What if you only needed to do 3 things in each of your TRX suspension trainer workouts to totally transform your body…
– Better movement patterns.
– Increased functional strength.
– HUGE reduction in aches and and pains.
– And a higher lean muscle mass% for health and longevity.
It’s impossible to share the complete step by step technique in a post, but I can get you started on the right path….
Add Lean Muscle #1: Range of Motion
A full range of motion is how you take a muscle from its fully stretched (lengthened) position right through to its contracted (shortened) position.
Imagine your muscle as a canvas to be painted.
Performing a full range of motion is painting across the entire canvas to create a masterpiece.
Not doing a full range of motion means you leave white space at the edges of the canvas.
It’s an incomplete and underdeveloped masterpiece.
The same happens with your muscles.
Depending on how bad the technique is performed, will depend on how much muscle is left underdeveloped.
This is how muscle imbalances occur that throw your whole body off.
Slow down and ensure you are doing a full range of movement for each exercise.
Add Lean Muscle #2: Negative
Controlling the negative (lowering part of an exercise) is one strength phase of a muscles.
There a 3 strength phases.
Don’t let gravity take over and just drop with each TRX suspension trainer exercise.
Giving up and taking it easy on the lowering phase mean you don’t challenge 33% of your muscles strength capability.
That’s huge!
That’s 33% of a muscles growth potential un-used.
Lower yourself slowly against gravity and resist it.
Keep a constant squeeze not the muscle, do not relax…
Add Lean Muscle #3: Tension
Or if you know me well… ‘The Squeeze!’
(The FFA community joke about ‘squeeze face’)
You must maintain constant tension on your muscle through the whole set.
Throughout every suspension training rep.
Place your mind inside your muscle to powerfully squeeze it, constantly.
Just mindlessly going through the motions of an exercise is a waste of time.
Make the exercise harder by connecting your mind to your muscle.
Not only will you develop better lean muscle mass…
But you will increase neurological pathways around your muscles so you can control them better.
Can you tell this topic gets me excited?
I’m always looking for the #1 techniques that lead to better and faster body transformations.
You can ‘just do a workout’ and see limited results.
Or you can see your workouts as chance to connect with your body…
And turn it into a high performance machine to support your busy lifestyle.
This Stuff Makes a BIG Difference,
Coach Adam
P.S: As you know, I ran through these 3 techniques at lightning speed in this post. That’s just a nature of this beast.
If you’d like to hit the ground running and start building lean muscle and functional strength with your suspension trainer right now, take my ‘Body Transformation Quiz’…
You’ll discover the right Program for you goal and level, try the workouts, learn from the ‘muscle-centric’ exercise technique teaching, follow the ‘Lean Lifestyle’ nutrition guidance. And if you don’t transform your body, just email me for a full refund. No questions asked.
Get Your FREE Copy Of My ‘7 Skills To Build Muscle With A Suspension Trainer Handbook!’
Apply These 7 Skills Right Now In All Your Workouts To Build Lean Muscle and Burn Fat, FAST! Downloaded 70,000+ times!