How To Create Your Own TRX Suspension Training Plan

Coach Adam Fitness Freedom AthletesI hope you enjoy this post. If you want my help to build lean strength with a Suspension Trainer or Resistance Band, click here to get started.

Author: Coach Adam | Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes

Following the right workout structure with your suspension training will make or break your fitness goal.

Today, we’ll look at how to create the right workout so you can progress effectively towards building lean muscle and transforming your body.

We’ll structure it based off these #3 metrics, so be honest with yourself:

  1. Experience using a suspension trainer (new, 1-2 years, 3+ years)
  2. Current fitness level (low, average, high)
  3. Lean muscle building understanding (low, average, or good lean muscle mass)

Here we go…

Beginner Level Workouts

This is for you if…

  1. New to using a suspension trainer
  2. Low – average fitness level
  3. Low – average lean muscle mass

Goal: Maximise building muscle and adding size…

  • Go for an upper / lower body workout split. One day training upper and one day training lower body.
  • This allows you to maximise volume on each body area (upper, lower) so you can achieve good muscle breakdown to re-build stronger.
  • Do 8 – 10 reps with 1-2 sets.
  • Train 4 times a week (2 upper and 2 lower).
  • Stick to simple exercises and master them – chest press, back row, bicep curls etc

Checkout the ‘about’ section of the Total Body Transformation Program page to learn more about why this works

Goal: Maximise getting lean and sculpted….

  • Go for full body workouts. Train the main areas of your entire body every workout.
  • This will increase your cardiovascular output as there is more demand from every major muscle area. So you burn through more fat.
  • Do high rep ranges 10 – 15+ with 1-2 sets. This means you develop good muscle tone whilst burning through fat.
  • Train 4 times a week.
  • Stick to simple exercises and master them – chest press, back row, bicep curls etc

Checkout the ‘about’ section of the Total Body Enhance Program page to learn more about why this works.

Intermediate Level Workouts

This is for you if…

  1. 1 – 2 years using a suspension trainer
  2. Average fitness level
  3. Average lean muscle mass

Goal: Maximise building muscle and adding size…

  • Go for antagonistic muscle pairings for the workout splits. Which means, training opposite muscle groups: chest and back, biceps and triceps, etc…each workout.
  • Add in dropsets and giantsets to get more tension on the muscle for longer periods of time. Time under tension = muscle growth
  • Do 8 – 10 reps with 3 sets.
  • Train up to 6 times a week.
  • Add in accessory exercises. This means exercises that target smaller muscles. Along with compound exercise, like chest press.

Checkout the ‘about’ section of the Muscle Builder Program page to learn more about why this works.

Goal: Maximise getting lean and sculpted….

  • Go for full body workouts. Train the main areas of your entire body every workout.
  • This will increase your cardiovascular output as there is more demand from every major muscle area. So you burn through more fat.
  • Do high rep ranges 12 – 20 of 3 sets and single sets aiming for 40 reps with short rests when need in order to get there.
  • Train 4 times a week
  • Add in dropsets for increased time under tension.
  • Add in accessory exercises. This means exercises that target smaller muscles. Along with compound exercise, like chest press.

Checkout the ‘about’ section of the Beach Body Program page to learn more about why this works.

Advanced Level Workouts

This is for you if…

  1. 3- 4+ years using a suspension trainer
  2. High fitness level
  3. Good lean muscle mass

Goal: Maximise building muscle and adding size…

  • Do full body workouts. Train the main areas of your entire body every workout.
  • Train to complete failure across your muscle’s 3 strength ranges: positive, negative, isometric (the squeeze).
  • Do partial reps, isometric holds, and rest pause sets to help you achieve taking the muscle to complete failure.
  • Ensure training for quality, not quantity. Include lots of compound exercises like chest press and occasional weak point accessory exercises like facepulls
  • Do 6 – 8 reps with 2 sets.
  • Only train again when recovered (2-3 days later)

Checkout the ‘about’ section of the Full Body Athlete Program page to learn more about why this works.

Goal: Maximise getting lean and sculpted….

  • Do Push / Legs / Pull workout splits so you can achieve high volume on targeted body areas.
  • Use giantsets on most exercises to maximise time under tension for every single muscle.
  • Do high rep ranges of 10 – 15 with those gaintsets. Focus on chasing the ‘pump’ and burn to maximise fat burning and muscle toning.
  • Incorporate a variety of exercises including lots of accessory and compound movements.
  • Train up to 6 times a week.

Checkout the ‘about’ section of the Physique Sculptor Program page to learn more about why this works.

For every workout…

Ensure to increase reps and sets for all workouts week to week for progressive overload.

You’ll notice at an advanced level we switch things around.

That’s because enough quantity has been done throughout the years to achieve quality of workout.

Don’t dive straight into advanced training assuming you’ll get there quicker…

You’ll actually hinder your results.

Let go of ego and take small steps towards your goal.

The body progresses very well with incremental improvements.

Always Taking Small Steps,
Coach Adam

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About The Author

About The Author

Coach Adam, Body Transformation Coach

Founder of Fitness Freedom Athletes

Hello, my friend… It’s my passion to help you build lean strength and transform your body from home using just a TRX suspension trainer or resistance band and Evergreen Nutrition Optimisation. I call it Fitness Freedom!

I spent 8+ years as a personal trainer hating the ego-driven gym culture. Every day I saw clients like you struggle to make sessions, feel intimidated by the environment, and regard the gym as a chore NOT enjoyment. Because of this, their results were limited. But they believed there was no other way. So in 2016, I setup Fitness Freedom Athletes. To teach you how to build lean strength from home… so you never need to rely on gyms, diet fads, or anyone else’s schedule ever again.

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Coach Adam aka TRX Traveller with fitness freedom athletes

About Coach Adam

Hello, my friend... It's my passion to help you build lean strength and transform your body from home using just a TRX suspension trainer or resistance band and Evergreen Nutrition Optimisation. I call it Fitness Freedom!

I spent 8+ years as a personal trainer hating the ego-driven gym culture. Every day I saw clients like you struggle to make sessions, feel intimidated by the environment, and regard the gym as a chore NOT enjoyment. Because of this, their results were limited. But they believed there was no other way. So in 2016, I setup Fitness Freedom Athletes. To teach you how to build lean strength from home... so you never need to rely on gyms, diet fads, or anyone else's schedule ever again.

Read my story here

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