy professionals like you struggle to make sessions, feel intimidated by the environment, and regard the gym as a chore NOT enjoyment. Because of this, their results were limited. But they believed there was no other way. So in 2016, I setup Fitness Freedom Athletes. To teach you how to transform your body from home... so you never need to rely on gyms, diet fads, or anyone else's schedule.

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Adam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom Athletes

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I'm new to using a Suspension Trainer or Band, where shall I start?

First up, welcome! Out of all the millions of websites out there thank you for visiting this one. Secondly, your interest and motivation will change your life. It did for me and thousands of fitness freedom athletes in our community of all ages.

The best place to start would be with the Beginner Total Body Transformation Program. It’s the most popular Program and will teach you the effective muscle-centric technique to transform your body and begin your life-changing journey.

If you’re seeking a resistance band Program, get stuck into the Band Muscle Pump Program which is for beginners/intermediates to learn the band muscle-centric technique and transform their body with just one resistance band.

Do you have any training courses or Workout Programs?

Yes absolutely, I have The Fitness Freedom Suspension Trainer & Resistance Band Programs for all levels and fitness goals. They will teach you the effective 'Muscle-Centric Technique' that will transform your body! And cover everything from nutrition to mindset and performance execution.

PLUS, once you become a Fitness Freedom Athlete, you'll get access to a tun of member only resources and bonuses within the Fitness Freedom Athletes platform.

I got you covered for every challenge and every goal.

Do you do one-on-one private coaching?

If you’re a busy work driven professional over 40 struggling with your weight and low body confidence, I can help you lose 10% body fat, build lean muscle, and transform your body in 12-weeks from home. I personalise and simplify everything, you just follow the plan.

BUT I only take 3 clients at a time who are the right fit. You can learn my processa nd boom a free consultation call here...

There are so many 'scammers' online, how can I trust you?

I guess at first, you shouldn’t. Trust is built and earned over time. Check out my reviews and success stories so you can get a better understanding of what I am about and who I help.

Or stalk me on social so you can see that this is my passion and mission in life:





Where are you based?

I am mainly based in London, UK. But I love travelling, specifically backpacking our beautiful world and experiencing other cultures... So most likely I may be based on the side of a mountain or little beach hut. Perhaps I’ll even meet you in person at some point… That would be just awesome!

1 Unconventional Technique To Build Lean Muscle With A TRX Suspension Trainer
Adam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom AthletesAdam Atkinson TRX Traveller Fitness Freedom Athletes

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